

現在は社会人4年目の一般人ですが、2年後経営者として人生を豊かにしたいと思い挑戦しています。 絶対に夢を叶えます。 このブログでは1日一個日常に溢れている自分がいいなと思ったもの共有して行くことを継続します。


■なにをするサークルか 例:写真好きが自分の写真を見せ合ったり、アドバイスしたりするサークルです ■活動方針や頻度 例:サークルの掲示板で写真を見せ合ったり、Slackを使ったりして話します。掲示板への投稿頻度は月に4回以上、メンバーで写真を撮る会を3ヶ月に1回程度開きます! ■どんな人に来てほしいか 例:カメラが好きな人ならどんな方でも構いません! 一眼レフを持っている人だとうれしいです! ■どのように参加してほしいか 例:ポジティブな活動を心がけてほしいです!見ているだけでも大丈夫です。

  • 挑戦[20代の俺たちが作りたいものを作品へ]

    ¥100 / 月


todays diary 12/7

Today's talk theme my favorite music My favorite music is Uberworld. They are six Japanese rock musicians. The biggest thing about their music is that their voices are hot and clean, and the vocalists are really cool. and lirycs is so good

    • October 17 diary

      I went to work and I felt that it is difficult to teach long worker and I count do my work but I feel that I got teaching ability today and I go to back home , I studied English I wanna go to abroad and I wanna tell everyone japan's good p

      • September 24 diary

        I went to business trip today I was so tired but I will go to gym and I will go to hotspring When I go to hotspring , I wanna feel relax and I will get to bed early and I have to do work tomorrow also I am nervous. but today was happy beca

        • August 9 diary

          I wen to workplace I was so tired I have to do many jobs I will makes efforts tomorrow and I got to back home and I did home things I have to do many things after that I will study English and create movie and if I finished learning many th

        todays diary 12/7

          August 8 diary

          I went to workplace I was so very busy and so tired and after work I went to gym I did chest training also I was so hard and I go to back home after that I gonna study English and I will study English to improve my English skills see you ag

          August 8 diary

          August 1 diary

          I went to workplace My work started this weekend work and I go back home early today and I will go to gym I will do training shoulder and after gym I will study English and then I will read books and create movie I went to uverworld live

          August 1 diary

          July 22 diary

          today was holiday I went to shopping and gym I am sleep now I am tired because today was very busy schedule but enjoy and exciting I ate dinner today dinner menu was bake pork and rise after open the card game pack Do you know ``one piece``

          July 22 diary

          July 21 diary

          I went to workplace I was very tired and after that I went to gym I was training shoulder I'm getting very sleepy but will makes efforts today then I will study English and create YouTube video long time no see I am writing diary and I hav

          July 21 diary

          July 9 diary

          also today was day off. I went to buy books to shopping mall and I went to gym , I trained chest honestly I can't do good training. after that I went to hot spring. I had many time that to think many things. and after I got back to home. I

          July 9 diary

          July 8 diary

          today was holiday I went to shopping and gym and then I will study English and PM after that I will edit movie I have to send to my friends and I will clean new apartment tomorrow and i will go to hotspring and caffe I go to caffe to stu

          July 8 diary

          July 6 diary

          I went to workplace I was so very tired todays work was very hard it was difficult to write programing and I will makes efforts tomorrow its import how to study and I went dinner to eat mcdnalds I maybe fat and after that I will study

          July 6 diary

          July 4 diary

          I went to workplace I was so tired todays work was very busy my boss must say company member that what you want to do things so My jobs increased I have to do work. and I wen to back home after that I cook dinner and I ate it and then I wil

          July 4 diary

          July 1 diary

          I went to new apartment today I will move different place I will live with girlfriend and I went to gym after that I went to hot spring I felt so good to take hot spring I could get relax I will go to ikea tomorrow I'm gonna buy furniture.

          July 1 diary

          June 30 diary

          today is June last day I went to office and after work I went to gym I did arm training I could do goo d training and I thought I wanna go to hot spring, but its rainy , I stopped going to hot spring and I got to back home . while todays d

          June 30 diary

          June 29 diary

          today was work all day I was so tired but I will make efforts many things but I could go back home early so I watched YouTube video My watching movie was about Business I would love to be project manager so I wanna pass PM exam so I will st

          June 29 diary

          June 25 diary

          today was holiday I went to gym and bought one piece card today was good holiday and after I went to back home , I will study English and create movie and I will study PM I wanna go to bed early I'm gonna go to Osaka because I will do shop

          June 25 diary