
todays diary 12/7

Today's talk theme
my favorite music
My favorite music is Uberworld.
They are six Japanese rock musicians.
The biggest thing about their music is that their voices are hot and clean, and the vocalists are really cool.
and lirycs is so good
and they collected many man at the stadium.72000.
i went to there stadium. i excited there. i felt so great.
i wanna get to again.
what kind of music do you like.
you maybe like english music right?
i used to kike english music
but recently i listhen to hiphop
and i have been listening to uverworld since i was junior high school.
always i was helped uverworld music
for example when i lost soccer game and when i was angry my parants
always i was helped to this music
so i wanna meet him onece
and i wanna tell him many apriciate
i wish i colud go to him cocert this year im thinking.
see you tomorrow

