




  1. マークのベースを起点に配置して、選択。

  2. Applescriptを実行し、スプレッドシート P1の値を入力。「展開」という名前のレイヤーが作られ、内容が展開される。


マークはグループ化しておく。テキストフレームが含まれていれば、スプレッドシート A列の施設名が入力される。

●Applescriptを実行し、スプレッドシート P1の値を入力。



global the_text_frame
tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	display dialog "素を入力してください" default answer "" buttons {"キャンセル", "OK"}
end tell
set the_text to text returned of result

set array1 to divide_text(the_text, "/")
set array2 to {}
repeat with an_item in array1
	set temp_array to divide_text(an_item, ",")
	set the end of array2 to temp_array
end repeat

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	tell current document
		set spread_layer to make a new layer with properties {name:"展開"}
		set the_objects to selection
		set the_text_frame to ""
		repeat with an_item in the_objects
			set its_class to class of an_item
			if its_class is text frame then
				set the_text_frame to an_item
			else if its_class is group item then
				my into_the_group(an_item)
			end if
		end repeat
		set y to item 1 of position of item 1 of the_objects
		set x to item 2 of position of item 1 of the_objects
		repeat with i in array2
			set x_gap to item 1 of i
			set y_gap to item 2 of i
			set new_x to x + x_gap
			set new_y to y + y_gap
			set new_one to duplicate the_objects with properties {position:{new_y, new_x}}
			if the_text_frame is not "" then
				set contents of the_text_frame to item 3 of i
			end if
			move new_one to beginning of spread_layer
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

to into_the_group(group_item)
	tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
		tell current document
			set its_items to page items of group_item
			repeat with an_item in its_items
				set its_class to class of an_item
				if its_class is text frame then
					set the_text_frame to an_item
				else if its_class is group item then
					my into_the_group(an_item)
				end if
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end into_the_group

to divide_text(the_text, the_delimiter)
	tell application "Finder"
		set the_original_delimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the_delimiter
		set these_items to text items of the_text
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the_original_delimiters
		return these_items
	end tell
end divide_text

