
A Re-Reflection of Yuika Mitsumine's Relationships



※This is written mainly in ENGLISH
※Beware of SPOILERS (ネタバレ)
※Some of my own translations may not be 1:1 accurate
Hello, this is Lewdacriz (リューダP), an overseasP. This marks the second time that I've written something here in Note, and what I would write in detail here are my observations and reflections of Mitsumine's relationships with others after producing her for a couple of years now.

In doing so, I would hope that this subjective piece of writing would make her character make more sense to me (and maybe to others) and that I may be able to derive catharsis as Shiny Colors gradually transitions into the new era of content with her new voice actress. 

I am unsure if what I'm about to write here is considered old news to other Ps in the english-speaking (or even japanese-speaking) shinymas communities. Despite that, I'm optimistic that I may be able to share my appreciation for the character and perhaps Shiny Colors in the very least if not for insight.

Note: Her pSSR cards will be referred to by name followed by number indicating release if I mention them. Her pSR cards will be referred to by release number or by name.

  • Yuika1 - Mitsugokoro

  • Yuika2 - Me o Tsuburimashou

  • Yuika3 - NOT≠EQUAL - NE

  • Yuika4 - Kurakura - Kuramine

  • Yuika5 - Ame ni Shukufuku

  • Yuika6 - Love Comedy - RomCom


Yuika Mitsumine ( 三峰結華 ) is an upbeat and chipper college freshman who is quick to think and able to read the room well. She is also adept at reading people, which translates to her being able to get along with just about anyone. Furthermore, she indulges in many different hobbies as we all know, and that her wota activities are kept under wraps from the eyes of others aside from her own producer.

As I learned more and more about her, I've come to learn that she is a character of ever-adjusting distances, such that "distance" becomes just as important of a motif as "rain". It's nice to see that the distance between Yuika Mitsumine and other entities change and vary but ultimately shorten the gap between them and herself.

Distance with L'Antica

The Ones Who Stay In My Heart

I can't talk about Yuika's relationship with L'Antica without mentioning Kokoromine. The main crux of this card lies in Commu3 where Yuika invites her old high school friends from years back to a girls-night-out dinner party.

As they're returning back home, one of her friends mentions that she happened to come across the L'Antica variety show (Commu2) the other day and was pleased to find that the Mitsumine that she knew…

Yuika's Friend 1: Mitsumine hasn't changed at all.

…hasn't changed one bit! Yuika Mitsumine was still able to be… genuine and a familiar face that her high school friends have known her for. It wasn't different back when they were in high school at all!

Yuika: (If I really didn't change at all then…)

She laughs. She's glad that she has opened up to L'Antica this much such that the friends that actually know her still see the same old Mitsumine from back then. Becoming an idol may have changed Yuika's life, but it is still the same Mitsumine that we know and love.

The Ones Who Stay In My Heart…

L'Antica really are the ones that not only are invited inside but also reside and live inside!


Yuika doesn't readily drop her guard down, but ever since her debut as an idol, she becomes more open to people being closer to her. Kogane is one of the many important people that Yuika would regularly invite into her space. Kogane doesn't make any calculated steps to approach Yuika either.

I also believe that Kogane is an "idol that inspires others", which is very close to if not the type of idol that Yuika wants to be as mentioned in WING. Kogane is someone that leads by example and integrity despite the hardships she faces, and that is something that Yuika respects and admires. It's almost as if both of them are sort of foils together and also cover each other's weaknesses… The Hero (Kogane) and the Lancer (Yuika).

Yuika: (This person is upfront… And very upfront with what she values.)
There's just no beating Kogatan, huh? 

Kogane is a very forward person but also is void of any pretense and ulterior motives to square anyone up, and I think it's this wholesomeness and optimism that makes Yuika can't help but let her guard down.

Kogane: But even if you say that, Yuika… Aren'tcha also having loads of fun too? I can tell!
Yuika: (…No way, I had no idea… Am I this comfortable with everyone that they can see right through me?)

I look forward to future L'Antica content with just the two, as I think there's a lot of potential to explore their relationship deeply. I hope that both of them rub off on each other to some extent in the future too!


…Speaking of wholesome people, Kiriko is very much this. And to make things better, she's the youngest member of L'Antica, which leads everyone to befriend and spoil her to some degree. It's adorable to see Kiriko and Yuika together as the former's unique sensibility and innocence deteriorates Yuika's guarded shell completely to reveal an inner kindness. But apart from this healing, there's also a degree of trust.

I think a lot of people like to cite the collabofes card "Your Sky, My Sky" as the prime example of how their relationship is like but I personally think the commu from "Magia L'Antica" event demonstrates it best!

Kiriko: Then… I'll continue to cast my magic so that Yuika-chan can be happy!

I've left out a lot of the dialogue but one of the main takeaways from this commu is that Yuika revealed her "greediness" off-camera to Kiriko (and Producer). I hope that Yuika continues to greedily receive the magic of love and happiness from Kiriko so that Yuika herself can cast that same magic to others as well.

It's interesting! 

On-camera: "I will cast the magic on others before it gets casted on me!"

Off-camera: "Actually, I might be the type who'd would want all the magic casted on me."

The context may just be about "combing hair" but it comes to show an indulgent side to Yuika (…more on that later on).

But on another note… Did you catch it?

Yuika: …Once more, I've been promised happiness.

This line here!!!

Makes reference to the first time she was promised happiness in one rainy day.

Colorful Metamorphose True End: I was promised happiness that day.


Mamimi's an interesting case of a relationship with Yuika. Both are interested in fashion and even in each other's clothes, and both bounce off one another as if engaging in mental warfare. 

I've sorta mentioned the part of this relationship here…

…but another thing to note is that Yuika is known as the "elder sister" of L'Antica. Makes sense that she is the eldest member of the unit (age-wise) and is also reliable, capable, and mature.

Outside of the jolly good fun that Mamimi and Yuika have, Mamimi is observant of Yuika's "serious onee-san mode" and also honors her advice and feedback. The most recent and prominent example of this was in the "Mimisuku" event back in Feb 2021.

Here, Mamimi is asking Yuika advice about how to best help a friend (Sakuya) after noticing a small personal issue and wonders if it's best to involve others (Yuika and rest of the L'Antica members) even if it isn't a dire problem.

Yuika: If it were Mitsumine… I'd also involve others.
…But I wouldn't tell them about that friend's issue.
I'll keep it to myself, rather.
Yuika: I'm not sure if it's the correct way but… they may not want the others to worry.
They may not want the others to know about it in the first place.
And for the record, they may not even be looking for help.
Yuika: But if you've been thinking "What should I do to help?"…
…then it comes to show that you still want to do it.
So just do it! All in the name of "self-satisfaction!"
Yuika: Do something for yourself that just happens to also benefit the other.

Yuika Mitsumine reveals her way of helping to Mamimi. Her way of supporting from the shadows. It's a very Mitsumine way of doing things as to solve a problem without it being ever brought up to light. They've come a long way from just a shared interest in fashion to Mamimi asking Yuika for advice like this. The pair certainly has gotten a lot closer and that Mamimi can look to Yuika as a reliable friend/older sister who gives valuable advice.

This was her method of helping Sakuya back in L'Antica TFD!


Speaking of Sakuya… Much like Mamimi, she is also very aware of Yuika's "behind the scenes" action. Perhaps Sakuya's the one in the unit who's most aware of it.

Outside of their back-and-forth flirt battles, they have a high degree of mutual understanding, and Yuika Mitsumine has changed quite a lot partly because of Sakuya!

Big Sister

I think back to the Santamine sSSR (translation by BelveraP) as an example of Yuika being more honest with her feelings and being happy as a result.

Basically, Sakuya spots Yuika in the shopping center figuring out what Christmas present to give to her family, and Sakuya suggests that she send them a Christmas card since other gifts would be awkward to send.

Sakuya: However… Above all, you want to show them how you feel.
In that case, wouldn't a card where you write out your feelings be perfect?
Yuika: …How well you know me is scary sometimes…

Yuika has trouble showing her honest feelings. For one thing, it's embarrassing for her to be… vulnerable and laid bare, but it comes to show that it brings happiness.

…Remember that they flirt battle? Yuika took the W here as she bombarded (in earlier lines not shown) the embarrassed Sakuyan with praise and gratitude.

Yuika: I'm really grateful for what you did for me, Sakuyan!
Sakuya: [~~……!]
Yuika: Ahaha, oh man. I'm feeling satisfied right now.
Sakuya: […When you're being honest, you're a special sort of wonderful, Yuika.]

I really do think both of them has rubbed off on the other, and it shows in other stuff besides this! 

Yuika: That's right! The very things that Sakuyan doesn't like… umbrellas!
Mitsumine actually likes them more than you think.

In Commu1 of "Unkan no Moment" sSR, Sakuya and Yuika take shelter from the rain, and Sakuya points out that she doesn't like rainy days so much because the umbrellas cover the faces of other people. Yuika on the contrary talks from the perspective that it isn't so bad because you can see what people are all like by the kind of umbrella they're using. Sakuyan's world gets wider after this commu as she recognizes this perspective and may come to like rainy days a bit more.

Sakuya: It's for "my" sake. I'm doing it because I want to see everyone smiling.
I'm not doing it for "everyone."
And of course, I'm not doing it for "your" sake either, Yuika. ...Okay?
So don't get too carried away, alright?

Another commu in "She Is" sSSR reveals to us that Sakuya does her service and good deeds for more personal and selfish reasons…

Yuika: Do something for yourself that just happens to also benefit the other.

Isn't this all too similar to what she has told to Mamimi? Both Yuika and Sakuya share a similar mopus operandi! Their "self-indulgance" comes into play here that it also shares and gives back what they received.

I'm reminded back to "Magia L'Antica" and Yuika's view on getting hit by all of the magic herself to give as much back in return.

But nothing probably left more of an impact than what happened in L'Antica TFD prior to that sSSR…

Yuika: I don't let people know what I want them to know,
and I hide what I don't want them to see.
…So when a certain someone [Sakuya] took on a stance like that…
I thought "You can't keep it bottled up forever, so spit it out!"
…and I realized it's as if I was telling myself that too.
Yuika: …Now ain't that annoying?
Producer: Yuika, does that mean… that you're willing to compromise?

And compromise, she eventually did. Seeing Sakuya like that moved her heart greatly, and that would help her learn to become a bit more honest with her feelings rather than keep them all locked inside. There are elements of the Yuika and Sakuya relationship that I also see in her relationship with the producer.

But what is the nature of her feelings for the producer so far?

Distance with the producer

Answer: [Idol Yuika Mitsumine]

This is the "correct answer". Nothing less and nothing more, but it isn't coldly professional. Become the idol that you're meant to be and preserve the frame of "Idol and Producer".

If this was a mistake…
…then find the distance from Moving Point P
You gave me the correct answer in the rain (for the second time)
Answer: [Idol Yuika Mitsumine]
…Can I rely on you?
Yuika: You are… Mitsumine's most important producer. And that will never change.
Yuika: This the correct answer for us… Don't you think?

The relationship that Yuika wants to achieve with P is that of an "Idol and Producer" relationship. But I can't help but be anxious by just how her heart stirs and how often she closely approaches the boundary line that she drew herself only to redraw the line time and time again as she reevaluates her relationship with the producer.

Remember that Yuika Mitsumine is a private person, and keeping her own producer at bay as to prevent fallout, to minimize damage, to save energy, or whatever reason she has yet to disclose goes against traditional iDOLM@STER means of production.

Traditionally, the producer MUST be closer with the idol to help them achieve their dreams of being a successful and top idol.

How can she achieve her goals if her way of life gets in the way of a producer's job? iDOLM@STER is no stranger to idols blossoming stronger feelings as their producer… just does their job.

For Mitsumine, the consequences of crossing the line are catastrophic.

The concept of NOT≠EQUAL

One thing I don't see people talking about is… why NOT≠EQUAL is titled the way it is.

What are the two expressions in the equation that are unequal?

Going in context with the card itself, the producer is entranced by the sight of the Yuika Mitsumine before him, such that the lady didn't look like the idol he knows. He sees her in a different light. And Yuika Mitsumine was left to realize that maybe… that the "Idol and Producer" relationship that she was aiming for was in shambles.

Yuika's perception of the "Idol and Producer" relationship was ≠ to how it really is. She firmly believed that the producer wouldn't step out of line as to see her as anything more than that, so that comment shook her to the core, and she withdraws herself as she reattempts to "recalculate" her distance with P. Of course, as we know the producer reassures her that his motivations are that of a producer, and so the current image of "Idol and Producer" is repaired.

…I think there's a lot more going on when it comes to unequal perceptions. We can go beyond that context and apply ≠ to other things too.

  • How her view as an idol ≠ to her view of her peers (WING/GRAD)

  • How her view as an idol ≠ to her producer's view of her (NE)

  • How her view as an idol ≠ to others' view of her (Yuika5/pSR3)

  • How the current image of [Idol Mitsumine] is ≠ to the ideal image of [Idol Mitsumine] 

  • How [Yuika Mitsumine] ≠ to [Idol Mitsumine]

So it's not just the difference in gaps between herself and others, but also how those gaps or distances change over the course of time and how the "expressions to the inequality" will gradually start to approach and match such that it goes from [≠ → =].

NE has really enhanced my enjoyment of all of her commus because it made me more receptive to how the distance changes.

So it's not just the closeness between her and the producer that's changing but also the closeness between herself and her fans. And especially the gap between her ideal self and her current self.

What made it striking to me was how very much aware she is of the gaps between herself and other people and even with her own goal.

More importantly, it leads to her "correct answer".


Yuika Mitsumine is a character of ever-adjusting distances, and the concept of NE is something that can be applied to a ton of her commus. The status-quo answer of [Idol Yuika Mitsumine] from NE also presents an objective that becomes ever so increasingly difficult to maintain. Just because her answer is "correct" does not always mean that she'll be satisfied with what comes from it.

Similarly, her tendency to keep people away was her old "correct answer" long before she became an idol. And that stance on life was not the answer that would bring herself, the producer, and others fully satisfied.

So with this in mind… What is Yuika's relationship with the producer like? And how does it differ from her relationship with L'Antica?

Producer: Haha, oh sheesh… This is exactly why you're the Queen…
Yuika: Hmm? Are you saying that I'm a selfish woman who's quite a handful?
Producer: No, I'm saying that you have this charm that makes someone want to make you happy.
Yuika: Wow, someone's not convinced. So stubborn~
…I guess, why not look at it from this angle?
The reason P-tan's able to see through Mitsumine is…
…because Mitsumine allows it to happen.

Yuika's attitude towards the producer with more of her private life and thoughts is… more controlled and deliberate in contrast to her fellow unit members. It is ShinyP's job to learn more about his idol and build a strong foundation of mutual trust to produce and mentor her better, but the things he learns of Yuika are controlled at her own pace.

What's especially deliberate is when she opts out of the "Producer and Idol" frame. 

Yuika: You see, I don't want the news of "Yuika Mitsumine the idol came here" to spread.
I want to go to this live not as an idol but as an ordinary person.

Here in pSR3 she intends to masquerade as a "regular girl".

Producer: Whaa... Wait...! The two of us are──!
Yuika: You're riiiight! He totally is~! He's been a tremendous help~~!

And here's in Yuika2, a retail employee who was watching them from afar mistakes the pair as boyfriend and girlfriend. Instead of correcting that perception, Yuika instead moves away from the "Idol and Producer" frame due to convenience.

Compare this to Yuika3/NE (TL by "Enzo and Mondo")…

Yuika: (I hate being so selfish...)
Yuika: I am an idol. Yuika Mitsumine is an idol in the unit L'Antica.
So when I was with Producer... I thought I was filling that role.
But what if I'm wrong? What if my behavior looked like something else all along?

It seems that she doesn't mind if others don't see them as that. She's okay with others seeing the pair as anything but "idol and producer" but she becomes anxious when it's her or the producer that start seeing themselves outside of that.

Does she opt out of frame when it's convenient? Yes.

Does she opt out of frame because of her "selfishness"? Also yes.

It's risky. Especially when there's always the danger of crossing the line as they keep approaching the boundary line, yet sometimes she dares ask for more or thinks hard to best show her feelings in such a way that still stays within bounds.

Yuika:  Oh... wait──
Producer: ?
Yuika: …Um… There might be something already... uh... well...
Could you... stick around just a little longer... and talk to me...?

Again, "Idol and Producer" is an objective that becomes more difficult to reach as the distance between them gets closer and closer and as she indulges in her selfishness. It's the price that she has to pay or to be mindful of as she works on being the idol she wants to be.

pSR3 Omoide - [Reveal my Heart] Indulge With You

Even then, bit by bit they both learn more about each other and build trust.
Apart from hobbies, both learn about each other's vulnerabilities and capabilities.

Yuika1 and Yuika2 are clear examples of this!

Yuika: Isn't the Mitsumine right now looking pretty lame?

In Yuika1, the producer sees her vulnerable side, a side that she wants to hide. He assures her that even if she's looking like a mess, he admires her work effort and is proud of his idol.

Producer: ...Do I really deserve to be called "cool and reliable"?
I don't think I'm living up to that level at all...

In Yuika2, this time it's Yuika who sees the producer's stressed and vulnerable side, a side that he wants to hide as well. But just like in Yuika1 where the producer understands her feelings, she understands his feelings and assures him that even if he's a mess and feeling ill. She knows that all of his hard work is what's required for him to be her "cool and reliable" producer. In the end, she encourages him and "closes her eyes" just as the producer "closes his eyes" in Yuika1.

Both tend to put their own selves down while lifting the other up. Is this perhaps… low-confidence? We all know that Yuika Mitsumine, while being self-assertive and bold, doesn't have much confidence in herself.

Despite having become an idol, she is still an avid fan of idols and tends to put them on a higher pedestal even when she herself has the abilities to rival and even surpass her idol peers.

Which is why I really like how Yuika GRAD turned out. When Yuika puts herself down, it is unfair to those who support her, her fans, and especially her producer (who always boasts that he's her first fan). It also reminds me of Sakuya's pSR "Yukizome Romantica" where Sakuyan lectures at the producer for putting himself down. There's a lot to be learned from each other, and I like the mentor-mentee or professional part of their relationship. 

They have a mutual understanding and that they learn and rely on each other to become the best they can be. 

Producer: As expected, you're well prepared, Yuika.
Yuika: I just happen to have a certain someone in my life who cares.
I've been keeping an eye on him for a while, so I guess he must've rubbed off on me.
Producer: That so? I know what that's like, actually. After all…
…there's a certain someone whom I respect for how she looks after those around her.
Yuika and Producer: …………
Producer: I got empowered again by you today, Yuika.
Yuika: Producer…!
Producer: Yuika, you'd often tell me… "Producer always has everyone in his mind."
Sure, that is my job──
Producer: But it's also because how you and the others empower me that I'm able to do that.
Does our dear idol understand?
Yuika: Heehee! What a slick way to shift responsibility…!
But P-tan shouldn't give credit to Mitsumine and the others without his due.

So to answer the question from before…

What is the nature of her feelings for the producer so far?

There are a few things… Yuika Mitsumine has trouble being fully honest with herself and sharing those honest feelings with others, including the Producer.
So she portrays her feelings to him in obfuscating ways that even the player reading it may have no idea that they're being misled.

To put it modestly, I think that Yuika has a "yearning" for a closer relationship with someone who understands her well. It just so happens that someone is the producer, and she had already formed her "correct answer", so anything more than a professional relationship is a no go and is undesirable. They may tease and flirt back and forth, but they both know well enough to not cross the line.

"Idol and Producer" is an objective that becomes more difficult to reach as the distance between them gets closer and closer and as she indulges in her selfishness.

Unlike with L'Antica, Yuika to the producer expresses her feelings through mind games and thinks hard to the point of overthinking on how to best portray her inner heart while keeping the "Idol and Producer" frame in mind.

Even if she formed the "correct answer", she attempts to go past the line by redrawing it and indulges in this "romcom chicken game". I think the drama played out in her Valentines Day commus best outline her mental gymnastics to force a square peg into a circular hole regarding any feelings to the producer outside of the "correct answer".

Yuika: Ahhh I can't… I don't know anymore…!
Handmade chocolate… Isn't this like, coming off too strong…?! But….
Maybe he doesn't care if it's handmade or not… He'll be happy with whatever…

In the end, she gave him handmade chocolate (2021), and funny enough, his reaction "Handmade?! Amazing Yuika! Thanks! I'll be sure to savor it completely!" was exactly as she had predicted… verbatim.

Yuika: ("Which one do you like between what I made and what I bought?")
(…Alright! Okay…! It's going to be fine…!!! This is totally… normal!)
(And since you're going all this way… better to find out which one he prefers most!)
C'mon…! C'mooooon…!!)
[The producer enters the car]
Yuika: Ah….Um….
(There's no way I can do this~~~~~! This feels super awkward!!!)

In the end (during White Day 2022), she managed to ask him but didn't get the answer she was looking for lol

But that's that, she's been a bit more daring as of late, and it doesn't make much sense to me for her to be this flustered and overthinking if all she wants to express is gratitude. So this 'yearning' is something that I can't completely deny even in the face of the "correct answer".

Apart from that, I believe that the best answer comes from her recent pSR (the last piece of Runamine content).

Yuika: That's a handsome smile you got there. It tells me that you really enjoy your work.
...That's why I feel like scouting you.
Producer: O-Oh…?
Yuika: I was thinking... that you'd make for an incredible producer.

Isn't this like a fateful reunion gacha?!

Yuika and Producer's paths intersect on a rainy day once again, and she reenacts their meeting but this time she "reverse-scouts" him to be her producer. Looking back, they both were captivated by each others smiles and as they worked at their jobs.

I think their relationship ultimately comes back to this:

"You have this charm that makes someone want to make you happy."

I don't think that this is just the charm of Yuika Mitsumine that ShinyP recognizes, but also the charm of the producer that Yuika Mitsumine recognizes. What better way to make each other happy by helping them become the best idol or the best producer that they can be!

Regardless of the exact nature of her feelings outside of the "Idol and Producer" frame, ShinyP is without a doubt part of the "ones who stay within her heart."

Just what is the distance that separates her and "Moving Point P"?

Zero Distance Through the Screen

After everything that's happened…

I'd say that the distance is none other than zero.

[≠ → =]

"You have this charm that makes someone want to make you happy."

I personally view this as the main charm of [Yuika Mitsumine]… but this doesn't give a complete picture.

…but what is the charm of [Idol Yuika Mitsumine]?

I think it's best illustrated in these commus.

Yuika: Oho! Good eye, P-san~!
With a single pair of glasses, you can completely change the impression you give off.
They're pretty critical.
Producer: Really…
Yuika: For example, if Mitsumine wore a different pair of glasses,
she'd seem like a different person, right?
Producer: The way you change your vibe with the day's clothes really is your strong suit.
Mamimi: (Mitsumine may be bold and assertive, but she's also skilled at fitting in wherever she's at. The outfit she put together is just like her personality.)

I think the charm of [Idol Yuika Mitsumine] is that she is able to "change colors" (a colorful metamorphose) and still be perceived as "Yuika". The impression and vibe may look different, but it's still the same Yuika Mitsumine that people know.

Mitsumine hasn't changed at all.

It wasn't until Yuika5 that we're starting to change her current idol image to that of the image of the "regular girl", such that [Yuika Mitsumine] = [Idol Yuika Mitsumine].

Producer: Of course, I'm not saying that the role doesn't fit you at all, Yuika.
But that role is one of many that you can do. There's more to your charm than that…
And I want to show off all of your charms to everyone.
That's why… I can't accept the me who failed to show them what you're made of…

Even BRUTUS magazine hammers this down. The article on for page mentions that the composition of the shot was to portray two sides…

  • The [Idol] in front of the mirror.

  • The [Regular Girl] in the mirror image.

The BRUTUS preview for Yuika also used the mirror image to emphasize the "true face" and the "regular girl."

Her charm as an idol is a multi-faceted one. She isn't limited to one image or one color. Her charm as an idol is a multitude of images that form a bigger picture. And that multitude includes the "regular girl" who feels ≠ to her idol self.

"You have this charm that makes someone want to make you happy."

ShinyP in "Onegai, Tada no Shoujo ga ii"

Her overall charm no matter if it's a 'regular girl' or as an 'idol' is that she has many charms and that maybe they all make people want to see her be happy.

In the producer's mind, he failed to show that off. Possibly in respect for Yuika's intent for privacy and feelings. But Yuika in turn also understands her producer and wants him to be proud of himself just as she is proud of him.

So it's Yuika's turn to compromise, so that she can evolve further as an idol and to also make the producer satisfied as a producer and happy as her first fan. This is what their relationship is like, isn't it? A series of talks and compromises that bring out the best in each other and allow for the growth of the other, eventually going from ≠ → =.

Distance with her fans

In terms of her relationship to her fans, presenting [Yuika Mitsumine] as the new and full picture of [Idol Yuika Mitsumine] comes with its own ups and downs. For one thing, there are fans who are elated to see more to an idol that they like!

  • I never knew a girl who sings this cool making faces like this

  • I'm glad that she's making use of her talents from here on out

  • The gap moe is crazy!

  • I'm surprised that she works this hard. Thought she was more energy-efficient

  • Mitsumine-chan's incredible! She's getting so much better at the jump rope challenge day by day!

  • WHAT A CUTIE www pretty girly too www

  • Yuika Mitsumine's a quiz game genius!

Then we have fans like this.

Passenger 1: Like... I thought she was simply an earnest, lively girl. I guess she isn't like that exactly.
I mean... I'm not dissing your favorite idol or anything!
It's not that I'm saying she's two-faced but…
Her being the calculating-type isn't really for me, y'know?

There are fans who only know of her through one image or in a limited scope, and when Yuika and ShinyP widen the scope, the bigger picture that fans get doesn't match what they have known her for. You can say that they are also surprised to see her "change colors" as often as she changes glasses.

It's a  ≠ concept yet again! But this is to be expected. There are otaku and fans who like what they're familiar with, so anything else beyond that may prove difficult to adjust to. Some fans would just stick to one interpretation of their idol!

I don't think that this is necessarily a wrong way to consume idol content or iM@S content in general, as it's valid for people to dislike and like what they consume and to pick and choose what they like about it. It's like a P who appreciates the view or scope of their AS idol in 1st Vision compared to how that idol is portrayed in 2nd Vision.

It's as if the branding of "Yuika Mitsumine the idol" has changed from 1st Vision to 2nd Vision. Fans like Passenger 1 aren't too receptive to the "changes", while people like Yuika's high school friends see the 2nd Vision [Idol Yuika Mitsumine] simply as… the good old Mitsumine. The Mitsumine that wears her "true colors".

This does beg the question… Just how much of her more personal and private information be presented to the fans as part of [Idol Yuika Mitsumine]?

As more of her true self is being pushed into her idol image, what's left for her to hide?

Yuika: Has Mitsumine lost her edge on you, P-tan? Or did you dump all your skill points into [Observation]?

Producer: Eh? Well, whichever it is… Isn't either one a reason to celebrate?

Yuika: Would you really celebrate your idol regressing?

Producer: I wouldn't say that opening up means a regression...

Yuika: Well, maybe it is in certain instances? ...Like, there's nothing to hide if you know everything there is to someone, right? If so, then that someone might have to lie to you someday.

pSR4 Commu1 (Water and Vessel)

What sort of makes me anxious is that she has yet to fully share everything that she wants to share. Even after Yuika1, Yuika2, Yuika4 (Kurakura), Yuika5, Landing Point, Yuika6 (Love Comedy), and pSR4 (Hakoniwa) in mind, it seems to me that she has yet to say everything. She hasn't mentioned anything concrete about what her main "dislike" back in Yuika2 True End as well, but I believe that she will be ready to share that and everything else in due time.

Yuika: I'll tell you everything.
Everything that I haven't said… I'll tell them all to you when the moment's right.

Post-script thoughts

I really appreciate with what Runa Narumi has done for the character Yuika Mitsumine. I must give credit where it's due, and I am saddened that she had to call it quits. But I am also optimistic in Shio Kisui being able to carry on after an amazing conclusion that is Yuika's pSR4. Either way, I hold the former in my heart, and I will never forget for the good she has did.

It's nice to see Yuika Mitsumine grow as a person and as an idol. L'Antica and the producer are for sure her special people, and I love how attentive she is to care for them while not drawing attention to herself. It's also very admirable to see Yuika come back from a tight spot as she overcomes her insecurities and redraws lines. I admire the courage it must take for her to drop the plastic umbrella that shielded her and let her exposed heart be beaten by the rain.

I am charmed by her wit, her generosity, and her selfishness. She truly has a charm that makes others want to make her happy… (She was promised happiness that day, wasn't she?) And I marvel at the full picture sky that comes with the many images, colors, and facets that she bears.

I'll close my thoughts with her letters from Shinymas 4th Live.

I hope that she fights to keep hold of the fortune that blessed her under the rain and that she continues to overcome all of her trials with her dear friends and partner. Yuika Mitsumine is proud of her producer. I may not be ShinyP at all, but as a MitsumineP, I do echo his sentiments… because I am proud of her just as well.

Thank you for reading. This is LewdacrizP, and I hope that fellow MitsuminePs can rise back up after a long period of devastation just like Yuika Mitsumine, who continues to overcome the hardships on her way to become the idol of people's dreams.
