
AFS Asia KAKEHASHI 4th Batch Pre-departure Orientations - Sri Lanka

  • Masks have been removed in the photos as the orientation and quarantine process were held as a bubble system.

Sputnik International Sri Lanka Organization (SISLO) organized our fourth pre-departure orientation with Asia KAKEHASHI scholars on the 29th of October, 2021. Due to the ongoing COVID-19 catastrophe, none of the team members met each other as a team before this orientation process. We had to hold the meetings via the Zoom platform since these scholars were selected.

Sharing Experiences by a 3rd Batch Exchange Student…

However, we planned to have 14 days quarantine period + pre-departure orientations at SISLO. We are proud to say that, it was very much joyful and successful.
Scholars had insights into AFS Students’ Learning Journey SLJ 2.0 Curriculum, Leadership, Proper Waste Disposal and communication ethics through the lectures we arranged. Thanks to AFS International for implementing the special curriculums for our AFS students. It was a new experience for me to facilitate orientation for continuous 14 days for 10 scholars.

During Orientations…

In addition, we were able to hold Japanese culture awareness sessions, culinary sessions, intercultural and multicultural sessions and many more. We believe that all these sessions added more value to the pre-departure orientation.

Japanese Cuisine for Dinner - Okonomiyaki

Students made a book of 35 pages about Sri Lanka & Japan under different kinds of perspectives. During the online sessions, they presented their ideas and opinions about the comparison of Sri Lanka and Japan.
They had also learnt to make traditional Sri Lankan sweets so that they can perform them in Japan. I hope the scholars have grown their interest and excitement to share Sri Lankan culture with the Japanese community through this activity.
We are hoping that our scholars will be more cooperative and sensitive towards the well-being of other people and nature. We introduced them to a new project called “Thuru Mithuru”, roughly translated to Sinhala as “Friends for Trees”. Through the project, we aim to plant one fruit plant each Sunday as a weekly assignment.

Fruit/ Medicinal Plants - "Thuru-Mithuru" Project

During these 2 weeks, students had to undergo several challenges like COVID-19 vaccination 2nd doze, flu vaccination (Influenza H1N1) and PCR test before their departure to Japan. Every day was full of excitement and happiness.

Photos taken after vaccination…

We are so happy to welcome Ms. Sachini Dissanayake, the 2019/20 Asia KAKEHASHI returnee, to the orientation. She lives at Sputnik hostels and works as a Japanese Language teacher at Sputnik EC. She was such a great example for her juniors. She volunteered to come for the orientation and did her best to educate her juniors. We are so proud to see her development and leadership! Thank you, AFS!

We are all excited about the Asia KAKEHASHI program since it is getting beautiful day by day.

PS: This 4th batch team was really feeling like FAMILY to me. Under the leadership of our former AFSers and SISLO staff members, their team spirit, love, cherish, and leadership qualities grew up while watching.

After a successful 14days quarantine and orientation process, the team departed to Japan on the 15th October 2021.

Departure from Bandaranaike INT Airport - Sri Lanka

Wish all of them a better exchange period in Japan!

Mr. Tharusha Dilshan
International Projects Manager – SISLO
AFS Programs Coordinator for Sri Lanka
Former AFSer to Japan
