アルバニアの共産主義の悪夢 その2(Albania’s Nightmare of Communism)

その1: https://note.com/margraita/n/n1f3e20ccadf0

The article authored and material collected by High Priest Mageson 666


Red Holocaust


Dead among the living

Dead among the living(生きている者の中の死者)

by Afrim Imaj

Afrim Imaj著

Though shocking, this is true: A resident from Vlora discovers his brother’s body after thirty years, bearing the same visage as he did the day they parted.


The central character of this extraordinary narration is seventy-year-old Lavdosh Mersini, from Çeprat of Laberia in Albania. Lavdosh, after many painful attempts to find the remains of his brother, who was executed by a phony communist court, was able to locate them in the anatomy room of Tirana Medical Facility. Just as Lavdosh began to lose hope of ever finding his brother’s remains, when every effort seemed wasted, pure chance would grant him unexpected success. His legs took him to where Luan’s body resided, appearing as he did when he was twenty-five years old.

この驚くべき語りの中心人物は、アルバニアのラベリアのÇeprat出身の70歳のLavdosh Mersiniである。Lavdoshは、偽りの共産主義法廷によって処刑された兄の遺骨を探すため、何度も苦心した末に、ティラナ医療施設の解剖室で遺骨の所在を突き止めることができたのである。Lavdoshが兄の遺骨を見つける希望を失い始めた頃、どんな努力も無駄に思えるほど、純粋な偶然が彼に思いがけない成功をもたらすことになる。Luanの遺体は、25歳の頃の姿のまま、彼の脚で運ばれてきたのだ。

“At first I couldn’t believe my eyes,” said Lavdosh. “It seemed like a dream; like something from those ancient ballads. I had to restrain myself. It was not easy. I stretched my neck and looked him straight in the eye. It was him. Yes, Luan! His eyes longed to tell me something; they were the only things that could talk; everything else, from his head to his feet, was frozen and ice-like. Only his eyesight offered life, warmth, and memories. They were weary and looked far into the horizon, reminiscent of the days when he was in jail, asking about his mother, Hairie. I took my first steps toward him. Was I drawing close to my brother, or close to a ghost? I stretched out to embrace and kiss him, a brother yearning to embrace a brother. He looked young, very young, identical to the day we parted 30 years ago. It was Luan, just the way he had looked that very day, with the same eyes, dark eyebrows, forehead, and full-sized, straight body. Only his hair had been trimmed. A bullet hole on the edge of his nose was mute testimony of the brutal actions of those who had decided his tragic end. He was in formalin, a lot of formalin, which kept his well-built body intact.”


Lavdosh had to restrain himself, to rise above his painful shock. He had to bring Luan back home, to remote Çeprat, to be among his brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, friends, and acquaintances, who would rejoice. But first there would be the journey: long, tiring, and deeply moving…


After you have knocked on the door of her apartment somewhere on the outskirts of Durrës city, Lavdosh’s sister, Burbuqe, relates an account that sends chills down the spine. She says: “Luan, like Kostandin (1), came back after thirty years. Have you heard the legend of Kostandin? Indeed you have, and I too, though I don’t think you have experienced it. I don’t know who else had that destiny. Luan’s return after thirty years was like that of Kostandin. Yes, yes! While I kissed him, cold though he was, I recalled the ancient legend. The legend of the long wait for the knight leaping over whole mountains to fulfill a promise he had made to his mother. Though Luan had died, he had not perished, and did not have a grave – just like Kostandin! But Luan was not really like Kostandin, because he did not meet his mournful mother, and did not see her fade away, grief-stricken over him…”


She has to force herself to hold back her grief, to stop the tears rolling down her cheeks. Her husband, familiar with the situation, continues the conversation to give her time to compose herself. He begins, “The communists arrested Luan for refusing to collaborate with State Security. They trumped up a case against him – abuse of public funds – during the construction of social and cultural works in the agriculture cooperative. They fixed a shortfall of public funds amounting to 50,000 leks so they could execute him at night with a firearm.” The husband falls silent, allowing Burbuqe to resume the conversation. He takes out a pile of papers, discolored by the long, somber passage of time. The papers feature the court’s verdict.


The sister of the young martyr goes on thoughtfully, “All of a sudden, they took him from the village where he worked, unjustly handcuffed, and transported him to the prison cells in Vlora. On the way there he met his brother, and confidently handed him the watch for safekeeping. Afterwards we could see him only with the approval of the interrogator. His courage never let him down. He never begged for mercy. The only thing he asked for was cigarettes. His only concern was Mother, who was his first and final worry. He remained that way until October 24, 1968, the day the communists executed him.” That was all Burbuqe could say. However, she was certain that her older brother, Lavdosh, knew more. He still lived at the same address, the place where Luan became separated from his heartbroken mother so many years before.


Thirty years after his brother’s execution, Lavdosh Mersini still sees the image of Luan making a brave stand against the communist court. “Luan asked the communist judge to look him straight in the eye,” says Lavdosh. Each time he tries to visualize his brother’s image he remembers Luan fearlessly challenging the false accusations of the State Security people. It is this memory that initiates the conversation…

兄の処刑から30年経った今でも、Lavdosh Mersiniさんは、共産党の法廷に勇敢に立ち向かうLuanの姿を見ている。「Luanは共産主義者の裁判官に、自分の目をまっすぐに見るように頼んだんだ」とLavdoshは言う。兄の姿を思い浮かべようとするたびに、彼はLuanが国家保安部の冤罪に恐れず挑戦している姿を思い出すのです。この思い出が、会話のきっかけとなる…

“After the secret investigations, they took him to court and accused him of misuse of public funds,” says Lavdosh. “They rounded up an amount of 50,000 leks in the offices of the State Security. They served it and legalized it in court through the prosecutor, Sotir Spiro, and the judge, Irakli Bozgo. According to them, Luan had inflicted economic damage on the state, an act that would cost him his life. At the time, no one thought it would result in a deadly decision. What’s more, witnesses summoned to the court strongly opposed the accusation. The first person who opposed the charge was the key witness, the chairman of the agricultural cooperative of Mavrova, Telo Dana. He disputed all the evidence used by the interrogator and spoke courageously about Luan’s good manners. This backlash enraged the communist judge, who arrogantly ousted the main witness from the courtroom. The same thing happened to the next witness, Maliq Hoxha, controller of the cooperative. They ignored his testimony by forcing him out. At that moment, with a powerful and fiery look, Luan rose to his feet on the podium. ‘Don’t put pressure on innocent people!’ he said. ‘Cut it short! Do what you have decided to do! I will face you to the end; I will boldly prove your lies. You don’t possess valor. You don’t have the courage to look me straight in the eye; you work behind the scenes, in the dark, with lies and false accusations.’ Luan, in shackles, wanted to continue, but his speech was cut short by the voice of the prosecutor. ‘You will get paid for it by bullet, Luan Mersini! You will be rewarded by hanging.”

「秘密捜査の後、彼らは公金不正使用で彼を裁判にかけた」とLavdoshは言う。「彼らは国家保安部の事務所で5万レクを集めました。彼らは、検察官のSotir Spiroと裁判官のIrakli Bozgoを通じて、それを法廷に送達し、合法化したのだ。彼らによると、Luanは国家に経済的損害を与えたのであり、その行為は彼の命を奪うことになります。当時は、それが命取りになるとは誰も思っていませんでした。しかも、法廷に召喚された証人たちが、この告発に強く反対したのだ。最初に告発に反対したのは、重要参考人であるMavrovaの農業協同組合の会長、Telo Dana氏であった。彼は、取調官が使った証拠にすべて異議を唱え、Luanの行儀の良さについて勇気ある発言をしました。この反発で共産党の裁判官は激怒し、主な証人を法廷から追い出すという傲慢な態度をとった。次の証人、協同組合の管理者のMaliq Hoxhaさんも同じだった。彼の証言は無視され、強制的に退場させられた。その時、Luanは力強く、燃えるような表情で演壇に立ちあがった。『罪のない人にプレッシャーをかけるな!』と言われました。『早く切り上げろ!決めたことをやりなさい!私は最後まであなたと向き合い、あなたの嘘を大胆に証明してみせます。お前には勇気がない。お前は私の目をまっすぐ見る勇気もない、嘘と言いがかりで陰で暗躍しているのだ。』手錠につながれたLuanは話を続けようとしたが、検事の声で言葉を遮られた。『銃弾で償うのだ、Luan Mersini!。お前は絞首刑で報われるのだ。』」

This is all he can recall from his brother’s trial in Pasha’s house, in the Vlora town center. What would come later was obvious at that time. Luan’s fate was predetermined.


The first to receive the grave news was the eldest brother, Bardhyl. He recalls, “When we took his winter clothes to prison, we were told he had been executed.” It was a cold October day in 1968, when, on his mother’s request, Bardhyl left the house to take food and winter clothing to his brother in the Vlora prison. As he was knocking at the prison door to explain his reason for being there, the officer on duty told him the dreadful news. “Don’t you yet know Luan has been executed?” He heard enough to feel weak in his knees.


“I fell on the floor, out cold, and could not remember who brought me back to my feet,” says Bardhyl. “I remember how they splashed water onto my face and made me regain consciousness, and the kicks of the officer on the bag filled with clothes and food, which were spread everywhere under his small window. At that moment I thought of our mother. How would I tell her? I left for the village in a state of confusion. I had to hold back my tears. It had been Luan’s wish during our last meeting not to shed tears for him. It appeared that he had foreseen his tragedy.”


Beyond this act of communist barbarism, Bardhyl Mersini wants to evoke and to give respect to the virtuous life of his brother. Caught in his memory is impish Luan who graduated high school with first-class honors, but “bad biography.” He was the son of a kulak, and an obstructionist policy was used to prevent him from attending the university. Heart-to-heart talks about movies and sports with Luan are still very vivid memories to Bardhyl.

この共産主義者の蛮行を越えて、Bardhyl Mersiniは兄の高潔な人生を呼び起こし、敬意を表したいのだ。彼の記憶に残っているのは、高校を首席で卒業したものの、『悪しき伝記』を残した生意気なLuanです。彼はクラークの息子であり、大学への進学を妨害する政策がとられた。Luanと映画やスポーツについて心を通わせた話は、Bardhylにとって今でも鮮明な思い出である。

Bardhyl says, “Unique was Luan’s interest in having his hair western style, dressing nicely, and wearing fashionable ties. Right after graduation he started life in a hurry. He rolled up his sleeves and worked ten to twelve hours a day in construction. ‘We have to be ahead of others,’ he used to say to us. After work he had another personality. He washed, dressed, and went to Vlora, mostly when there was a soccer match. Movies were his passion. He knew almost all famous actors, and tried to make other young people like them. He was lively and active in his social life, open for help to anyone who knew him. In a few years after school, he was admired by all, a fact that caught the eye of the State Security. They wanted to benefit from his sociability, and used his political “defect”, son of a kulak, to put pressure on him. They asked for his collaboration to obtain information about groups in Vlora that were interested in fleeing the country. Though he understood the consequences, he strongly opposed collaboration. He told us, State Security would not easily forget his denial. It was for that reason why the fatal drama took its toll…”


Burbuqe’s husband details another aspect of Luan’s life, something he will never forget. He recalls, “Mother Hairie refused to give Luan’s suit to the police. The security men came accompanied by a dozen police officers. They searched every inch of the house to find and take all his belongings, from books, notebooks, papers, clothes, to nightwear. When they got hold of his new suit, custom made that year for his wedding, mother Hairie stormed upon them. ‘You may take my life but not the suit of my son,’ she said, and grabbed it from their hands. The police frowned for a moment; but, convinced she would not let it go, they left. She kept the suit by her bed stand until the day she died.”


Mother Hairie lived for only a couple of days after Luan’s execution. She died at fifty-five years old, with profound agony that she would never know where her son’s remains rested.


According to a former employee of the forensic medical lab, a woman who did not wish to be identified, “They embalmed the body of the young man from Vlora at night.” She had tried since then to deliver the news to Luan’s family. Lavdosh confirms this fact. He got the message from an acquaintance of hers in Vlora, while he was searching for his brother’s remains in Soda Forest, Mezini Well, Olive Plantlet Plantation, Old Beach, and many other places. Her story, connected through work with the cadaver forensic hospital laboratory, does not end here. Something very unusual about this case rooted in her memory. Everything is related to the moment of arrival of Luan’s lifeless body.


She remembers, “It was somewhere in the end of 1968. I remember it well because the anatomy faculty was badly in need of cadavers. Following an order from a high ranking communist authority, a group of experts was created in haste with three to four medical doctors and state investigators to search some local prisons. Their prey was primarily from the contingents of political prisoners. One day, early in the morning, the expedition had just arrived from the city of Vlora. I heard one specialist informing the person in charge that in Vlora they had scented prey, “first-rate material”, for which they had agreed with the Department of the Interior Ministry to make it part of the laboratory. Furthermore, I learned it was about a young man, twenty-five years old. In the evening of the next day, they informed us that the body was brought in. By coincidence, I saw him the moment they took the body out of the truck. He was a handsome young man with a muscular body. The people who processed him said it was one of the rare cases which would last for a long time in the lab. When I saw the paperwork that came with him, I found the way to send, indirectly, word to his family.”


One dead among the living.


The following is what happened to twenty-five-year-old Luan Mersini from Çeprat of Vlora.

VloraのÇepratに住む25歳のLuan Mersiniに起こったことは次のようなことだった。

They shot him at night, and immediately transported his body to Tirana, the capital. For many hours, and in complete secrecy, medical doctors worked on it. After they embalmed him they placed him in the anatomy lab of Tirana Medical Facility with just basic paperwork. The next day he was placed on the podium of the laboratory, and ever since he had silently ‘argued’ with the lab coats. Generations of physicians would practice on his body. The dead would coexist with the living for thirty years, until the day ‘the silent professor’ would abandon his ‘unwilling profession’ to return home.


Translated from The Albanian by Hilda M. Xhepa

Hilda M. Xhepa著『The Albanian』より翻訳

Unspeakable Crime


by Teuta Mema

Teuta Mema著

The Interrogation


Bedri Blloshmi, brother of the executed anti-Communist poet Vilson Blloshmi, recounts how he communicated with his brother by tapping a finger on the wall of a Librazhdi interrogation cell. Vilson told him that Kadri Azbiu himself, the Communist Minister of Internal Affairs, had grilled him in the interrogation cell in Tirana, the capital. After three months of cruel torture, Vilson’s left arm was paralyzed. During the night, plainclothes security officers kept him awake. With shackles cutting into his wrists, they forced him to stand on one foot, leaning against the wall. When he collapsed on the cold concrete floor from exhaustion, they raised him back on his foot, and persisted in asking the same question: “Will you accept the proposal of the minister to collaborate with the Albanian secret agents overseas?” Vilson said no; they started the brutal interrogation all over again.

処刑された反共産主義の詩人Vilson Blloshmiの弟、Bedri Blloshmiは、Librazhdiの取調室の壁を指で叩いて兄と連絡を取ったことを語る。Vilsonは、首都Tiranaの取調室で共産党内務大臣Kadri Azbiu本人が自分を尋問したことを話した。3カ月にわたる過酷な拷問の末、Vilsonさんの左腕は麻痺してしまった。夜間は、私服の警備員が彼を眠らせない。手首に手錠をかけられ、壁にもたれて片足で立たされた。その時、彼は疲れ果てて冷たいコンクリートの床に倒れこむと、彼らは彼を足で持ち上げて、同じ質問をしつこく繰り返した。「アルバニア秘密諜報員の海外派遣に協力するという大臣の提案を受け入れるか?」Vilsonは「ノー」と答えた。彼らは残忍な尋問を再び始めた。

The Trial


On June 7, 1977, outside the Librazhdi movie theatre, a horde of Communists kept screaming at the top of their voices, “Hang the reactionaries! Hang the reactionaries!” Inside, many police officers and numerous individuals carefully selected by State Security operatives applauded the unfamiliar faces that stepped in front of the head judge, Subi Sulçe, to read the false accusations prepared in the State Security offices. Isa Kopaçi, from the People’s Army and Todi Bardhi, chairman of the Agricultural Cooperative, read the false charges. The trial went on for six days. In all the proceedings, the judge held up expertise in the form of a written statement crafted by Diana Çuli, Koçi Petriti, and Myzafer Xhaxhiu and screamed: “This will put you to death!” On June 13, 1977, Vilson Blloshmi and Genc Leka were sentenced to death by firing squad. Bedri Blloshmi was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

1977年6月7日、Librazhdi映画館の外では、共産主義者の大群が声を限りに「反動者を吊るせ!反動者を吊るせ!」と叫び続けていた。内部では、多くの警察官と国家保安部の工作員によって慎重に選ばれた多数の人々が、国家保安部の事務所で準備された冤罪を読み上げるために、裁判官長のSubi Sulçeの前に踏み出した見慣れない顔に拍手喝采していた。人民軍のIsa Kopaçiと農業協同組合のTodi Bardhi議長が冤罪を読み上げた。裁判は6日間続いた。すべての手続きにおいて、裁判官はDiana Çuli、Koçi Petriti、Myzafer Xhaxhiuが作成した陳述書という形のノウハウを手に取り、こう叫んだ。「これでお前は死刑だ!」1977年6月13日、Vilson BlloshmiとGenc Lekaは、銃殺刑に処された。Bedri Blloshmiは、25年の懲役を言い渡されました。

Expertise (1)


Selim Caka, head of the Communist Interrogation Department in the city of Librazhdi, asked the editor of the newspaper Drita [Light], Diana Çuli, to look into the content of the poems written by Genc Leka. Diana Çuli responded to the request by expressing her expert opinion in a written statement on November 19, 1976. She wrote: “Genc Leka, the author of the poems, is marked with an ideological shake-up. In his poems is sensed a pessimistic spirit; the author does not seem happy, and tries to find happiness somewhere else. Behind the symbols he uses is revealed the desire to stay away from our socialist reality.”

Librazhdi市の共産主義者尋問部の部長Selim Cakaは、新聞Drita[光]の編集者Diana Çuliに、Genc Lekaが書いた詩の内容を調べるよう依頼しました。Diana Çuliはこの要請に対し、1976年11月19日付の文書で専門家としての意見を述べた。彼女はこう書いている。「詩の作者であるGenc Lekaは、イデオロギーの揺らぎを特徴としている。彼の詩には悲観的な精神が感じられる。作者は幸せそうに見えず、どこか別のところに幸せを見出そうとする。彼が使用するシンボルの背後には、社会主義の現実から離れたいという願望が見え隠れしている。」



Its veil slowly took off the yellow fall.
With frost and blizzard will winter start
Yet birds; in here you endure all,
None can from native land take you apart.


—Genc Leka

ーGenc Leka作

After examining “Sparrows” in great detail in order to discover more about it, expert Diana Çuli writes: “Genc Leka uses irony. Our socialist reality looks miserable to him. Sparrows are personified like unfortunate creatures. It is a reactionary poem.”

『スズメ』をより深く知るために詳細に検証した専門家Diana Çuliは、こう書いている。「Genc Lekaは皮肉を使っています。私たちの社会主義の現実は、彼には惨めに見える。スズメは不幸な生き物のように擬人化されている。これは反動的な詩である。」

Expertise (2)


“On January 1, 1977, in Librazhdi, I, the interrogator of Interior Ministry, Lulo Ymeri, after studying the material about the criminal case number 56, realized that the defendant, Vilson Blloshmi, has written a poem entitled ‘Sahara.’ In order to determine the content of the poem, I decided to ask expert Koçi Petriti, literature teacher at Librazhdi High School, to get to the bottom of the following question: What is the real meaning of the poem, ‘Sahara?’ To answer my question, the poem ‘Sahara’ was made available to him.”

「1977年1月1日、Librazhdiで、私、内務省の尋問官Lulo Ymeriは、刑事事件番号56に関する資料を調べた後、被告人Vilson Blloshmiが『Sahara』という題の詩を書いていることに気づきました。この詩の内容を明らかにするために、専門家であるLibrazhdi高校の文学教師、Koçi Petriti氏に次のような疑問をぶつけてみることにした。『Sahara』という詩の本当の意味は何なのか?私の質問に答えるために、『Sahara』という詩が公開された。


Sahara, away is Sahara far,
Sahara of rocks, stones and sand
Only her name befriended by
Having no vision, has no plants.


Sahara has no dreams in mind.
Only stones grind inside her head…
Sahara can’t even a song find,
No tears to weep for all her dead.


Sahara in world has no friends,
Sahara has no children to fret
Sahara is a piece of land,
Quarrels all night, the news has spread.


Night in Sahara hates to fall,
It can’t stand its stony mat;
There is no love, or chat, or soul;
Her black veil has nothing to wrap.


No one knows why earth was swayed
This injury on its back to hold,
On purpose created was, they state
To make it a curse to nations all.


When of her, he awfully speaks;
Sahara eavesdrops and snorts;
Sahara feels being so pleased
When among us we curses drop.


And when sunbeam timidly lies
On mossless stones reflecting bright;
Like a veil looks shrouded sky,
To desert lightning with burning light.


Therefore when deep and fiery hatred
Blasting, abusing, someone befalls,
Looms memory intoxicated
For help Sahara promptly it calls.


When evil curse its rage exhausts,
Away in time memory fades…
When rising sun thaws piercing frost
Forlorn wasteland feels desolate.

時の彼方へ 記憶は薄れてゆく

— Vilson Blloshmi

Vilson Blloshmi作

“It is a hermetic poem; it explicitly has a depressing substance and gloomy figuration. It is a symbolic poem, and here and there turns into allegory, which speaks of one thing or action to be understood as representing another thing or action and symbolically expressing a deeper political meaning. Within the allegory, a different idea is hidden. This hermetic poem is a result of the influence of decadent literary movements, such as symbolism. Symptoms of dark figurations were criticized by the IV Plenum of Central Committee of the Communist Party. Comrade Enver Hoxha in this Plenum, said, among other things, ‘In recent poetry is manifested a tendency to use gloomy figuration which is in conflict with the Albanian tradition of unambiguous poetry. A few young poets have started to adapt in their poems the hermetic style. This is utterly alien to our literature…’ (Report of IV Plenum, p. 20)


What is the real meaning of this hermetic and symbolic poem?


In order to understand the poem as a whole we need to shed light on the symbols ‘Sahara and night.’

この詩を全体として理解するためには、『Sahara and night』というシンボルに光を当てる必要があります。

This poem is not a natural scene, i.e., a mere description of the African desert. If so, it would contain details of a desert, whereas here only the sand and the name of the desert are revealed.


Second, the main meaning of desert, a vast area of land, is shrunk by the line, ‘Sahara is a piece of land.’


Third and most significantly, it makes no sense for someone to write a poem about an unknown land which is out of his sphere of observation. This fascination in geography, if supposed to be so or alleged to, is absurd and discreet.


Fourth, if it is a mere panorama of the desert then there is no motive to indicate that the desert rises like a curse, created by mankind, to serve mankind. The poem unfolds the idea that mankind calls the memory of the desert when mankind needs to curse or hate, in the same way someone puts a curse on someone else, another country or the world by saying: May God make you desolate! Or turn you into a desert!

第四に、もしこれが単なる砂漠のパノラマであるならば、砂漠が呪いのように立ち上がり、人類に奉仕するために人類が作り出したものであることを示す動機がないことである。この詩は、人類が呪いや憎しみを必要とするとき、誰かが誰か、他の国や世界に呪いをかけるのと同じように、砂漠の記憶を呼び起こすという考えを展開している。神があなたを荒廃させてくださいますように! またはあなたを砂漠に変えますように!

So, if the poem is a real panorama of Sahara, it would come as a creation of nature and not as a creation of mankind, human society.


We understand the symbolism of the poem up to a certain point if we bear in mind the rationale of the author. What is his viewpoint for our socialist reality? Through what eyes does he picture our life? The discontent toward this reality makes him express regressive and nihilistic sentiments and ideas. The symbol ‘Sahara’ is addressed to a specific country other than the real desert of Sahara. If so, what remains for this country which has no friends or acquaintances, sons or daughters?


The symbol ‘Sahara’ is made clear up to a certain point in the line ‘Sahara is a piece of land,’ as well as with the details ‘rock…and stone’ and ‘Night can’t stand its stony mat,’ along with the lines ‘Sahara eavesdrops and snorts,’ ‘When of her he awfully speaks.’ It is possible that the word ‘he’ stands for mankind, or for those ‘friends and acquaintances’ that Sahara does not have.


The closest hint is for a small country, a piece of land in conflict with ‘friends and acquaintances’ that it does not have, and ‘with the night’ that it does not even get along well with. From the overall spirit of the poem intended by the author ‘this piece of land’ without friends and acquaintances, is a forlorn country encircled by hostility and damnation, and like an injury on the back of the earth, it serves mankind as a curse that comes out in moments of hatred.


What is ‘night’ in the poem? What does it symbolize? That ‘night’ is a symbol can be figured out from the details: ‘The news has spread that night quarrels with the desert,’ ‘Night in Sahara hates to fall,’ ‘It can’t stand its stony mat,’ ‘Her black veil has nothing to wrap,’ because in the desert that ‘Is a piece of land,’ ‘There is no love, or chat, or soul’; ‘No tears to weep for all her dead’, ‘Sahara can’t even a song find,’ ‘Sahara has no dreams in mind’, this piece of land etc…”


Therefore, ‘curse’ is the only thing left for this piece of land, which from hiding ‘intoxicated memory’ calls for.


The idea of the loneliness of the desert resurfaces throughout the poem and in its conclusion: ‘Forlorn wasteland feels desolate.’


Let’s go back to the symbol ‘night’ which is in conflict with the symbol of the desert. The desert, as the poem reveals, has two types of powers it does not get along with: its friends and acquaintances it does not have, and the night. Here ‘night’ is outside the sphere of friends and acquaintances that ‘desert’ does not have, which means night is a force within Sahara’s sphere and actually inside it like a black veil, which does not have anything to cover.


The symbol ‘night’ is to some extent confusing. If ‘night’ was a force that the author sympathizes with, it should have been within the range of ‘friends and acquaintances’ that ‘this piece of land’ does not have. So it remains a symbol of a power the author does not like, which for him is night. What might ‘night’ look like in our reality to the author? If the symbols stand to this interpretation, the poem is in an allusion (it is allegorically spoken, indirectly) to this ‘piece of land,’ ‘devastated,’ deserted, desolate, then, according to the author, life is a desert. Nothing is created there. ‘This piece of land’ feels delighted even when they use it as a curse. The poem has a pessimistic, nihilistic feeling. It denies everything related with human activity. Symbolism makes it allegorical, and gives its content a reactionary meaning.


The poem has several dark, contradictory and meaningless lines which, in fact, convey confusion, dissatisfaction for our reality and the author’s fear to express the ideas directly.


I do not believe the poem has an interpretation different from the symbol and allegory used, despite the fact that, here and there, the symbol is incomprehensible and erratic.”


January 20, 1977


Literary Expert
Koçi Petriti

Koçi Petriti

The Parliament


In November 2006, in one of the sessions of the Albanian Parliament, the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports of the democratic government of Albania, Bujar Leskaj, denounced the member of the Albanian Parliament, Diana Çuli, “A very successful book is recently published,” he said, “written by Sadik Bejko about Vilson Blloshmi and Genc Leka; two poets that Diana Çuli sent to the firing squad with her expertise.”

2006年11月、アルバニア議会のある会議で、アルバニア民主政府の文化・青年・スポーツ大臣のBujar Leskajは、アルバニア議会議員のDiana Çuliを糾弾した。「最近、非常に成功した本が出版されました。Sadik BejkoがVilson BlloshmiとGenc Lekaについて書いたもので、Diana Çuliが自分の専門知識を生かして銃殺にした二人の詩人です。」

Diana Çuli
“At that time, when I was only 25 years old, that was my judgement about literature.”

Diana Çuli

Execution and Tribute


At midnight of July 17, 1977, two anti-Communist poets, Genc Leka and Vilson Blloshmi, were executed by firing squad. Tied in shackles, a few kilometers away from Librazhdi in the area called Absconder’s Creek on the side of a shallow hole dug in haste, Communist terrorists fired bullets through the poets’ hearts, and covered the warm bodies with mud. They killed them because they wrote poems the Communist Party found objectionable. Their poems were classified by literature experts as reactionary, and the poets were considered enemies of the Party.

1977年7月17日深夜、2人の反共産主義詩人、Genc LekaとVilson Blloshmiが銃殺刑に処された。Librazhdiから数キロ離れたAbsconderの小川と呼ばれる地域で、急いで掘った浅い穴の脇に手錠で縛られ、共産主義者のテロリストが詩人たちの心臓を撃ち抜き、暖かい体を泥で覆いました。共産党が嫌がる詩を書いたから、彼らを殺したのだ。彼らの詩は文学の専門家から反動的と分類され、詩人たちは党の敵とみなされたのです。

In April 1994, with the decree of the President of the Republic, Sali Berisha, each poet was honored with the title, “Martyr of Democracy.” After the ceremony, the coffins were transported to the Librazhdi Cemetery. While the caskets were lowered into the ground, hundreds of mourners burst into applause, and some in the crowd shouted, “You were true heroes, heroes!”

1994年4月、Sali Berisha共和国大統領の勅令により、各詩人には『民主主義の殉教者』という称号が与えられました。式典の後、棺はLibrazhdi墓地に運ばれた。棺が地面に下ろされる間、何百人もの弔問客から拍手が沸き起こり、群衆の中には「あなたたちは真の英雄だ、英雄だ!」と叫ぶ人もいました。



On October 24, 2004, the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C., one of the most well-known cultural centers in the world, organized the educational seminar “Through Current Albania.” The expert, Diana Çuli, daughter of a well-known hard-liner Communist family in Albania, also herself a member of the Communist Party since she was a university student, at present a member of the Albanian Parliament representing the Social Democratic Party, a new variation of the former Communist Party, was invited and lectured about “The phases that Albanian literature has gone through and the changes it has undergone with accordance to the time.” At the end of the seminar the American coordinator complimented her on behalf of the Smithsonian Institute.

2004年10月24日、世界で最も有名な文化センターの一つであるワシントンDCのSmithsonian協会が、教育セミナー 『Through Current Albania』を開催しました。アルバニアの有名な強硬派共産主義者一家の娘で、自身も大学時代から共産党員であり、現在は旧共産党の新しいバリエーションである社会民主党の代表としてアルバニア国会議員を務めるディアナ・チュリ氏を招き、『アルバニア文学が経てきた段階と時代による変化』について講義を行いました。セミナーの最後に、アメリカのコーディネーターがSmithsonian協会を代表して、彼女を褒めた。

Translated from The Albanian by Hilda M. Xhep


A Heinous Crime


by Teuta Mema

Teuta Mema著

Lamtumirë, atdhe I dashtun,
Po të la, po zemërplasun…
Farewell, fatherland dear,
Yet I leave you in despair…

Lamtumirë, atdhe I dashtun,
Po të la, po zemërplasun…

In the criminal courtroom in the city of Kukësi in Albania, on June 24, 1988, the Communist judge, Agim Hoxha, read aloud the verdict: “Dictated by the interest of the Party in Kukësi district, and the spread of hostile activity in the region, the enemy of the Party and people, Havzi Nela, is sentenced to death. Therefore to serve to a better prevention of the enemy activity within the district, he will be executed by hanging.”

1988年6月24日、アルバニアのKukësi市の刑事法廷で、共産主義者のAgim Hoxha裁判長は、判決を読み上げた。「Kukësi地区における党の利益と、同地区における敵対的活動の広がりにより、党と人民の敵であるHavzi Nelaに死刑を宣告する。よって、地区内の敵対活動を阻止するため、絞首刑に処する。」

The poet Havzi Nela stood up proudly, and, addressing his final words to the Communist judge, Agim Hoxha and to the Communist prosecutor, Nikollaq Helmi, he said, “You only hastened the time of my departure. I ask for justice and not mercy from you.”

詩人Havzi Nelaは、誇らしげに立ち上がり、共産党裁判官Agim Hoxhaと共産党検察官Nikollaq Helmiに向かって、最後の言葉を述べた。「あなたは私の旅立ちを早めただけだ。私は、あなた方に正義を求めますが、慈悲は求めません」と彼は述べた。

Better from this world I depart
Better by worms I eaten be
Better become stone and mud
When the villain abuses me!


Better clod, field or meadow
Better grass, of grazing land,
Better I by not a soul be known
When the ruffian is on my head


– Havzi Nela

Havzi Nela作

On August 10, 1988, the anti-Communist poet was hung by a rope in the city he loved most.


At the stroke of midnight on August 10, 1988, Communist terrorists put a rope around the neck of the dissident poet and hung him in the main square of Kukësi. At dawn, in front of the bus travel agency, the lifeless body was seen swaying in the air. Many people saw him, and read the inscription on the piece of cardboard hanging around his neck. “Havzi Nela, enemy of the Party and people.” The words Party and people were written in red. The fifty-five-year-old Havzi Nela, wearing a thin, discolored, fully unbuttoned shirt, a pair of worn out cotton pants and a pair of rubber sandals (opinga), stared the terrified onlookers in the eye. There were dark and red scars on his face and hands. When a pregnant woman saw the corpse swinging from the rope, her unborn baby was aborted. Only the members of his family, living in the countryside of Kollovoz, were prohibited from seeing the poet exposed as an enemy of the people.

1988年8月10日午前0時、共産主義者のテロリストが、反体制詩人の首にロープをかけ、Kukësiの中央広場で吊るしたのだ。明け方、バス旅行社の前で、その生気のない体が宙に揺れているのが見えた。その姿を見た多くの人が、首から下げた段ボール片に書かれた文字を読んだ。『Havzi Nela、党と人民の敵』党と人民という文字が赤字で書かれていた。五十五歳のHavzi Nelaは、薄くて変色したボタンを完全にはずしたシャツと、すり切れた綿のズボン、ゴム製のサンダル(オピンガ)を身につけ、おびえる野次馬の目をじっと見つめた。顔や手には黒くて赤い傷跡があった。ロープに揺られる死体を見た妊婦は、生まれてくる子供を堕胎させた。Kollovozの田舎に住む彼の家族だけが、人民の敵としてさらされた詩人を見ることを禁じられた。

Havzi Nela’s lifeless body dangled from the rope for a long time. Then the uncovered body was shoved onto the trailer of a truck “Soviet Zis”. The truck then rolled throughout the city as a means to terrorize the residents.

Havzi Nelaの死体は長い間ロープにぶら下がっていた。そして、覆いのない死体は、トラック『Soviet Zis』のトレーラーに押し込まれた。そして、そのトラックは、住民を恐怖に陥れるために、市内を転々としていた。

When you’ll find out, I have departed
“May he rest in peace?” whilst say
Do you realize what I’ve suffered
I, the poet passion hearted?

「彼は安心して休むことができますか?」 と言いながら

– Havzi Nela

Havzi Nela作

Havzi Nela was hung because he dreamed, thought, and wrote differently than the preaching and the orders of the Communist Party, then the state party of Albania. His poems were classified as political crimes.

Havzi Nelaは、当時のアルバニアの国政政党であった共産党の説教や命令とは異なる夢を見、考え、書いたために絞首刑にされた。彼の詩は政治犯罪に分類された。

Who was the dissident poet?


Havzi Nela was born on February 24, 1934, in the village Kollovoz of the Kukësi district in Albania. He finished elementary and high school while living in extreme poverty. He took his schooling farther and began attending college in the city of Shkodra, where he was expelled as a destructive element because of his beliefs. After much difficulty, he found a job as a school teacher in the elementary school of Plan i Bardhë, a small village in the Mati district. He was also banished from this village because of suspicious activity

1934年2月24日、Havzi NelaはアルバニアのKukësiのKollovoz村に生まれる。極貧の生活を送りながら、小学校と高校を卒業した。彼はさらに進学し、Shkodra市の大学に通い始めたが、その信条が原因で破壊分子として退学に追い込まれた。苦労の末、彼はMati地区の小さな村、Plan i Bardhëの小学校に教師として就職した。この村でも不審な動きがあり、彼は追放された。

– reading some of his poems to his students. The poems were considered “repulsive” at the time. Later, he finished college in Shkodra through correspondence courses. He worked as a teacher in various villages such as Kruma, Lojma, and Shishtavec until 1967, the year he was transferred to Topojan. Topojan was where the most dramatic events for the poet and his family began.

ー 生徒たちに彼の詩の一部を読み聞かせる。当時、その詩は「反吐が出る」と言われた。その後、彼は通信教育でShkodraの大学を卒業した。1967年にTopojanに赴任するまで、Kruma、Lojma、Shishtavecなどさまざまな村で教師として働いていた。Topojanは、詩人とその家族にとって最も劇的な出来事が始まった場所である。

Havzi Nela considered what he was being put through: the endless verifications, being taken into custody many times, and limitations on the kind of work he could do and on where he could live. After reciting to his students the poem “Shko dallëndyshe!… Fly (Go) swallow!…” written by Filip Shiroka, Havzi Nela, with his wife, Lavdie, risked their lives by taking the road to cross the border to Kosova on April 26, 1967. While crossing the borderline, he wrote on a piece of paper, “Lamtumirë, atdhe i dashtun, po të la, po zemërplasun… Farewell, fatherland dear, yet I leave you in despair…” and placed it on a branch of a hazelnut tree for the murderous border guards to find.

Havzi Nelaは、自分が置かれている状況を考えてみた。終わりのない検証、何度も拘留されていること、そして彼ができる仕事の種類と彼が住むことができる場所の制限。Filip Shirokaの詩「Shko dallëndyshe!... Fly (Go) swallow!..」を生徒に朗読した後、Havzi Nelaは妻のLavdieとともに、1967年4月26日に命をかけてKosovaへの国境を越える道を歩んだのです。国境線を越えるとき、彼は紙に「Lamtumirë, atdhe i dashtun, po të la, po zemërplasun...Farewell, fatherland dear, yet I leave you in despair...」と書き、殺人国境警備兵に見つからないようにハシバミの木の枝に置いておいたのです。

A more tragic fate would follow him in occupied Kosova. The Yugoslav soldiers handcuffed Havzi Nela and put him, together with his wife, in Prizreni prison.

占領下のコソボでは、もっと悲惨な運命が待っていた。ユーゴスラビア兵はHavzi Nelaに手錠をかけ、妻とともにPrizreni刑務所に入れたのだ。

On May 6, 1967, the Yugoslav occupiers turned Havzi and Lavdie in at Morina army checkpoint, in exchange for Albanian patriots from Kosova that the Albanian Communist government had to hand over to the Yugoslav Secret Police, “UDB.”


On May 22, 1976, the poet received a fifteen-year sentence for crossing to Kosova. All of his property was confiscated. His wife was sentenced to ten years in prison. The poet never compromised with the dictatorship and its marionettes in prisons and camps.


On August 8, 1975, he was sentenced to eight more years in prison as he was considered an ardent enemy of the Party and people. On December 19, 1986, he was allowed out of jail, but only for a short time. Less than one year later, on October 12, 1987, he was placed under arrest and sent into internal exile at the village of Arrën. On June 24, 1988, Albania’s high court consisting of Communist judges Fehmi Abdiu, Vili Robo and Fatmira Laskaj rejected Lavdie’s appeal against her husband’s conviction and death sentence; the court ordered Havzi Nela should be hanged. The final approval of the death sentence by the Head of the Presidium of the People’s Assembly, Ramiz Alia, led to the proceeding of his execution.

1975年8月8日、彼は党と人民の熱烈な敵と見なされ、さらに8年の懲役を言い渡された。1986年12月19日、短期間ではあるが、刑務所から出ることが許された。それから1年足らずの1987年10月12日、逮捕され、Arrën村に国内亡命した。1988年6月24日、アルバニアの高等裁判所は、共産主義者の裁判官フFehmi Abdiu、Vili Robo、Fatmira Laskajから成り、夫の有罪判決と死刑判決に対するLavdieの訴えを退けました。裁判所は、Havzi Nelaを絞首刑に処するよう命じました。人民議会議長であるRamiz Aliaが死刑判決を最終的に承認したことで、死刑執行が進められた。

The poet was not buried; Communist terrorists thrust him into the hole of a removed wooden pole.


After he was exposed all day long on August 10, 1988, at midnight Communist terrorists took his body down and thrust him vertically into the hole of a removed wooden pole. He was deprived of the chance to lie down like all dead. He stood on his feet for five years and ten days, until August 20, 1993. After many attempts by the democratic government of Albania, that was the day it became possible to find the hole, covered with stones and thorn-bushes near the village of Kolsh, two miles away from Kukësi. With the presidential decree of the President of the Republic of Albania, Sali Berisha, Havzi Nela was granted the title “Martyr of Democracy.”

1988年8月10日、彼は一日中晒された後、真夜中に共産主義者のテロリストは彼の体を降ろし、取り外した木の棒の穴に彼を垂直に突き刺しました。彼はすべての死者のように横になる機会を奪われた。1993年8月20日まで、5年と10日間、彼は自分の足で立っていた。アルバニアの民主主義政府が何度も試みた結果、その日、Kukësiから2マイル離れたKolsh村の近くで、石とイバラの木で覆われた穴を見つけることができたのである。アルバニア共和国大統領Sali Berishaの大統領令により、Havzi Nelaは『民主主義の殉教者』の称号を与えられた。

When you’ll ask: “Where is he lying?”
When you’ll search to find my grave.
Say: “He deeply hated the tyrant.”
Say: “The dirt won’t him decay.”


– Havzi Nela

Havzi Nela作

Now and forever, the poet rests in peace in a modest grave beside his parents in Kollovoz.


When spring will come in fullest bloom,
When nightingale will start to sing.
On stones, thorn-bushes veiled tomb,
A bunch of flowers for me you bring.


– Havzi Nela

Havzi Nela作


See also:


Albania – Land of Illyrians


