
OLD Articles

On Spring 2023 after about a year from my restart learning, the output of Short Writings …


Short Writing (7): See you.

This note is all in English. This is my own one of the results that are written for stu…

Short Writing (6): Telling one of my favorite book

This note is all in English. This is my own one of the results that are written for stu…

Short Writing (5): I consider a problem.

This note is all in English. This is my own one of the results that are written for stu…

Short Writing (4): I think about AI.

This note is all in English. This is my own one of the results that are written for stu…

Short Writing (3): I think about learning.

This note is all in English. This is my own one of the results that are written for stu…

Short Writing (2): I found in the learning.

This note is all in English. This is my own one of the results that are written for stu…

Short Writing (1): "The Ninja"

This note is all English. This is my own one of results that is written for studying English. The one is the first result of short writing, I wrote it today. I'm glad if you might be to get some hint for studying by this note. The Ninja

Masa's define: The already, yet, and still (OLD version)

This OLD version note is for me. I posted the redefined version of them in Japanese. The…