
About 「イン・ザ・ピンク」 & 三峰結華

Hello, I'm a P from overseas. This new Mamimi support SR gave me quite a few things to think about... I apologize in advance for the format. I have yet to get a hang on Note.

Anyways, let's get started!

Yuika Mitsumine's Color

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This is in the True End for Mitsumine's fifth produce SSR card 【雨に祝福】

In this True End, Mitsumine and ShinyP are goofing off in an online meeting together, but interestingly as she cycles through her virtual backgrounds she finally ends up at "universe "or the" cosmos ".

Perhaps Universe is associated with Mitsumine? But it also seems that Universe is associated with Kogane... In particular the "color of her eyes".

Let's look at this commu from イン・ザ・ピンク titled "B Blue".

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Both Mitsumine and Mamimi are in agreement that the lyrics to this love song are about Kogane!

"Your eyes are the color of the universe / cosmos... I don't understand, but I love it!" (I think that's how it is in english??)

But what is the color (色) of Mitsumine's eyes? The color of Kogane's eyes were that of the "universe / cosmos" (宇宙) according to Mitsumine but the same can't be said for herself despite it being associated with her in 雨に祝福.

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Mamimi can't tell exactly what it is. She just knows that that the color of Mitsumine's eyes aren't of "the cosmos" (宇宙).

This might be a callback to 【君・空・我・空】

Yuika Mitsumine's Sky

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In this card 君・空・我・空, Kiriko can't find out what Mitsumine's "空" is like. But Kiriko believes Mitsumine's sky to be "kind". What she saw wasn't her sky but Yuika Mitsumine.

Still, it's interesting that Kiriko and Mamimi are unable to see what Yuika Mitsumine is truly like.

空 and 色

The kanji for sky is 空. And while you can pronounce this as そら(sora). Sky can be pronounced as から(kara). So 空 (から) can be read as "emptiness". Furthermore, kara (から) shares a similar pronunciation as color (カラー) in english.

The sky (空, から) of Yuika Mitsumine... 
The (色, から) of Yuika Mitsumine...

Nobody knows. Perhaps it truly is 空 (から)... Which is interesting since the universe is just "void" and "emptiness" isn't it? But even then, 宇宙 is attributed to Kogane...
What does her sky really look like? What is her TRUE color?


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I suppose only ShinyP has seen what Yuika Mitsumine's true color is. But this observation by Mamimi is still interesting... Yuika Mitsumine's fashion sense and style is tailored to match her surroundings... She's like a chameleon or a shapeshifter with no true origin...

The special ability of Mitsumine is the ability to "change color" as necessary. It obscures what her true color is and what her sky is like. She is filling in the 空(から) or the 宇宙 (universe) with a color (カラー) that may not be even be hers!

It is raining and the color she puts on would be washed out to reveal the true color beneath-- but the clouds obscure her sky.

It is sunny and you can clearly see what her sky is like-- but she is wearing a color that obscures her true color.

There is always an aspect of Mitsumine that she reveals AND another one that she hides.

After all ... "【カラフルメタモルフォーゼ】does exist.

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Yuika Mitsumine's tendency to "change colors" is what's causing a gap between [Yuika Mitsumine] and [Idol Mitsumine]. 


[Yuika Mitsumine] ≠ [Idol Mitsumine]

It's up to ShinyP to close the gap make [Yuika Mitsumine] = [Idol Mitsumine]. He has to present the REAL Yuika Mitsumine--the [Yuika Mitsumine] with her sky and her true color as the [Idol Mitsumine].

That was P's decision in【雨に祝福】

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I'm looking forward to these new developments! Perhaps Kiriko can finally see what Yuika's sky is, and that Mamimi can determine the true color of Yuika's eyes.

I am very looking forward to how she would be handled in the future! Everything is setting up to close the gap so that

[Yuika Mitsumine] = [Idol Mitsumine]

After all, ShinyP has caught a glimpse of it because of mutual trust. This is a huge character development for Mitsumine, and I hope that Mamimi will be more involved!
