



Day305 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-ポカポカ最高!

It was warm again today. I didn't even need a heater in my house. The wind was from the…

Day304 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-ウォッチング業も楽な仕事ではありませんね

I went whale-watching today, too. It was the fourth time in a month, lol. To be honest, …

Day303 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-ルームメイトとさよなら

I had a big week... It's my Friday. One of my roommates has finally left our flat. We'll…

Day302 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-過去一楽しいバレーだった!!!

Today was absolutely the best volleyball day for me. It was sooo much fun!(My friend sai…

Day301 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-毎晩しゃべり疲れて眠たいなり

There are at least four Japanese working holiday guys in Kaikoura now! I caught up with …

Day300 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-あと65日!!!!

It's reached 300 blogs! Yaaaaayy!!! I made it. What a big number it is. Writing in Engli…

Day299 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-幸せな土晩

I had such a lovely night with my friends. After work, I caught up with them at a pub. We enjoyed a steak and beer and played pool and darts. There were eight people in total. That was so much fun, I'm not going to lie. I was so happy. I've

Day298 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-でいおふ〜〜って感じ

I am super tired today. I went whale watching as third time in a month. The front staff …

Day297 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-目指せフォカッチャマスター🇮🇹

I can make focàccia by myself now! After my Italian friend and I made it together, I re…

Day296 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-俺の華金

It's my Friday! (This is actually my favorite phrase) It was colder than usual. I can't …

Day295 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-全部出し切ったわ

I'm super tired. It's been raining all day, so I couldn't use my scooter. My roommate ga…

Day294 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-カイコウラチームジャパン新メンバー、発表し…

We welcomed a new member of the Japanese team to my workplace! Yay! I heard about her la…

Day293 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-平凡な毎日に感謝を

Today was nothing special, but this is a great thing for me. I work, eat, and sleep here…

Day292 ニュージーランドでワーホリ生活-ペンギン保護区のストーリーを英語で身に付けたい

My friend invited me to their house for lunch today. They are always nice to me, and I'm so happy! The lunch was beef soup with noodles. Both were homemade and so delicious! Afterward, I went to KORI's penguin sanctuary to clean up with ou