文系修士課程2年生 → Fujitsu 題名:Cyber Power Index ov…


文系修士課程2年生 → Fujitsu 題名:Cyber Power Index over Taiwan conflicts 研究内容や読書感想などをつらつらと適当に書いていきます 好きな漫画;キングダム 人生について:イケメンな人生を歩んでいくこと


Long Run 7日目

Long Run 7日目

    Long run 3日目

    Long run 3日目

    long run2日目

    long run2日目


    [Scenes of Siegfred and Sieg integrating with each other in the deep world.] [Siegfred asks as Sieg tries to draw the Balmunch sword] Siegfred: What is your reason for baring the sword? What do you want? What would you wish for?? [Sieg r


    Significant Cyber Incidents 5/11

    This site records the timeline of cyber incidents since 2006. I would like to analyze and evaluate the operation scale. 1)March 2024: Iranian hackers compromised an IT network connected to an Israeli nuclear facility. Hackers leaked sensit

    Significant Cyber Incidents 5/11

    楽天面接 成功のコンセプトについて

    私は3月中旬に内々定を受けましたが、せっかくですので楽天の最終面接での経験についてシェアしたいと思います。私が受けたのはエンジニア職のProduct Manager職で、2次面接が最終面接でした。 面接ではまず、自分が立ち上げたECサイトでのリーダー経験や、チーム運営で心掛けた点について約30分間深掘りされました。その後、残りの30分で逆質問を行いました。この逆質問が他の学生と差をつけるポイントだったと感じています。例えば、楽天での開発手法について、従来型とアジャイル型のど

    楽天面接 成功のコンセプトについて

    Hackers spent 2+ years looting secrets of chipmaker NXP before being detected

    Data of Report: November 2023 Affiliations: Chimera, a Chinese threat actor In the end of 2017, Chimera gained access to the network of Dutch chip manufacture NXP and utilized this access to monitor employee’s communication and steal a uni

    Hackers spent 2+ years looting secrets of chipmaker NXP before being detected

    Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware an Wiretapped in Greece

    一つ目 Data of Report: March 2023 Affiliations: Believed to be the work of the Greek Intelligence Service In September 2021, Greece’s national intelligence service installed Predator spyware onto the phone of a Meta employee in the country,

    Meta Manager Was Hacked With Spyware an Wiretapped in Greece

    Cyber Power Index over Taiwan conflicts Methodology

    指標定義テーブルについて投稿します The 8 Objectives They have provided two issues that have been of particular interest to readers of the Index, are a holistic approach to cyber power and achieving multiple objectives using cyber means. A holistic Approac

    Cyber Power Index over Taiwan conflicts Methodology

    Cyber Power Index 序論

    The cutting edge of the internet and rapid increase of information and telecommunication technologies (ICTs) have brought about significant impact on the daily lives of individuals. These development and advancements have accelerated the se

    Cyber Power Index 序論