
Dragonflies in the Onsen (English)

It is difficult to write about the past weekend. I should just post happy cheki pictures of the multiple great groups I saw over April 6 and 7. But that will not do.

MIGMA SHELTER officially disbands on June 2. However, April 7 was the last time I will see them in person. It was time to say goodbye.

And what an event it was! Those 30 minutes were MIGMA at it’s finest. An endless rush of psychedelic adrenaline and nonstop dancing. Starting off with jumping to 69, to hearing Unbirthday (a personal favourite) live for the first time… Followed by the classics of Mo’ Strain and Joint. Then Nagimuh-san handing me a flyer as all the members moved into the center of the room for the last song… A perfect set up for Tornado. Everyone circling around the unit was an absolutely maddening experience that I adored. I was hoping MIGMA would do Tornado in this fashion; it is an experience I won’t forget. One couldn’t have asked for a better set. My clothes felt like soggy rags from how I was drenched in sweat! I’ve never sweated so much, not even when I was in the desert. This raw and chaotic energy is what made me fall in love with unit over a year ago.

I’ve said it before, but I will repeat, that of the hundreds of Japanese artists and thousands of releases I’ve listened to since 2008, MIGMA SHELTER stands as something unique without equal or comparison.

Nagimuh-san was a delight to watch! Full of smiles and moving as if she was a woman possessed. Plus, Nagimuh-san has long hair now! Seeing that hair flow during Unbirthday helped make that segment a huge highlight. Then later seeing how this hair stuck to Nagimuh-san’s face was really cool to watch. Just look at this picture, Nagimuh-san is so beautiful with long hair!

The yukata is also a wonderful fit. I admit this is my favorite outfit I’ve seen Nagimuh-san wear and all the members were in yukata for cheki time! All of them looked so pretty. Many good cheki photos were taken that day, plus I took a phone shot! When, not if, Nagimuh-san resurfaces after 6/2 I will follow. That I promised during the first two chekis.

As I begun writing a message for cheki #3 or #4, I forget which, I began sobbing. I knew I had to say it, that this was my goodbye to MIGMA and that I managed to keep the promise to come back one more time but it hurt. It cut deeply to think I won’t ever see MIGMA again. I believe it was around this time that C4DVr889e386511-san gave me a big hug. That hug really helped me immensely. I couldn’t put it into words that day, thank you for that time.

I admit I was still crying when I went for that cheki. I’ve never been good with overwhelming emotions. But in hindsight, this was a foolish thing to do and I’m sorry I didn’t calm down first. Idols are people too. They shouldn’t have to experience our negative or sad emotions. I remember Nagimuh-san having her hands close to my cheeks, as if she was holding them, while looking at my silly face which comforted me greatly. Nagimuh-san is truly an amazing person and the sweetest idol I know.

The subsequent chekis were much more regular. At some point Nagimuh-san asked me to remember her. As if I could possibly forget her or that day; both are deeply imprinted on my psyche. I don’t think this will be the last time I will meet Nagimuh-san; I believe in her potential and bright future.

Idols are temporal and don’t last forever. This is a simple truth that I’ve always known. Even so, MIGMA SHELTER came into my life like a storm. Music is a central part of my being; for over half of my life I have held a deep love for Japanese music. Like a dragonfly drawn to a water lily, it was inevitable that I would love MIGMA’s music and energetic performances. To MIGMA SHELTER, all it’s members current and past, and the countless others involved with the project: thank you for bringing much joy to my life over the past 15 months.

Goodnight Romeo. Goodbye.

この記事の日本語訳はこちら: https://note.com/lavo_2/n/nd70a58298557
