
Touch footy and me

- English follows 



I came to Australia 5 year ago by myself without any friend living in this country. Right after I arrived Sydney, I went to see a touch football practice which a friend of my friend organises. I thought I could just chit chat and make friends without me playing, but it was not the case. I had never been good at sports especially when it involves balls, but I just decided to join the practice. Nothing to lose.
I almost cried at all the practices while everybody else was super fit and agile. I received balls by forehead, or balls just passed through my arms. Somehow, I still wonder why, I did not stop going to practices. I was just thinking I can’t quit and went to practice every week. One day, I was invited to come to a field for a practice, and it turned out to be a competition. They just needed more head counts. Since then, I spent my whole Sunday playing touch football joining 3 practices. As I wanted to play better, I did shuttle run in the morning by myself, and joined other touch football practice organised by Chinese Australians on Tuesdays. However, I did not get better at all. The pressure went up as Touch Football Japan representatives started joining the practices and competitions. 2 years passed without me going anywhere, and I decided to move, then I quit playing it.
3 years have passed since then and I almost forgot about those strange time. One day, a Japanese lady talked to me joyfully as if she found somebody she truly likes. It was a lady who used to be a Japanese rugby representative and helped me a lot during touch footy practices. She said, “I knew you were doing well by checking facebook, but everybody is waiting for you.” I wondered why, but it is very nice to hear somebody is waiting for me for whatever the reason. Maybe it is time to just go and enjoy the practice. They know how bad I am anyways.
