
05【5行エッセイ】ハーバード式英語学習法 My Favorite TV Program(私の好きなテレビ番組)



  1. 読む・聞く・話す・書くの4つのスキルをバランスよく鍛える。

  2. 実際のコンテンツ(ニュース記事、映画、音楽、本など)を使って学習する。

  3. 文脈を理解しながら学習することで、単語や表現を記憶に定着させる。

  4. 自分の興味や目的に合った英語学習を行う。

In conclusion:

I like watching variety shows on TV.


For the first reason:

I can enjoy a variety of entertainment.


Supporting point 1: Variety shows are part of Japan's TV culture.
Supporting point 2: Providing fun and healing to many people.

For the second reason:

They give us interesting information about celebrities, their stories, and their backstories.


Supporting point 1: It provides viewers with information that they can relate to on familiar themes.
Supporting point 2: The hosts' humor and talking skills are also part of the show's appeal.

For the third reason:

Japan variety shows are broadcasted all over the world.


Supporting point 1: It's just as popular as TV dramas.
Supporting point 2: There is no doubt that it will help you learn Japanese.

In conclusion:

It's fun to watch variety shows.


It's almost native but with a few mistakes: 

I like watching the variety shows on TV.
Japan variety shows are |broadcast《broadcasted》 all over the world.
It's fun to watch the variety shows.

