




  1. 画面更新の停止

    • `Application.ScreenUpdating = False` により、処理が終わるまで画面の更新を停止します。これにより処理が速くなります。

  2. 変数の宣言

    • `FoundCell`, `FirstCell`, `Target` は `Range` 型の変数で、セルの範囲を示します。

    • `K1` はエラー値を格納する配列で、エラータイプが7つ入っています。

    • `i` はループカウンタ、`N` は列アルファベットを保持するための変数です。

  3. A列の挿入と初期設定

    • 新しい列をA列として挿入し、1行目に「関数フラグ」と設定します。

    • `K1` 配列にExcelの関数エラーを7種類格納します。

  4. エラーの検索と記録

    • `For i = LBound(K1) To UBound(K1)` のループで、`K1` に格納されたエラーを順番に検索します。

    • `Cells.Find` でエラーを含むセルを探し、見つかったらその列アルファベットをA列に記録します。

    • `Do Loop` でエラーを含む他のセルを `FindNext` を使って順次検索し、同様に記録します。

  5. フィルタの再設定

    • 最後の列にフィルタを設定し直します。

  6. メッセージの表示と画面更新の再開

    • エラーチェックが完了したことをユーザーに知らせるメッセージボックスを表示し、`Application.ScreenUpdating = True` で画面更新を再開します。


例えば、C列に `#N/A` エラーがあった場合、A列の対応する行に「_C」という値が追加されます。次にD列に `#NAME?` エラーがあった場合、同様にA列に「_D」と追加されます。

Sub 関数エラーがあったらA列に列アルファベットをいれるよ()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim FoundCell As Range, FirstCell As Range, Target As Range
    Dim K1(6) As String, i As Long, N As String
    Cells(1, 1) = "関数フラグ"
    K1(0) = "#N/A"
    K1(1) = "#NAME?"
    K1(2) = "#NULL!"
    K1(3) = "#NUM!"
    K1(4) = "#REF!"
    K1(5) = "#VALUE!"
    K1(6) = "#DIV/0!"
    For i = LBound(K1) To UBound(K1)
        Set FoundCell = Cells.Find(What:="*" & K1(i) & "*")
        If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
            GoTo L1
'            MsgBox "見つかりません"
'        Exit Sub
            Set FirstCell = FoundCell
        End If
                N = Split(FoundCell.Address(True, False), "$")(0)
                Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1) = Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1).Value & "_" & N
            Set FoundCell = Cells.FindNext(FoundCell)

            If FoundCell.Address = FirstCell.Address Then
                Exit Do
            ElseIf FoundCell.Column > 0 Then
                N = Split(FoundCell.Address(True, False), "$")(0)
                Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1) = Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1).Value & "_" & N

            ElseIf FoundCell.Column = "" Then
                Exit Do
            End If
    Next i
    '    フィルタかけなおし
    Dim C As Long
    C = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
        Cells(1, C).AutoFilter
        Cells(1, C).AutoFilter
        Cells(1, C).AutoFilter
    End If
    MsgBox "関数フラグ完了!"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Excel VBA リファレンス | Microsoft Learn



Function Error Check and Record in Column A

This explanation is created using ChatGPT.

This VBA procedure identifies function errors in an Excel sheet and records the column alphabet of the error in column A of the corresponding row.

Procedure Explanation

  1. Stop Screen Updating

    • `Application.ScreenUpdating = False` stops screen updating until the process is complete, improving speed.

  2. Declare Variables

    • `FoundCell`, `FirstCell`, `Target` are `Range` type variables representing cell ranges.

    • `K1` is an array holding error types with seven entries.

    • `i` is a loop counter, and `N` holds the column alphabet.

  3. Insert Column A and Initialize

    • A new column is inserted as column A, with "Function Flag" set in the first row.

    • The `K1` array stores seven types of Excel function errors.

  4. Search and Record Errors

    • The `For i = LBound(K1) To UBound(K1)` loop searches for errors in `K1` sequentially.

    • `Cells.Find` searches for cells containing errors and records the column alphabet in column A.

    • The `Do Loop` uses `FindNext` to search for other cells with errors, recording them similarly.

  5. Reset Filter

    • The filter is reset on the last column.

  6. Display Message and Resume Screen Updating

    • A message box informs the user that the error check is complete, and `Application.ScreenUpdating = True` resumes screen updating.

Example Process

For instance, if column C has a `#N/A` error, "_C" is added to the corresponding row in column A. If column D has a `#NAME?` error, "_D" is similarly added.

Sub InsertColumnAlphabetIfErrorInFunctions()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim FoundCell As Range, FirstCell As Range, Target As Range
    Dim K1(6) As String, i As Long, N As String
    Cells(1, 1) = "Function Flag"
    K1(0) = "#N/A"
    K1(1) = "#NAME?"
    K1(2) = "#NULL!"
    K1(3) = "#NUM!"
    K1(4) = "#REF!"
    K1(5) = "#VALUE!"
    K1(6) = "#DIV/0!"
    For i = LBound(K1) To UBound(K1)
        Set FoundCell = Cells.Find(What:="*" & K1(i) & "*")
        If FoundCell Is Nothing Then
            GoTo L1
'            MsgBox "Not Found"
'        Exit Sub
            Set FirstCell = FoundCell
        End If
                N = Split(FoundCell.Address(True, False), "$")(0)
                Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1) = Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1).Value & "_" & N
            Set FoundCell = Cells.FindNext(FoundCell)

            If FoundCell.Address = FirstCell.Address Then
                Exit Do
            ElseIf FoundCell.Column > 0 Then
                N = Split(FoundCell.Address(True, False), "$")(0)
                Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1) = Cells(FoundCell.Row, 1).Value & "_" & N

            ElseIf FoundCell.Column = "" Then
                Exit Do
            End If
    Next i
    '    Reapply Filter
    Dim C As Long
    C = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
        Cells(1, C).AutoFilter
        Cells(1, C).AutoFilter
        Cells(1, C).AutoFilter
    End If
    MsgBox "Function Flag Completed!"
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Excel VBA Reference | Microsoft Learn

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