
全梟会 – 11/13 [English]

全梟会 eh? It was certainly one of the strongest events of the entire trip, one of the top three. Having entry number 1, literally opening the door to the floor of club asia, was quite the experience. I was filled with excitement and energy, in spite of having pushed my body to the limit at events during the previous two days. In the time between doors opening and show starting is when I would meet えぬさんand コーキさん for the first time, both fellow 嘉那ちゃん oshimen. That evening I was very talkative, more than I usually am. Being an obvious foreigner, and so excited, helped generate a good deal of chatter. According to a friend of mine the amount of talking up front was noticeable a few rows back, where he was w.

The show itself was great. 嘉那ちゃん was wonderful, glistening on the stage, a sight I didn’t want to miss for a second. 伊桜ちゃん was a queen as she always is, her voice commanding attention as she belted it with such passion and vigor. Seeing both of them performing at their best, for such a long set, was a blessing. Albeit, my legs wouldn’t agree. Already having pushed my legs hard during the previous two days, that night they weren’t getting any respite. Given rail access, I jumped very high and whacked my legs on the rail multiple times during landing. My legs were literally bruised and battered by the show’s end, with multiple bruises and scrapes to tell the tale. I wouldn’t have it any other way. For a number of 凛音さん and 憧さん solo parts I ducked into the unoccupied camera pit, to leave more space for 凛音さん/憧さん oshimens. This was a unique sight to see from vantage point close to the ground. Honestly this was such a great time.

After the show I saw the tall Serbian chap who randomly showed up to Shinjuku LOFT the previous night after an unrelated event. I convinced him that 全梟会 would be a fun music event to see, as he was searching for something to do on that day. This man enjoyed the show and would find himself in 伊桜ちゃん line for chekis, connecting over a mutual love of anison.

As is always the case with NightOwl, cheki time was very fun! Both 伊桜ちゃん and 嘉那ちゃん seemed happy to hear that I would be attending their birthday events. It was this event where I “talked” with 嘉那ちゃん and 伊桜ちゃん for the first time. For this I owe an immense deal of gratitude to えぬさん and ゾンビちゃん both of whom rendered invaluable assistance with interpreting. It was also fun talking with people in 伊桜ちゃん cheki line, even if I was rightfully labelled a DD wwww, plus of course the gentleman who agrees Sheryl Nome is best girl (very important). Getting a group cheki with NightOwl was great! It is rare opportunity I am very happy to have had.

