
共依存とはどんな状態か? What is codependence?


  1. 健全な関係の崩壊: 共依存の関係は、お互いの健全な成長や自立を妨げることがあり、長期的には関係性が破綻する可能性があります。

  2. 自己肯定感の低下: 共依存の人は、他人の承認や評価に過度に依存し、自己肯定感が低くなる傾向があります。自己価値を他人の評価に基づいて捉えることが多く、自分自身を大切にできなくなることがあります。

  3. 境界のぼやけ: 共依存の人は、自分と他人の境界がぼやけてしまうことがあります。自分のニーズや感情を適切に表現することが難しくなり、他人の欲求を優先してしまうことが多いです。

  4. 感情的な疲れとストレス: 共依存の人は、他人の感情や問題に過度に関与し、自分のエネルギーや感情を消耗することがあります。これにより、ストレスや疲れが増加することがあります。

  5. 自己成長の制約: 共依存の関係では、自己成長や個人的な目標の達成が妨げられることがあります。他人のニーズに注力するため余裕がなくなり、自分の可能性を最大限に引き出すことが難しくなる場合があります。


Codependence is a condition in which one person is overly dependent on the feelings and needs of the other, resulting in the breakdown of a healthy relationship and a low self-esteem.

Codependent relationships often involve supporting another at the expense of self and neglecting one's own needs and feelings. Codependence involves several problems

  1. Disruption of a healthy relationship: Codependent relationships can interfere with each other's healthy growth and independence and can lead to relationship breakdown in the long run.

  2. Low self-esteem: Codependents tend to have a low sense of self-esteem due to an over-reliance on the approval and evaluation of others. They often base their self-worth on others' evaluations and may not value themselves as much.

  3. Blurred Boundaries: Codependents may experience blurred boundaries between themselves and others. They have difficulty expressing their own needs and feelings appropriately and often put the needs of others ahead of their own.

  4. Emotional exhaustion and stress: Codependents may become overly involved in the feelings and problems of others, draining their own energy and emotions. This can lead to increased stress and fatigue.

  5. Limitations on personal growth: Codependent relationships can hinder personal growth and the achievement of personal goals. It can be difficult to maximize one's potential because there is less room to focus on the needs of others.

Resolving these issues requires improving healthy communication skills, strengthening self-esteem, and recognizing one's own needs and boundaries. Receiving professional support is also an effective way to help.
