


I announced at the beginning of the month that I would start a bilingual diary, but while I've been writing everyday, it hasn't really been a diary, so today I will actually attempt a diary entry in both languages.


I woke up a little tired this morning from my business trip, but had promised I would meet up with my cousin in Yotsuya today. We were supposed to have lunch, but she arrived at the restaurant early to find they were closed for winter break. "How did I not know this?!" she messaged. "I'm so sorryyyy!"  I love that about her.


There is no shortage of delicious meals to be had in Tokyo, so we decided on an Italian restaurant nearby. Not even a problem. We sat down and ordered the chef's salad, minestrone soup, bread, and tea (cafe au lait for her), and launched into a rapid-fire session of catch-up. 


Though we grew up on opposite sides of the world, I have fond memories of playing with my cousin, who was a girl, and close to me in age. We visited Japan when school in the US was off for the holidays, so summer or winter, generally. My impression of Japan for the longest time was "it's SO HOT" or "it's SO COLD". It wasn't until I was fully grown that I got to experience the cherry blossoms and autumn foliage Japan is famous for.

日本では「親戚づきあい」はそんなに一般的ではないと言う。でもアメリカで育った私と弟たちは近くに従姉妹や叔父・叔母がいなかったため、「親戚関係」に憧れを抱いて育った。アメリカ人の友達はいつもカズンたちと遊んでいて、aunt(叔母さん)とかuncle(叔父さん)としょっちゅう集まってパーティーをしたり、誰かの舞台や卒業式で勢ぞろいしたり、誕生日パーティーやら何パーティーの度に集まっていた。アメリカに親戚がいなかった私はそういう会に呼ばれる度、「my cousin」とか「my aunt」とか言いたいもんだよな〜と思っていた。だから日本に来ると、私たちのほうからどんどん親戚に会いに行く。日本に住んでいる親戚のみんなからしたら、結構面倒くさいヤツらかもしれない。笑

Hanging out with your relatives isn't really a 'thing' here in Japan, but my brothers and I grew up in LA without any close relatives nearby, and it was always a dream to have relatives play big roles in our lives. Our friends were always hanging out with their cousins, their aunts and uncles were always coming to see their school plays and graduations, and they were always going over to each others' houses for someone's birthday. How we longed for that! So when we come to Japan, my brothers and I are extra communicative with our relatives, probably much more than they're used to, or possibly have the time for. 


My cousin and I are only a year apart, and we can chat like old friends. At the same time, it feels special to know we share a grandmother (we never knew our grandfather), and that our fathers are brothers. Our grandma led a pretty unconventional life (especially for someone of her generation), and it's a relief to be able to share my also-slightly-crazy life with someone and have them not even flinch because, "Yeah, that's Grandma".


We talked about how I love Japan but still feel like a visitor, and how I will never speak ill of this country or people, no matter how comfortable I get. She laughed the whole time at my neuroticism, wondering why I feel this way when I know so much about the country. It's just a feeling, I say. I love and respect this country, but know I will never be in a position to put it down. It's not my place. America, on the other hand...


We still had so much to talk about, but I had a full day of work ahead of me, so I had to say, "Sorry, longer next time!" and run. She was born and raised in Japan, and I was born in Japan but raised in the US. That we can come together now, as full grown adults, and have so much to talk about, is frankly quite moving. Even though I wish I had her around during all those lonely childhood years!

親戚、憧れます。親戚、嬉しいです。Relatives are a real gift.
