




  1. Application.ScreenUpdating = False

  2. CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

  3. Pattern設定 ("主婦(?!(夫))")

    • 「主婦」という単語を見つけます。

    • 「?!」は、直後に「(夫)」がないという条件を意味します。

  4. Selectionのループ処理

  5. matcheCount 変数

  6. MsgBoxで結果を表示


Excel VBA リファレンス | Microsoft Learn

Sub 夫がついていない主婦だけを数えるよ()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Dim reg
    Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")   'オブジェクト作成
    Dim myRng As Range
    Dim txt As String
    Dim matches As Object
    Dim matcheCount As Long
    With reg
        .Pattern = "(主婦(?!\(夫\)))"
        .IgnoreCase = True
        .Global = True
    End With
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each myRng In Selection
            matcheCount = 0
            txt = myRng.Value
            Set matches = reg.Execute(txt)
            If matches.count > 0 Then
                matcheCount = matcheCount + matches.count
            End If
            MsgBox "主婦の件数:" & matcheCount
    Next myRng
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub


#excel #できること #vba #主婦 #正規表現 #セル範囲 #テキスト検索 #パターンマッチ #夫がいない #マクロ #VBScript #データ処理 #ワイルドカード #正規表現オブジェクト #選択範囲 #データ分析 #ループ処理 #MsgBox #アンケート処理 #検索条件 #動作高速化

English Translation:

Counting Only Housewives Without Husbands

This explanation is created with ChatGPT.

This procedure is a program that counts the number of "housewives" without a mention of "husband" in the selected text range. Specifically, it uses a feature called regular expressions to find the matching pattern. Here, we use a VBScript regular expression object, which allows for more detailed text searching compared to simple methods.

How the Procedure Works

  1. Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    Temporarily stops screen updating to speed up the process. The screen update will resume after the process ends.

  2. CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    This prepares to use the regular expression functionality. Regular expressions help find text that matches specific patterns.

  3. Pattern Setting ("主婦(?!(夫))")
    This part sets the pattern to find "主婦" (housewife) that is not followed by "(夫)" (husband).

    • Looks for the word "主婦" (housewife).

    • The ?! means that the following text must not include "(夫)" (husband).

  4. Loop Through Selection
    The program checks each cell in the selected range. From each cell's text, it searches for housewives that match the specified regular expression.

  5. matcheCount Variable
    This variable counts how many instances of "housewife without husband" are found in each cell.

  6. MsgBox to Display Results
    For each cell, the program shows a message box displaying the count of housewives without husbands.

This program is useful when dealing with data about housewives. For instance, you can extract only those housewives who are not described as having a husband from survey results.

Excel VBA Reference | Microsoft Learn
Watch the YouTube video for this article here


#excel #possibilities #vba #housewife #regex #cellrange #textsearch #patternmatch #withoutahusband #macro #VBScript #dataprocessing #wildcard #regexobject #selectionrange #dataanalysis #loopprocessing #MsgBox #surveyprocessing #searchcriteria #optimizeperformance
