
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -|Study by Image Creator powered by DALL E 3

Hi, this is Mats.
Dear Art Aficionado,

It is with great pleasure that I extend to you an invitation to the premier unveiling of "Wisteria Flowers - The Season of Incarnation -".

Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -

This striking piece, brought to life through DALL E 3's oil painting emulation, showcases a tranquil study room leading to a blossoming wisteria garden, embodying the artist's flair for immortalizing the essence of tranquility and the understated grace of the quotidian.

Join us at the virtual exhibition on Facebook's GIF animation platform for this unique event.


Anticipating the joy of your company at "the gallery" on matsunoya_note #note, where we will revel in the artistry together.

Warmest regards,

Wisteria flowers
- The season of incarnation -

■ GIF animation (1/2) from facebook.com/Yukiho.Takizawa


60 beautiful images. GIF animation (1/2) work No. 001 - 32 matsunoya_note #note Wisteria flowers - The season of...

Posted by 滝沢幸穂 on Tuesday, April 16, 2024

■ GIF animation (2/2) from facebook.com/Yukiho.Takizawa


60 beautiful images. GIF animation (2/2) work No. 033 - 64 matsunoya_note #note Wisteria flowers - The season of...

Posted by 滝沢幸穂 on Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -

Powered by Ruwix.com Sliding 15 Tiles Puzzle
Enjoy it!

Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -


How was it?

I hope these images give you the motivation to go about your daily life.

See you soon.

Thank you for reading until the end.
Support leads to further production.

Your best friend


PS: Top 5 of my favorites

Which image do you prefer?

(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ 🫅5 >>>   Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation - work No. 23
(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ 🫅4 >>>   Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation - work No. 13
   (⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ 🫅3 >>>   Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation - work No. 53
(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ 🫅2 >>>   Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation - work No. 39
(⋈◍>◡<◍)。✧♡ 🫅1 >>>   Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation - work No. 38
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation - Creator: Yukiho Takizawa Tool: Image Creator


Do you perceive the distinction between the imagery of the first four works and the subsequent fifty-four?
In this instance, I altered the prompt to refine the images.

Upon repeated viewing, the initial sense of alienation from the former's oddity gradually dissipates, revealing an endearing charm within each piece.

They evoke the myriad deities of ancient lore, as if the spirit of the wisteria god has descended upon us, creating an otherworldly aura.
Stepping forward, I find myself on the precipice of the 'uncanny valley,' sensing the divine presence that lingers in the mist, slowly descending upon the mundane.

Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
X @Mats_blnt_pharm, 22 April 2024

And how is this?
I altered the prompt to refine the images, paying tribute to the great painter.

Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -

The depiction of this light is stunning.

beautiful images. GIF animation matsunoya_note #note Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -|Study by Image Creator powered by DALL E 3 https://note.com/matsunoya_note/n/n99f9c37df051

Posted by 滝沢幸穂 on Thursday, May 30, 2024


Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -
Wisteria flowers - The season of incarnation -

Please also check this out if you like.

This magazine "PROMPTS! PROMPTS!" features Matsunoya's unique perspective on prompt input to generation AI and content of output results.


          Yukiho Takizawa, PhD

CONTACT: mail to info_01.matsunoya@vesta.ocn.ne.jp


This is a magazine that summarizes daily miscellaneous articles in clips.
🖇 matsunoya diary 🖇

matsunoya diary|matsunoya|note


The Panther does whatever he wants.

The Panther does whatever he wants. Make a White Day card with paper craft | Powered by DALL E 3, Microsoft Designer, Image Creator|matsunoya_note #note https://note.com/matsunoya_note/n/ne1dc0b46f4b0

Posted by 滝沢幸穂 on Sunday, February 18, 2024

Thank you very much for checking until the end.
Your support will encourage my creativity.

Thank you very much.





¥ 500


医療、健康分野のリカレント教育における「最強コンテンツ」を note で誰でもいつでも学習できる、 https://note.com/matsunoya_note はそんな場にしたい。あなたのサポートがあれば、それは可能です。サポート感謝します!松廼屋 matsunoya