
Celebrate CINEMA 101『セレブレートシネマ101』YouTube公開(字幕なし)

処女作。映画生誕100年目の1995年秋に世界各地を駆け巡り、マルコ・ベロッキオ、 ビクトル・エリセ、ロバート・クレイマー、青山真治、ジョナス・メカ ス、ロブ・ニルソン、ヒデホ・ウラタ、アレクサンドル・ソクーロフといった錚々たる映画作家達に、いま映画を撮ることの意味を問う。

監修・原案:宮岡秀行    共同監修:織田要
参加監督: マルコ・ベロッキオ「一世紀の空虚」 ビクトル・エリセ「黄昏に問う」 ロバート・クレイマー「Meeting Robert Kramer」 青山真治「1/5」 ジョナス・メカス「映画は百歳ではない!」 ロブ・ニルソン「イザベルに会う」 ヒデホ・ウラタ「between the two...」 アレクサンドル・ソクーロフ「森のざわめく声」 織田要「A little screen on the hand」

映画は百歳ではない! by ジョナス・メカス
映画の真の歴史は目に見えない。 友人が集い、大好きなことをおこなう。その積み重ねこそが、映画の歴史なのだ。 わたしたちにとって、映写機の音が聞こえるたびに、わたしたちのカメラの音がするたびに、映画は新たに始まるのだ。 わたしたちのハートは友人に向かってジャンプする。
I leave this film as a gift to you, my unknown friends.Thank you. Hideyuki Miyaoka [Celebrate CINEMA 101] Director and draft: Hideyuki Miyaoka Co-Director: Kaname Oda Participating Directors: Marco Bellocchio "A Century of Emptiness" Victor Erice "Ask Twilight" Robert Kramer "Meeting Robert Kramer" Shinji Aoyama "1/5" Jonas Mekas "Cinema is not a hundred years old! ” Rob Nilsson "Meeting Isabelle" Hideo Urata "between the two..." Aleksandr Nikolayevich Sokurov "The rustling of the forest" Kaname Oda "A little screen on the hand" Music and Performance: Haruyuki Suzuki **This work is dedicated to the composer Toru Takemitsu, who died on February 20, 1996. Celebrate Cinema 101 Shigehiko Hasumi On February 3, I met a group of young people at a stylish cinema in Hiroshima called "Cinetwin. They were celebrating "Celebration Cinema 101," a project in which a young filmmaker named Hideyuki Miyaoka had several directors from around the world talk about what it meant for them to be making films at this point in their careers, and then screen them together in one film. Moreover, the film even included a film by Spanish director Víctor Erice, who had made only three films so far: "The Whispering of the Bees," "El Sur," and "The Sunshine of Marmelo. The fact that Elysée, who is not one to turn the camera on a moment's notice, was allowed to make a short film is nothing short of an international sensation, and the short film is so good that this original project has already become international news. Along with Victor Elise, Hideyuki Miyaoka requested video responses from American independents Jonas Mekas and Rob Nilsson, as well as Robert Kramer, who lives and works in Europe, and Hideo Urata, a Japanese filmmaker living in the US, and recently Shinji Aoyama, who just shot his first film "Helpless" for WOWOW. Kaname Oda's images link their short films together, and it is a rare experience to see Kramer talk about Hiroshima and Auschwitz, or to see Mekas suddenly start dancing in front of the camera. I am glad that such an attempt was made in Japan. In particular, I was amazed that the sound and images of Shinji Aoyama, who is hardly a newcomer to the field, had an intensity that could compete with those of the world's greatest filmmakers. Hideyuki Miyaoka, who supervised the festival, apparently invited Godard to participate as well, but this invitation was not successful. However, this is not something to be deeply regretted. It is certain that Godard will not murmur his pity when he sees this film. (Quoted in "The Weekly Economist," March 19, 1996, Mainichi Newspapers)
