
A new age arrives. 新しい時代が到来します。

It has been a very difficult period for several years. Now we come to major change. Let us think what this new age could be.


After the completely fraudulent election, retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney says Army special forces, had seized a computer server in Frankfurt Germany on a US military base. It was used by the CIA to modify election results in America. In a firefight, the Army suffered 5 dead and the CIA one dead.


The 305 Military Intelligence Battalion based at Fort Huachuca Arizona observed election data flowing to the Dominion server in Germany from many states in America, where it was altered and sent back.



There are many who say this map shows the true election results on November 3rd before being altered by the CIA.


This is first definite action on the part of the military to support Trump, and could be the start of hot civil war


The chaos in America for the last 4 years can be described as a “cold” civil war. Two sides fighting through political maneuver, the Left attempting to destroy the Right. The rioting across America is gradually bring us into a “hot” civil war, where violence occurs.


A new phase has begun near Detroit where a Trump supporter’s house was bombed.



But Trump has military backing

This is a first in American history, that the military has taken such a forceful role in an American election. The CIA military unit has been
placed under the control of the Department of Defense.



Some officers in the Marines, Army and Navy are very anti Trump, the Air Force, Space Command, and Special forces are very pro Trump, the majority of Enlisted personnel are very pro Trump


It is not certain what the results of the court cases being conducted by the Trump administration will be. What is certain is that massive civil war will result if Joseph Biden becomes President, he has little support among the populace. This civil war will destroy American urban cities, virtually all of them.


It is also certain that the military will not like a Biden administration, the possibility of the military arresting Biden if he tries to claim the Presidency and usher in Left wing revolution is very possible.


The actions of the US military are essential for America’s future. Military participation will make it impossible for a Biden administration to establish a Communist America.


In Japan, what can we do to help? We must strengthen our own military, to preserve peace in Asia, this is the best help we can give America.

