
#8 new COVID-19 symptomsとりわけ COVID toesに関する記事の意訳抄訳(引用英文も含めて,全角2430字程; VOA Learning English, May 25,2020)


1.コロナ・バイルスに関連する新しい症状(new COVID-19 symptoms)について書かれています。日本人にもそれら、あまり報道されていない症状を知り、受診時にお医者さんに伝える必要があると思いますので、意訳・抄訳しようと思います。



[photo description1] Tina Nguyen, left, a nurse at at the International Community Health Services clinic in Seattle's International District, takes a nose swab sample from Mindy Balk, an ICHS employee, during walk- and drive-up testing for COVID-19, Friday, May 15, 2020. (AP Photo/Ted S. Warren)

 1つ目の写真の説明書きに、walk-up, drive-upという複合形容詞が使われており、よく聞く drive-throughとちょっと違い面白く思いましたので、それついて書きます。まず私が興味をそそられた drive-upの方については、Weblioによると、「車に乗ったままサービスが受けられる」という意味でした。drive-throughの類義語と考えられます。次に、walk-upは、英辞郎によると、「〈米〉〔建物の中に入らずに〕外から利用できる」あるいは「事前予約なし[不要]の」という意味ということです。

3.(1)[パラグラフ2,3: 全般的な症状] More people around the world have been tested for the new coronavirus and found to have COVID-19. As a result, doctors and other health care workers are reporting new COVID-19 symptoms.

The most common symptoms are a high temperature (or fever), a dry cough and shortness of breath. However, less common symptoms also are being reported. These include a loss of smell, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, swelling and skin problems.


(2)[パラグラフ5,6: 子供の症状] Health care workers say some children who have tested positive for the coronavirus are having abdominal pain and swelling. However, they do not have the more common breathing problems that affect older adults.

The governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, told the AP recently that his state is now investigating about 100 cases of a COVID-related condition in children. It affects blood vessels and organs and has symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease.

[パラグラフ8: Kawasaki disease symptoms] ・fever,
・swelling of the hands and feet,
・irritation and redness of the whites of the eyes,
・swollen lymph glands in the neck, and
・irritation and inflammation of the mouth, lips, and throat.


[パラグラフ10] Hospitals in the state have been advised to place high importance on COVID-19 testing for children showing these symptoms. Parents are urged to call their doctor immediately if their children show symptoms including long-lasting fever, rash, abdominal pain and vomiting.

 合衆国の病院は、これらの症状を示す子供たちへの COVID-19検査にもっとも重点を置くように指導されています。

4.(1)[パラグラフ13,14: skin problem] In one report, doctors looked at 88 COVID-19 patients in an Italian hospital. Italy has one of the highest numbers of infected people. They found that one in five patients had some kind of skin problem. These symptoms were mostly red rashes over the area of the body between the neck and the waist.

In another report, Spanish doctors reported that 375 confirmed virus patients had skin problems. These included different kinds of rashes and swollen toes.



(2)[パラグラフ16,17: COVID toes] A dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital explained to the Associated Press that viruses often affect the skin. Dr. Esther Freeman said seeing skin rashes become a symptom of COVID-19 did not surprise her.

However, one probable symptom did: COVID toes.



[パラグラフ18,19,20] “COVID toes” are red, painful and sometimes itchy, swollen areas on the toes. Doctors say the condition looks like tissue problems on the feet of people who have spent a long time outdoors in the cold.

Dr. Freeman directs an international COVID-19 registry for doctors to report cases of possibly virus-linked skin symptoms. Of 500 cases reported since late March, she said about half involved red, swollen spots on the feet.

It is still not clear when COVID toes might appear in coronavirus-infected patients. For some people, it is the first or even the only symptom they notice. Others see the toe problem at the same time or even a few weeks after experiencing more common and serious COVID-19 symptoms.


 いつこの COVID toesが、コロナ・バイルスに感染した患者に現れるかは、まだ不明です。ある患者は、その症状が最初に現れたり、あるいは、それが、患者が気がつく唯一の症状であることさえあります。他の患者は、発熱などのCOVID-19の通常の症状や、重い症状と同時に、あるいは、それらの症状から数週間後に、COVID toesの症状が現れたりします。

5.[パラグラフ23: オンライン診療] The first step is a meeting, possibly by video conferencing, with a doctor. The next step is to find out if the person has other COVID-19 symptoms. If there is no other reason for urgent care, the doctor would then decide whether a patient should stay at home or get tested. However, doctors should discuss each patient’s overall health and history before moving on to testing and other care.

 つま先のむくみなどのCOVID-19によると思われる症状の現れた方は、まず、医者に診てもらうこと、できればビデオ通話で診てもらう必要があります。次に、COVID-19の他の症状がないか見つける必要があります。COVID toes以外にすぐに治療してもらう理由がなければ、診療医はその場合には、患者が家で養生すべきか、それとも検査(PCR検査、抗体検査)を受けるべきか決めることになるでしょう(if節(副詞節)は、直接法の条件文(indicative conditional)で、ありうる条件を示しています。これに対して、帰結節(主節)は wouldを用いた現在時制の仮定法(叙想法、sunjunctive conditional)で、医者が決める場合が通常ですが、患者が自宅にとどまるか検査を受けるか自分で決める場合もありうることから、この表現が用いられていると考えます。直接法の条件文の構文と、仮定法の構文とが、混合した例文(mixed conditional)といえます。)。しかしながら、医者は、検査や(COVID-19以外の)他の治療に移る前に、各患者の、全般的な健康の具合や、病歴について、確認するべきです。

[パラグラフ24: 警告] Whatever a person’s symptoms might be, doctors remind us of this warning: People can carry and spread the virus without experiencing any symptoms.


