
Continuous Time and Discrete Time 連続した時間とバラバラな時間


Analytical Solutions 解析的な解

Suppose there is a ball moving with velocity $${(15, 15)}$$ at the origin $${(0, 0)}$$. If the acceleration due to gravity is (0, -9.8), what will the trajectory look like?原点$${(0, 0)}$$に速度$${(15, 15)}$$で移動するボールがあるとします。重力による加速度を$${(0, -9.8)}$$とすると、このボールはどんな軌跡を描くでしょうか。

If $${v_0}$$ is the initial velocity, $${a}$$ is the acceleration, the velocity $${v_t}$$ at the time $${t}$$ is

$${v_t = v_0 + at}$$

Integrating😇 this, the position $p_t$ of the ball at the time $t$ is:

$${p_t = v_0t + \frac12at^2}$$

Solving a problem in this way so that the values can be calculated at once is called "solving analytically”. In this case, the position of the ball at any time (even in the past) can be obtained with a single calculation as long as $${t}$$ is determined.

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Discrete time バラバラな時間

Not all problems can be solved analytically. In fact, if the situation becomes even slightly more complicated, or if uncertainties such as user manipulation or random values are introduced, solving the problem analytically becomes quite difficult or impossible, or even when it's possible, too wasteful.

Many simulations divide time into small steps and calculate the next state sequentially at each step. For example, a simulation may divide a second into 60 steps. It would have the initial state defined, then calculate the next state after 1/60, then next… This is called “discrete-event simulation”.
多くのシミュレーションでは時間を細かなステップに分割して、ステップごとに逐次的に次の状態を計算する方法が用いられます。 1秒を60分割して、初期状態から1/60秒後の状態を計算する。その状態から次の1/60秒後の状態を計算する。といった具合です。この手法はDiscrete-event simulationと呼ばれます。日本語で決まった訳語があるのかはわかりません。

With this approach, calculations can be performed by repeating simple operations, as in the example on the Newtonian physics page, and it is relatively easy to handle situations that change in the middle.

Newtonian mechanics ニュートン力学

On the other hand, this method inevitably has some inaccuracy due to the very fact that time is divided into pieces. Take a look at the example below.

Improved Euler method 修正オイラー方

The method of simply adding up each step is called the Euler method, which predicts the future by assuming that the amount of change at one point in time does not change until the next step.

In the example above, the error is caused by approximating velocity as a straight line when it is actually gradually changing over time.

A technique called the Improved Euler method calculates the amount of change(velocity in this example) in the next step ahead of time and averages it with the current amount of change to predict the future. In the image below, $${v_t}$$ is the current velocity and $${v_{t+1}}$$ is the velocity of the next step calculated by the Euler method. Averaging these two gives a more accurate prediction.


const nextVelocity = p5.Vector.add(velocity, acceleration.copy().mult(t)); 
position.add(p5.Vector.add(velocity, nextVelocity).mult(0.5 * t));
velocity = nextVelocity;

The improved Euler method is also called the second-order Runge-Kutta method. For higher accuracy, the fourth-order Runge-Kutta method (RK4) is often used. The basic idea is the same: it calculates the multiple predictions of the amount of change in future to acquire the (weighted) average of them. The modified Euler method is second-order because it uses the average of two predictions, while the RK4 method is fourth-order because it uses four.

Elapsed time 経過時間

In case of programs that run in real time, such as games and live performances, the next step is usually calculated for each drawing update. But these steps are not always called at a constant pace. Although a target value can be set, such as 60 or 120 frames per second, we can not rely on that as the actual processing will be heavy or any interruptions will occur.

In such cases, errors and discrepancies can be reduced by calculating the elapsed time between frames. For example, when we are adding up vectors, the elapsed time ($${t_e}$$) from the previous frame can be multiplied to the adding vector in this way:

$${position_{t+1} = position_t + velocity_t * t_e}$$

The universal gravitation demo below uses this process:

let ellapsedMsec =  window.performance.now() - prevNow;
  prevNow = window.performance.now();
  updateSimulation(ellapsedMsec / 1000);

Since this process is essential for games, Unity, for example, has Time.deltaTime from the beginning.

Human perception of time and motion 動きと時間の知覚

Throughout this discussion, we have primarily focused on accuracy, but accuracy is not always necessary or important. As you can see in old Disney and Warner Bros animations, it is possible to create very appealing expressions by deliberately omitting or exaggerating movement. When the resolution of information is low, the human brain is designed to supplement what is missing.

The relationship between time division and motion perception is a fascinating topic. The temporal resolution of the human eye is said to be 50ms to 100ms (there are various theories), and light flashing faster than that simply appears to glow all the time, or a movie with 24 frames per second appears to be moving smoothly, rather than a series of discrete pictures.

However, this doesn't mean that humans can't perceive anything beyond that; 60fps video games appear to be smoother than 24fps movies, and the delay in VR (which is probably more of a delay in response to human movement than fps) can cause motion sickness.

It's always good to know various methods and choose the best one for your purpose.

Building Ragdolls ラグドールを作る

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