






まぁ、その様な光景は「ヘル・ジャパン(Hell Japan)」らしい状況とは、言えるでしょうね。

14歳からわかる生活保護 (14歳の世渡り術) 単行本 – 2012/10/20
雨宮 処凛 (著)

生活保護リアル 単行本(ソフトカバー) – 2013/7/3
みわよしこ (著)

-tranrate on DeepL-

Under the welfare system, you can receive free medical care at a doctor's office that gives out medical coupons, but only within the insurance coverage. Conversely, it can also be said that they can only receive medical care that is covered by the medical bloc.

For example, if a tooth comes out of its socket and the foundation is also damaged, the cost will exceed the cost of the insurance treatment. In that case, if you can't pay for the treatment at your own expense with a 10% copayment, you won't be able to receive treatment. However, when you apply for public assistance, you must be exempted from the national health insurance system in order to receive it. I suspect it has something to do with the reimbursement of medical treatment in this area, but I am not sure yet.

But you know, there was an obstetrician/gynecologist who wrote that welfare bashers say that infertility treatment abuses the medical insurance system, etc., and a psychiatrist agreed with him, but it is very likely that you are out of the national medical insurance system when you receive benefits, and that medical coupons are not issued for infertility treatment. Even acupuncture and moxibustion in Oriental medicine, and even judo therapists are self-funded. Self-financing" means that you have to pay 10% of the cost.

So, if a tooth falls out or the foundation is damaged, or a filling comes off and damages the foundation, you will be left without a tooth. If you walk around town with no teeth, and go shopping, everyone in town will just distance themselves from you. The reality is not the "high treatment and high consumption of medical care to the point of abnormality" that bashers write about. You will only be subjected to severe discrimination by the physical medicine department.

Thanks to you, you'll get a lot of mental training. ‼️
Well, this is a joke.

So, if you study the welfare system even a little bit, you can easily see how shallow the welfare bashers are, but they are not ashamed to show it. Why do you think they can do such foolishness with impunity and without shame? It is simple. It is because they look down on the general public and assume that "most of the general public never bothers to investigate or learn about the welfare system by themselves.

Well, such a scene is a typical situation of "Hell Japan.
