
PhantomGalaxies(ファントムギャラクシーズ) AMA 7/29 日本語翻訳

Unded Blocks ×Phantom Galaxies × Red Villageによる



Undead Blocks

Alright everyone, this is, uh, Grant Hasley executive director of undead blocks. We're really excited to have some awesome special guests tonight we've been working for a while to get this in the works. We're really excited to have representatives from Red Village as well as phantom galaxies. I'm the line on tonight's spaces.
I will be your moderator, really excited to be here. It's really exciting time to be into Web 3 gaming, especially in the play to earn space. And you might be asking yourself
How does Red Village/Phantom Galaxies/Undead blocks come together, three different genres, 3 awesome games.
Well we're all backed by Animoca  brands. Animoca can invest in our seed. Round is also made. Investments in the other two titles on the spaces tonight. So really excited to be here. Really excited to talk to you guys about the future of Web 3 blockchain gaming. Just gonna be an open discussion. We're gonna go for about half an hour just from an open discussion point. We'll have some Q&A and then we'll
There, uh, if you guys just wanna introduce yourselves,
they think would be a great place to start.
But thanks for thanks for coming on. And thanks for hang.

今夜は素晴らしいゲストをお招きしていますこのイベントのために長い間努力してきました Red VillageとPhantomGalaxiesの代表をお招きしています。今夜のスペースのラインは私です。私はモデレーターです。本当にここにいることに興奮しています。Web 3ゲーム、特にプレイ・トゥ・アーン・スペースに参加するのは本当にエキサイティングなことです。



Yeah, I'll, Umm, I'll go first Ben and and you know pass it on to you after that. But so my name is Brendan. I'm chief communications officer here for the Red Village and where a dark fantasy sort of web 3 ecosystem. And you know, really excited to chat tonight with both yourself Grant and with Ben as well. We work quite closely with Ben and the team at Blowfish Studios and Phantom Galaxies and Uh, we've recently, you know, had a a really good sort of connection form with undead blocks as well, and so really really awesome projects and and really honored to sort of share the spaces with you both today.

まず私が行って、その後でベンに引き継ぎます。私の名前はブレンダンです。Dark fantasyのウェブ3エコシステム、レッドビレッジのコミュニケーション責任者です。今夜はグラントさんやベンさんとお話できることにとても興奮しています。私たちはベンやBlowfish Studios、Phantom Galaxiesのチームと、とても密接に連携しています。


Ben Lee@ben_at_blowfish

Cool Oh thanks Grant for the intro and and and Brendan yeah, Brendan said so I'm Ben managing director of Blowfish Studios. Also kind of project founder for Phantom galaxies. Our our tie with a bit stronger in that we were both fish was acquired last year by Animoka so we're like 100% part of Animoca brands the group and in strong with the Red Village we've announced that.
You know working with them, so that's that's pretty cool.
私はBlowfish Studiosのマネージング・ディレクターです。
また「Phantom Galaxies」のプロジェクト創設者のでもあります。
私たちは昨年Animocaに買収され、100%Animocaブランドの一員となり、Red Villageと強力に連携することを発表しました。

Yeah, otherwise you know we're I'm here to talk about phantom galaxies and how we're.
Yeah, how we're building that came out. I've been in game development. You've started blowfish 12 years ago, so it's been traditional game development for running your own company since then, but then also just started professional game development back in 1998. So yeah, I've been here for a while.

Undead Blocks

Then you're probably the the seasoned veteran on the call, uh, . I love that I as As for myself. My name is Grant Hasley. I like I said in the executive director of undead blocks. We're honored to be in the Animoca family. They have provided us with more resources and a war chest of assets that we can use to deploy in terms of getting out the the word engagement marketing events. We absolutely love them. So I think this is probably the most organic connection in terms of an actual stud
Really excited to be here. Really excited to share space with you guys. Just talk about the future of Web 3 gaming. That's what we're about. You know, I think all of us saw there was the quote UN quote debate of the century this week, and I think this is going to be a more conversation where we're very supportive of each other. You know, we? I've spoken with the the folks at Red Village multiple times in the last month or so. Just talking token ecomics and where we want to move our game. And we def
We do have some prepared questions.  I'll pitch this one to you first. Ben, as as the seasoned veteran of the group. What was the inspiration for Phantom galaxies? How you've basically built this into a behemoth. Now, whether through your successful planet sale or your release of your your pre alpha footage, what was really the inspiration behind it? And then we'll kick it off from the.


ここに来られて本当にうれしいです。皆さんと同じ空間にいられることを本当にうれしく思っています。Web 3ゲームの未来について話してください。それが私たちの目的です。今週、国連が世紀の大討論をしたのをみんな見ていると思うんですが、これは、お互いを非常に支持し合うような会話になると思うんです。レッドビレッジの人たちとは、先月末に何度も話をしました。トークエコノミクスについて、そして私たちがゲームをどのように進めていきたいのかについて。そして、私たちはいくつか質問を用意しています。まず、この質問を投げかけましょう。
ベン、このグループのベテランとして"ファントム・ギャラクシー "の着想は何だったのですか?どのように巨大化させたのですか?惑星売却の成功にせよ、プレアルファ映像の公開にせよ、その背後にある本当のインスピレーションは何だったのでしょうか?まず、そこからスタートします。

Ben Lee

Yeah, not cool. I mean so this is true space, yeah, but normally I do video chat you can see behind me you know Robotech, Macross and Transformers as I was a kid.

Undead Blocks

Or we got it.
We gotta talk to Elon to get the video behind, right?
ああ、わかった 笑
イーロンを説得してその映像を手に入れるか 笑?

Ben Lee

Yeah, yeah he's coming up but yeah, so that that's that. You know I've just been a big fan of that space for as part of as I said, we've been around for about 12 or 12 years now. We had a successful game kind of siegecraft, which is like medieval fantasy, but we also wanted a a nice kind of a really, really good space, space sci-fi. Kind of a game, and so three. It's been like 3 1/2 years ago now. We started phantom galaxies as a traditional.
It was a traditional game and so.
Yeah, we built that up and now we've been bringing it to to the blockchain gaming space, but I guess this goes further into why you know why we're here and what we're doing with phantom galaxies is that?
We really want to be one of the first the the first one of the first one of AAA.
Blocking games, which are essentially like a normal traditional game but integrated with blockchain and cryptocurrency and and NFT's right to, but it's really focused on what the game is and and so that's it's been. It was a great start for us to kind of bring across again that we're working on for 2 1/2 years as a traditional game and we, like I said without without alpha launch you know that was there was no kind of integration with the blockchain for except for we had rewards around it and ac
Gonna be our main kind of mantra. Or you know what key pillars moving forwards? You know peace and so you're working towards.


Undead Blocks

I love it Brandon. How about you? What was the the inspiration behind Red Village?



yeah umm you know for  us here at the red village really the inspiration potentially you know cliche or not comes from runescape
Yeah, you know for for us here at the Red Village, really the inspiration, potentially, you know, cliche or not comes from Runescape. That's where this this whole thing started for myself, and one of my cofounders Lucian. He and I were actually sitting around together.
Really, uh, very uh. What's it now 20222021 so probably late 2020. Sort of sitting around and we're watching the Runescape documentary on YouTube. If you haven't seen it, that's a fantastic watch and sort of looking at what the sort of Gower brothers have done and and Runescape was just such a formative and pivotal part of evolution, and I growing up experience, I spent, you know, many more hours than I than I care to sort of admit.
In that world, and as you know, the the sort of early 2000s Runescape classic and and and for us that that thrill was something that had never really been recreated in any other game, traditional gaming, and certainly not in the sort of web 3 space. And for us, that was really where we started, we thought. Let's bring something that brought that fill that thrill. That excitement, that engagement that even a lot of the mechanisms of those of that sort of Runescape classic game bring that onto the
The philosophy of gaming back at the time. What we were seeing in in, you know, Web 3 gaming was a lot of that sort of play to earn style, and you know, absolutely, carving the path where we are today. But I think that our thought was we can do bigger. We can do sort of better than that. And that's really what we loved and where we started. And Lucian is a massive fan of Diablo and he sort of really wanted to bring that dark fantasy thematic to it as well. And and I love that. I think that's abs
Of getting involved in law and things like this and it sort of was the perfect combination. And that's where the Red Village was born from. You know, this dark fantasy aesthetic, something that was very different to what you see on the blockchain. You know there is there is that sort of fantastical element to it that it has a more mature sort of audience to some extent, and that's where we started. And there was a real big gap in the market there, you know it's a massive nation and it was it's a
That's sort of where we started and how we got to where we are today.

あの世界では、ご存知のように2000年代初期のRunescapeの名作があり、私たちにとってあのスリルは、他のゲームや従来のゲームでは再現されたことがなく、ましてやWeb 3空間ではありえないものでした。

当時のゲーム哲学、 Web 3ゲームでは、稼ぐためにプレイするようなスタイルが多く見られ、現在のような道を切り開いたのです。しかし、私たちは、もっと大きなことができると考えていました。もっと大きなことができる。それが、私たちが大好きなことであり、私たちの原点なのです。LucianはDiabloの大ファンで、ダークファンタジーをテーマにしたものを作りたかったようです。私はそれが大好きです。

Undead Blocks

I love it. I think you're exactly right. I think finding what works in Web 2 gaming and applying it to Web three is a huge area of opportunity. I mean so many I I see a lot of tweets that people are just saying OK, why don't we just take the best web two games and put them on a blockchain? Well, those are already successful because they have an infrastructure in place where they're generating revenue and using it to pay themselves. Like I think you know what we all stand for, is asset ownership.
Economic models where the system could pay itself but also allow you to have that digital asset ownership. And you're right, especially in from something like Diablo, I think has been getting a lot of heat lately because you know, you wanna fully upgrade yourself. It's gonna cost you a significant amount of money and even just from ourselves. And undead blocks are in our inspiration was caught zombies where we don't hide that we are want to be a COD zombie slash left 4 dead, maybe a little bit o
into uh web three provide those blockchain at i guess like economic models on top of the gameplay itself you have to stress the game play and that's why we love talking to you guys so much is because you know at blowfish you guys really prioritize the gameplay looks beautiful it's absolutely AAA it's very cinematic and i love the fact that you're building in that lore it's very hard to do that and it takes a lot of skill so really excited about that aspect let's go on to


Ben Lee

No thanks. Thanks for those words.


You do do very good work over a blowfish made. It's Umm it's it doesn't go unnoticed I think, and I think everyone that's here today. You know, hopefully in the spaces and listening is, you know, appreciates you know really the quality of output and that's something. I think all three of our projects can share, but it is that sort of that commitment to producing something which is better. Which is really revolutionary in the sense of web 3 gaming and can meet that.
Sort of, you know that supply of good games at the market demands so you know Pat yourselves both on the back for for, you know, pathing, carving a path forward in that sense.


Ben Lee

Yeah, and exactly that reason why, but teamed up with them, the Red Village right? So you guys have the same, the same goal and vision, so we're excited to take all that and apply it to the Red Village. So that's gonna be cool.




Undead Blocks

to me the the craziest i guess misconception in blockchain gaming is everybody's competing against each other you know not even just in blockchain let's take a look at crypto as a whole everyone's talking about what's going to be the dominant chain is it's easy is it salon is it




Undead Blocks

To me the the craziest I guess. Misconception in blockchain gaming is everybody's competing against each other. You know not even just in blockchain. Let's take a look at crypto as a whole. Everyone's talking about what's going to be the dominant chain is it's easy. Is it salon? Is it a wax? Is it whoever everybody's always consistent in competing with each other? And I really like the fact that you know we're coming together and saying if you know Red Village or phantom or undead, does you know
that's adaption it helps for everybody like that is the
私にとっては、最もクレイジーなことだと思います。ブロックチェーンゲームで誤解されているのは 誰もが互いに競争しているということです。ブロックチェーンに限ったことではありません。暗号全体を見てみましょう。誰もが、どのチェーンが優勢になるかを話しているのですが、それは簡単なことです。サロンでしょうか?ワックスですか?誰もが常に一貫して互いに競争している人でしょうか?そして、私たちが一緒になって、レッドビレッジやファントム、アンデッドを知っているなら、それを知っていると言っていることが、とても気に入っています。



Undead Blocks

That's adoption, it helps for everybody like that is the biggest misconception is. Yeah, of course we all want to challenge each other to see how far we can push the limits, but at the end of the day, if one game does well at this point, we're so early it does well for the others, like when Uber was really getting started and Lyft came out like Lyft basically rode the coattails of Uber to success, and I think that we're going to see that from some of these blockchain games. I know there's a larg
And it's just going to be really exciting to see if they produce some great content. I think there's gonna be a lot of people talking about it. They're saying, OK, we're all moving in the in in a positive direction, so I personally think that's one of the biggest misconceptions. I'm curious how you guys feel about that, but I think we all want to work together. If 11 project explodes. That just brings in more more users and more growth and more opportunity to look at some of these other games an
彼らが素晴らしいコンテンツを生み出すかどうか、本当に楽しみです。多くの人がこのゲームについて話すようになると思います。これは大きな誤解のひとつだと思います。皆さんがどう感じているかは気になるところですが、私たちは皆、一緒に仕事をしたいと思っていると思います。11プロジェクトが爆発的に普及すれば それは、より多くのユーザーと成長をもたらし、他のいくつかのゲームに目を向ける機会を増やすだけです。


100% I couldn't agree more. UM, there there has to be a spirit of cooperation at this point in the evolution of Web 3 gaming. It everyone needs to have some friendly competition. Of course to push each other on to be better and and do more badass things. But at the same time it's about having successful projects that inspire confidence in new generations of gamers and people coming over from traditional gaming that the web 3 space is legitimate that it can produce.
Quality you know, high quality projects and high quality output and you know exactly as you say. The more projects take off, the more everyone wins. A collaborative approach to developing to sharing information, to sharing approaches to doing things is really, really important and we see that every day we have really good relationships with a lot of projects in the space, yourselves included. And it's just really important to be able to pick up the phone and sort of have a chat to someone. What

100% 大賛成です。UM、Web 3ゲームの進化のこの時点では、協力の精神が必要です。みんなが切磋琢磨する必要があるんだ。もちろん、お互いにもっと良くなるように、もっとワルいことをするように、押し付け合うことも必要です。でも同時に、新しい世代のゲーマーや従来のゲームから移ってきた人たちに、Web 3空間が正当なものであり、生み出すことができるという自信を持たせるようなプロジェクトを成功させることが重要なんだ。

Big game Start start really hitting and taking off. That's when the rest of the world's gonna start taking notice and that will be one of the catalysts you know, in my opinion for mass adoption. I was actually at a talk last night listening to Robbie from immutable, one of the founders there and he was talking about the fact that it's not really a demand side issue that is causing sort of a slow uptake in Web 3 gaming. It's a supply side issue, we just haven't seen those really, really good game
And we are very very close. I mean look what phantom galaxies are doing. Look what yourself are doing it under blocks. There's a few others out there, of course, and that supply side. Will you know once these games start taking off, that's when the rest of the world, as I said, is it catalyzes that mass adoption? That's when people say, OK, this is a real legitimate space. People are doing real legitimate things. A rising tide lifts all ships, and we're very, very big proponents of that.

大作ゲームが本格的にヒットし始め、軌道に乗り始めたときです。そのときこそ、世界中の人々が注目し始め、大量導入の触媒のひとつになると私は考えています。実は昨晩、immutableの創業者の一人であるRobbieの講演を聞いていたのですが、Web 3ゲームの普及が遅れているのは、実は需要サイドの問題ではない、という話をしていました。供給側の問題で、本当に優れたゲームをまだ見ていないだけなのです。
そして、私たちはもうすぐそこまで来ています。Phantom Galaxiesがやっていることを見てください。ブロック崩しでやっているのは自分自身です。もちろん、他にもいくつかありますし、供給側もそうです。このようなゲームが軌道に乗り始めると、世界中の人々が、先ほど申し上げたように、大量導入の触媒となるのでしょうか。「これは本物の合法的な空間だ」と言われるときです。人々は本当に正当なことを行っているのです。潮の満ち引きはすべての船を持ち上げるので、私たちはそれを大いに支持しているのです。

Ben Lee

Yeah no. Yeah I 100% agree. I mean one thing, I think just yesterday or day before we like ran a giveaway whitelist giveaway for for Metal Core which is another like mech game and people saying ohh like our community saying why? Why are you doing that? It's like aren't they a competitor? It's like.
Well, I mean yes, but no. Yeah, we're probably not gonna promote a game that is exactly like Hells. But yeah, it's something that's still like I said, the space that's going to to do that. I mean, and we got massive kind of engagement there on their kind of their wireless giveaway and going to what you're saying, the reason is, yeah, it's.
The audience? I mean yes, there's I don't know about the supply and demand there. There is a larger demand, but the demand from players could still be bigger. And I think the reason why it's not is because you know to get achieve that mass adoption. There's many challenges we need to kind of meet and solve so you know one is on boarding right now. It's very difficult to onboard traditional games into into blockchain into our games, so we're all working on that. And that's from a platform.
One of you like IMAX and Polygon and all the different platforms and you've got you've got the game point of view. For us all trying to figure out what's the best way to bring in people. It's about getting the the people to do. Actually, I think Brendan like you're saying, just accept blockchain gaming as well. So and part of that is like any kind of new product or product spaces we have to create the product and I guess that's what Robbie was saying. You know we need to make those games that pe
From a gaming perspective, and so you know and that kind of you know, goes into what we're doing. Trying to a fan of galaxies. And of course you know why. Again, part of that with people like Red Village and Maradona. And you know, we also do the Moto GP Ignition games as well and we're trying to make those as fun from a gameplay perspective so that people will see it and they just go. I really want to play that game. I know what's a blockchain game but that is OK. I'm going to play it now and j
I think like you said, it doesn't matter who's doing it. Doesn't matter if we all do it, it is best if we all do that and then we just go from, you know, a few millions of players to to you know 10s of millions to hundreds of millions of players out there.

一昨日、Metal Coreのホワイトリストプレゼントキャンペーンをやったんですが、これもメカゲームのなので、コミュニティから「なぜ?なぜそんなことをするんだ?競合じゃないのか?」という感じだった。
ゲームの観点から、私たちがやっていることは、そのようなことなのです。ギャラクシーのファンになってみてください。もちろん、その理由はおわかりでしょう。また、レッドビレッジやマラドーナのような人たちとの関係もその一部です。また、Moto GP Ignitionのゲームも作っていますが、ゲームプレイの観点からも楽しいものにして、人々がそれを見て、ただただ「やりたい!」と思うようにしたいと考えています。あのゲーム、やってみたいな。ブロックチェーンゲームって知ってるけど、いいや。これからプレイしてみます。

Undead Blocks

I completely agree. I think from our perspective it's user acquisition. Like you said, I think there is a supply side issue where there just truly aren't enough fun games to play you're. I think there are two. I say this a lot on some of my spaces, but there are these two dichotomies of blockchain gaming. You have these web browser based games that are essentially decentralized yield farming and then you have these quote UN quote AAA studios that never release gameplay. They just released a cine
Elections in 2022. In your life like, there's so many different things coming at you, I think if you actually sat down and you you went to the grocery store, you pulled 100 people and they said like do you want to own your assets? And I think most of the 95% would say yes and then you asked like do you want to own an FT? A lot of those hands are going to go down and we have to work all of us together to really show the value. Show the ability to buy, sell, trade to own your digital assets. Save
I was talking to someone from Epic the other day and you know, a while ago and I think right now, traditional IP companies don't understand web three and the freedom of just IP ownership and what what it really brings and.
And that's why you know I think borders is one of the number one, like NFT projects, purely for what they've achieved and and while it might not stay there, you know forever. But I think what they're doing is breaking ground in that way, and where we want to follow as well. So once.
This is where you come back that true digital asset ownership, which is true asset ownership or IP ownership. It is very freeing in the same way that the Internet and Web 2 freed free information free data freed people's opinions, right? So yeah, I don't know. It's kind of not quite answer your question, but I think that's that's really blue sky and getting way beyond gaming. But to me, that's that's yeah, that's what I'm excited about.

2022年の選挙 人生にはさまざまなものがありますが、もしあなたが実際に座って、食料品店に行って、100人を引き連れて、自分の資産を持ちたいですか、と言ったら、95%の人は自分の資産を持ちたいと思うでしょう。そして、「NFTを所有したいですか」と尋ねたら、95%の人が「はい」と答えます。多くの人の手が離れていくので、私たちは全員で協力して、本当に価値があることを示さなければなりません。デジタル資産を売買、取引して所有する能力を示すのです。保存
先日、Epicの方とお話したのですが、従来のIP企業は、Web 3やIP所有権の自由さ、そしてそれがもたらすものを理解していないように思います。

ここで、真のデジタル・アセット・オーナーシップ、つまり真の資産所有権、知的財産所有権に立ち戻ることになります。インターネットやWeb 2が情報の自由を、データの自由を、人々の意見を解放したのと同じように、これは非常に自由なことなんですね。そうですね、どうでしょう。質問の答えになっていませんが、これは本当にブルースカイで、ゲームの域をはるかに超えていると思います。でも、私にとっては、そう、それが楽しみなんです。


Which is, I think, uh, you know, it's a good point. Gaming becomes more immersive and as we become more immersed in the games that we play and the systems that are built around them, that they're you know the lines are blurred between traditional media and gaming and. And that's really like speaks to the core of the Metaverse as well that it's just this another space where we'll come to exist and you know, that's probably where we sort of think about the Red Village and our goals for us, it's it
creating something that you know is analogous it's similar it's it's as good as or better than a traditional game and that's acting as a you know as a an on board for for gamers whatever they may look like wherever they may come from to come and participate and part of this you know we obviously we all talk about planned and now i think for for me really i sort of think about things as a social gaming perspective too it's really to some extent sort of divorcing that sort of
Creating something that you know is analogous. It's similar. It's it's as good as or better than a traditional game, and that's acting as a, you know, as a an on board for for gamers, whatever they may look like wherever they may come from to come and participate. And part of this, you know, we obviously we all talk about planned. And now I think for for me really, I sort of think about things as a social gaming perspective too. It's really to some extent sort of divorcing that sort of.
Earning mechanism and and really bringing that social element first as well. I think that's where for us that that'll be a huge opportunity to on board a huge opportunity to to keep and grow and retain engagement is through providing a really strong social environment. And that is where you have this sort of crossover between what an MMO RPG really is, which is a mini metaverse and and what we're sort of building in Web 3, which is the exact same sort of thing, and so.
To answer the question for us, I think the opportunity is providing a social gaming platform to give people the opportunity not only to to own their characters and to to customise and to play the game, but to also immerse themselves really deeply in the law in the dark fantasy element in the community that builds up behind a web three sort of project. And that's a really, really important part of it is is that community element, and so that's where we approach this from. And that's where we'd li
Sort of head there eventually as well, but yeah, some really good points you brought up as well, and I you know interesting way of thinking about it.


稼ぎの仕組みと、社会的な要素を最初に持ってくることです。私たちにとって、強力なソーシャル環境を提供することは、エンゲージメントを維持・拡大・保持するための大きなチャンスになると思います。MMO RPGの本当の姿であるミニメタバースと、私たちがWeb 3で構築しようとしているものがクロスオーバーするのは、まさにこの点だと思います。

私たちにとってのチャンスは、ソーシャルゲームのプラットフォームを提供することで、人々が自分のキャラクターを所有し、カスタマイズしてゲームをプレイするだけでなく、Web 3のようなプロジェクトの背後に構築されるコミュニティで、ダークファンタジー要素の法律に深く没頭する機会を提供することだと思います。このコミュニティーの要素がとても重要であり、私たちはそこからアプローチしています。そして、私たちはそこからアプローチしています。

Undead Blocks

I love it. While we're at time, fellas, I appreciate you guys hopping on. I definitely I. I think we should do this again in the future. Maybe we can make the like a, you know quarterly update. We just check in with each other and see how we're doing. But I do appreciate you guys insight. Obviously blowfish and wag you are leading the charge in terms of web 3 monetizing our digital assets, allowing our gamers to really own you know those assets for the first time in your life and it's been it's
最高だ。 君たちの参加に感謝している。将来的には、またこれをやるべきだと思います。多分、四半期ごとに更新するような形にできると思う。お互いに確認しあって、どうやってるかを見るんです。でも、皆さんの洞察力には感謝しています。明らかに、blowfishとwagは、Web 3のデジタル資産の収益化という点で、主導権を握っています。

I don't understand why you're not able to sell your Fortnite skins so you know,
we go back and forth on that.
But I definitely appreciate you guys hopping on. If you guys have any questions for Ben or Brendan, definitely hop in their discords phantom galaxies and Red Village. Or, you know, like I said, they're they're leading the way. And if you guys I know a lot of undead blocks fans are in the crowd. If you guys have any questions, please follow them on Twitter, hop in. Their discord is where
Uh, shameless plug. We have our undead blocks $10,000 pistols, our MP5 massacre going live tomorrow at 10:00 AM. It's free to play. No one FT required. So if you guys wanna come hang out for the weekend, shoot some zombies. Try to earn some crypto. Definitely want you guys to download our beta. Check it out, but until next time guys we'll see you and and and thanks, Ben. And thanks Brendan for coming up and sharing.

ご存知の通りFortniteのスキンが販売されないのは理解できないので、その点については何度もやり直しました。でも、参加してくれて本当にありがとう。ベンやブレンダンに質問がある場合は、彼らのディスコードの「phantom galaxies」と「Red Village」に飛び込んでみてください。
ええと、恥知らずのプラグ。アンデッド・ブロックの1万ドルピストル、MP5大虐殺は明日の午前10時にライブ配信される予定です。無料で遊べます。FTは必要ない だから、あなたたちは週末に遊びに来て、いくつかのゾンビを撃つしたい場合。暗号を稼ごう。

Ben Lee

No thank you, thank you.

