

Thank you for visiting my Note.com page.
→My Note.comをご覧いただきありがとうございます。

My name is James.

I am from the U.S., and I have been living in Japan for over fifteen years.

I have studied political science and East Asian Studies in university, and I also have an MBA in Finance.

My work career has been primarily in the financial field, mostly investments and investment software.

I have a Japanese wife and two children.

My children have attended the local elementary school, and though it may seem easy to raise children to be bilingual, it is a struggle and requires a lot of effort on behalf of both the parent and child.

However, the struggle has been worthwhile.

My daughter passed Eiken Level 1 as a sixth-grader, and though my younger child is a bit more challenging to study with, he has passed Eiken Level 2 while in fourth grade.

My goal of writing in Note is several:
Firstly, to share the experience I have in raising children in a bilingual environment.

Secondly, pass along information about resources, materials, and information that can help students learn English.

Lastly, as I like to think of myself as a life-long learner and have varied interests, I will write about business and investments, science and technology, world affairs, and education.

I am no expert in these fields but do I enjoy learning and hope to engage others in discussion. →私は、これらの分野について専門家ではありませんが、楽しく学び、また、色んな方とディスカッションしたいと思っています。

On a related note, I run an English company site, MakoStars an online bookstore, MakoStars Shop, and an English school in Tokyo, BumbleBEnglish. In my posts, I may mention services that MakoStars or BumbleB English offer.

こちらがサイトです:MakoStars,  MakoStars Shop

私の記事では、MakoStarsやBumbleB Englishが提供するサービスについてもお話しすることがあります。

