初日を終えて After the first day

日本人も多種多様で十分トリッキー。 10か国以上は自己紹介したかな。
ますますFunny だけどしっかり勉強していくことを忘れるべからず。
Grammar と Vocabularyは散々でした。

以下、Writing の回答。間違いだらけだ。。これは大変。。

There are many background people who comes to IUJ. I have already introduced myself over 10 nationalities students and teachers.
It is interesting situation that I expected but I do not forget the study hard.
My grammar and vocabulary is not good that it revealed by yesterday level test.

I show you below my answer for writing. Hope it will be good memory for proof of improving my English after 2 months.

"The use of social media has increased rapidly, but its use has led to far more negative effects than positive effects."

I disagree with this conclusion. In my opinion, social media has led to far more positive effects than negative effects. I have three main reasons as below. 1. To get the information more easily. 2. Able to connect to many people 3. It works 24hrs 365days. First of all, it is easy to get information from social media. For example, I reach out the campus life at IUJ. It seems more reality of the students campus life than prepared information from administration. Secondly, we can connect to many people through social media. Actually, I have been contacted to alumni of IUJ then he shared his campus life for various ways of sights. It is so important advice for me. Finally, it is working 24hrs 365days. Even if we are in busy to adjust any specific time for getting any information something like seminar or meeting, we do not loose the chance to get information through the social media. While in a free time, we can check it whenever you want. Moreover, the negative effects will be caused by people who use it as a bad way. We have to be protect by ourselves from them and we need the correct rules for using it. Social media does not have negative side. It is just people who use it bad way are only problem.
