

Struggle of Cluster Headaches

I still have an uncomfortable feeling behind my right eye. The nausea has eased up a bit, but it's still there. There are two typhoons near Japan, and the larger of the two is supposed to pass through Tokyo. I felt a tightness in my head, and nausea was also said to occur for those who get motion sickness. I felt like I was being rocked over and over by a car on a mountain road, or like I was slowly getting seasick on a huge ferry. It's not a full-blown headache, but I have to watch out for triggers such as alcohol (including small amounts of alcohol used in cooking) and cocoa in chocolate and cocoa. I'm also sensitive to sound, which is a bit of a pain right now with all the helicopters flying around due to the Tokyo Olympics. Loud rock like Motörhead and noise rock like Big Black are pleasant to my ears, but I have a hard time with noise in the city and in my living environment. I've been going to an outpatient headache clinic for a few years now and have been prescribed a very effective painkiller. The number of pills prescribed per visit is limited; five used to be the usual dosage, but now they give me ten pills per visit. They also prescribe a headache antagonist to relieve the onset of headaches, but I personally don't feel that it is effective. The painkillers work well and are very useful. I don't think they are available over the counter. The pain of cluster headaches is supposed to be on a scale of 1-10, but in my case, when I enter a cluster headache period, the pain is always on a scale of 9-10, which is quite painful. For example, I get a burning pain in the back of my right eye that lasts for several hours on a regular basis. With the pain, tears flow spontaneously. The pain is so bad that I can no longer do my daily life, so I have no choice but to take the prescribed painkillers and lie down to rest. I've been dealing with cluster headaches for the past few years at a pace of about one or two periods a year, but for some reason I haven't had a single headache period yet this year. It is triggered during the rainy season, when typhoons approach, and when the seasons change, but I haven't had one yet. So I hope this typhoon will pass safely and I'll be back to normal.

My Top 10 Big Black Songs

My Top 10 Motörhead Songs

