Writing my thinking in English

I came up with a good idea. In my work space, where I can relax, my colleagues look at my laptop, and it makes me feel uncomfortable.  Japanese peopel may not understand English grammer and meanings well, so wirting in English is a perfect way to avoid that awkward situation. Of course, my English is not perfect, but it helps me study English effectively.
I somtime
feel lonely, and It might be because of the differences. Yes, " differences".
The counterpart word is "things in common", " similalities".
To build good relationships with someone else, we often look for things in common, as we feel more connected to people who are similar to us.
However, there is aslo a serious problem with this approach. In my opinion, value comes from differences. Like trade or economic mechanisms, differences are crucial in creating value, just like money.
Is it possible for both " similalities" and " differences" to coexsist
To create more value, I have to be more different from other people, but as I become more valuable, I also feel lonelier.
So a cahnge of perspective is necessary. I mean that the point is what we consider as " similarities". We should reconsider the meanings of " similalities".
When I spemd time with my unfriendly friends, I feel super bored. 
