
DAY 11 Adobe XDのコンペ。



どうしても今週末のインタビューの服が無いためお買い物に行きました。Manhattan Beach、The Pointと言う高級住宅街のショッピングセンター。車停めたら、隣にベントレー!恐ろしい。買った服は今週末にお見せします。



Adobe XDのコンペ。

9月16日のnoteには「Adobe XDアプリ制作コンペ」と書いています。それについて少し感想を投稿したいと思います。

簡単に説明しますとAdobeは毎年Creative Jamと言う大学生向けのイベントが開催されます。今年はAmazonとのコラボ。その中の最大のイベント、Adobe XDのコンペに参加させてもらいました。Adobe XDはアプリやサイトのデザインを手かげられるソフトです。UI UXデザイン専用のソフト。

そもそもUI UXデザインの違いはなんだっけ。授業で勉強したのに… 改めて調べたらUIはUser Interface。アプリのボタンの色や形、外見から見るアプリ。そして、UXはUser Experience。アプリの使いやすさや操作のデザイン。例えば携帯のパスワードを入力するときに出てくるボタンや数字のフォントはUI、入力してからホーム画面へのトランジションはUX。

コンペは3人のチームで参加しました。他の二人は仲がいい友達とそのお兄さん。いい経験になりましたが、今度は予定と作戦を先に立てるべきと反省し、二日の間にアプリを作る事はやはり難しい。その上、Adobe XDはチームや複数人の耐用が不利。最大の苦労でした。Adobe XDの事は授業で軽く学び、使い方はほとんど初心者。コロナの影響で授業がリモートとなり、先生は急に教えなくなりました。だから、UI UXデザインへの興味はさほど無かった。けれども今回の件ですごく興味がわきました。

まだ大学生で職業分かんない状態で最初の一年を過ごした事に悔しがってた、だかこれを体験できて、初めて職業にしても悪く無いなと感じました。友達に誘われたことに感謝してます。これからもどんどんUI UXデザインを勉強したいと思います。


My Experience Using Adobe XD

This past week, I was awfully busy. This Adobe XD competition I’m about to talk about was one of those reasons. 

You may ask, what is Adobe XD? And no the XD is not the emoticon. XD stands for Experience Design. It’s a software that is used to develop the first steps of designing an app or a website. It’s also known to be a software for UX UI design. More about UX UI design is attached in the video below by one of my current favorite YouTubers. 

Now you (hopefully) have a brief understanding, here’s a short reflection about my experience in this competition.

I entered the competition as a team with two other people, my friend, and her brother. We all had a brief understanding of the software but nowhere near an expert. In addition, we all had different schedules which were difficult to plan. It pretty much was a recipe for a disaster.

Doing last-minute designing, staying up past 2:30 AM, drinking ice cold water to keep me awake, as the computer screen lights are reflected onto my face. Ahh yes, a typical last-minute college all-nighter routine. Also, don’t forget that frantic moment when you only have 10 minutes left to submit your project.

Regardless of that chaotic event, I learned and gained a lot by creating an app with my friends. 

1. Adobe XD is not the best UX UI software 

I’m sure Adobe XD has its own features but it’s definitely not made for collaboration or teamwork. I was frightened that one moment my entire file went corrupt because of a change another user made.

2. Making creations with friends is fun!

I just called my friend and she brought up about how it was nice to work on the same project together even though we suffered and had completely silent moments. Especially during this time, experiencing a moment together with people outside your family has such a large impact.

3. UX UI design as a career?

It was chaotic but I genuinely had fun! Throughout my 1st year, I would get asked “So what kind of job do you want?” and couldn’t give back a proper answer. Just when I was relieved from being asked “What college are you applying to?” I get dumped with more questions that make me contemplate life. However, this experience was the first time I felt that I would enjoy this as a career. I’m super thankful for my friend for inviting me to join her team and letting me find this spark I’ve been searching for.

There’s still more for me to learn and discover but I’m glad I was able to participate in the competition. I doubt we will win this year but maybe in the near future? 
