黒人指導者、黒人が南アフリカを破壊したことを認める(Black Leader admits Blacks destroyed South Africa)


Zulu King: Blacks Destroy S. Africa
December 8, 2015 by TNO Staff— in Africa

2015 年 12 月 8 日、TNOスタッフ - アフリカ

The official king of South Africa’s Zulu tribe has announced that that country was economically, militarily, and socially better under white Afrikaner rule—and that history will judge blacks as only having destroyed everything that they had inherited from the white government.

南アフリカのズールー族の正式な王は、その国は白人のアフリカーナーの支配の下で、経済的にも軍事的にも社会的にもより良くなっていると発表した - そして、歴史は黒人を白人政府から受け継いだものすべてを破壊しているだけとして判断するだろうと述べた。


King Zwelithini said the former white rulers of South Africa had “built a powerful government with the strongest economy and army on the continent.”


He went on to say that the white government had “a mighty army, and that the South African currency and economy had shot up” under the National Party government.


“But then,” he continued, “came this so-called democracy in which black people are destroying the gains of the past. The economy that we are now burning down.”


Addressing himself directly to black people, King Zwelethini said that “you do not want to build on what you had inherited. You are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of history.”


“History will judge black people harshly as they have failed to build on the successes of the Afrikaners,” he said, before continuing to explain that “black people loved to use matches to burn down infrastructure” built by the white government.

「歴史は、アフリカーナーの成功の上に築くことができなかった黒人を厳しく裁くだろう」 と述べた後、白人政府が構築した 「インフラを焼き払うのに、黒人はマッチを好んで使った」 と説明を続けた。

Below: Three photographs taken on December 7, in Johannesburg, South Africa. The country’s largest city is in the midst of a municipal workers’ strike, and part of their “protest” action consists of throwing the city’s trash into the streets.


Zulu King: Blacks Destroy S. Africa
December 8, 2015 by TNO Staff— in Africa · 55 Comments

ズールー王:黒人が南アフリカを破壊する2015年12月8日 TNOスタッフによる—アフリカにて · 55 コメント

The official king of South Africa’s Zulu tribe has announced that that country was economically, militarily, and socially better under white Afrikaner rule—and that history will judge blacks as only having destroyed everything that they had inherited from the white government.

南アフリカのズールー族の正式な国王は、白人のアフリカーナー支配の下で、南アフリカは経済的にも軍事的にも社会的にもより良くなったと発表した - そして、歴史は黒人を、白人政府から受け継いだものを全て破壊したとしか判断しないだろうと述べた。


King Goodwill Zwelithini, who has been Zulu king since December 1971, made the remarks during a speech at an official royal household event in Nongoma, located in the northeastern part of the eastern seaboard province of KwaZulu-Natal, over the past weekend.

1971年12月からズールー国王であるGoodwill Zwelithini王は、先週末、東部沿岸のKwaZulu-Natal州の北東部に位置するNongomaで行われた王室の公式行事での演説で、次のように述べました。

The event, held to mark his forty-fourth year on the Zulu throne, was reported on by the Natal Mercury newspaper.

彼のズールー王位継承44年目を記念して開催されたこのイベントは、Natal Mercury紙によって報道された。


King Zwelithini said the former white rulers of South Africa had “built a powerful government with the strongest economy and army on the continent.”

Zwelithini王は、南アフリカの元白人支配者が 「アフリカ大陸で最強の経済と軍隊を持つ強力な政府を築いた」 と述べた。

He went on to say that the white government had “a mighty army, and that the South African currency and economy had shot up” under the National Party government.


“But then,” he continued, “came this so-called democracy in which black people are destroying the gains of the past. The economy that we are now burning down.”


Addressing himself directly to black people, King Zwelethini said that “you do not want to build on what you had inherited. You are going to find yourselves on the wrong side of history.”


“History will judge black people harshly as they have failed to build on the successes of the Afrikaners,” he said, before continuing to explain that “black people loved to use matches to burn down infrastructure” built by the white government.

「歴史は、アフリカーナーの成功の上に築くことができなかった黒人を厳しく裁くだろう」 と述べた後、白人政府が構築した 「インフラを焼き払うのに、黒人はマッチを好んで使った」 と説明を続けた。

Below: Three photographs taken on December 7, in Johannesburg, South Africa. The country’s largest city is in the midst of a municipal workers’ strike, and part of their “protest” action consists of throwing the city’s trash into the streets.


King Zwelithini said that “people on the ground did not appreciate the infrastructure” which they had inherited from the white rulers, even though the ANC leaders themselves governed from the very buildings which the whites had created.


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Referring specifically to the Union Buildings in Pretoria and the South African Parliament in Cape Town, King Zwelithini said that he was “surprised that all presidents who have been elected in this so-called democracy, occupy apartheid buildings.”


“But you on the ground, are burning everything that you found here. . . you don’t want to use them (buildings), you say this is apartheid infrastructure,” he said.


Finally, he informed his audience that he “feels lucky that I was born the same year the National Party came to power, in 1948. The Afrikaners respected me. I don’t know how it happened that the Afrikaners respect me so much.”


He also mentioned that at one of his palaces in Nongoma, he still had all the medals which the white government had awarded to his “kingdom,” marking out historical events and achievements of the Zulu people.


King Zwelithini’s comments come after a falling out with the ANC government—which he previously supported—over the reorganization and funding of his royal household.


Source: http://newobserveronline.com/zulu-king-blacks-destroying-south-africa/

