










日本人だから東京裁判(英語: Tokyo Trial)と認識しているが、極東軍事裁判(英語:The International Military Tribunal for the Far East)を念頭においている。「平和に対する罪」、「通常の戦争犯罪行為」、「人道に対する罪」で有罪になる範囲をきちんと決めて、初学者にも解るような説明をしてもらいたい。法律、犯罪、刑罰に関する知識があれば、犯罪行為をしたくないという動機に繋がるからである。





また、人間はみな《gnōthi seauton》『汝自身を知ること』という古い格言(ソクラテスが感銘を受けたギリシャのデルポイ神殿に刻まれた箴言の一つである)を肝に銘じるべきだ。



country that have committed acts of aggression

country that have suffered invasions



Means other than donations and economic sanctions (memo)

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has already been going on for a month.
I have been wondering for a long time if there is nothing an ordinary person in a faraway country, Japan, in a rural area, can do to help.

However, I began to think that there might be something that can be done not only by the two countries involved but also by countries that have little interest in the project.
It is not just fundraising.
Not just economic sanctions.

I would like to think of ways to help in any way I can, even if it is poorly done.

What non-military means can the international community employ?
To "hasten the ceasefire
To "increase the defensive power of the defending side and to weaken the offensive power of the attacking side.

Can we do psychological and policy measures because the countries are incapable of physical measures?
It is an indirect effect, which may be weaker than physical means.
But, on the other hand, if countries that have little to do with the two countries and are not NATO members discuss many issues and their voices become louder, it may be more effective.

It is not easy to conclude that justice is on either side.
Therefore, only the facts of the current situation are considered objectively, with Russia as the country that have committed acts of aggression  and Ukraine as the country that have suffered invasions.
I would like to think of something that is in a sense sarcasm against the aggressor country and in a sense psychological support for the invaded country.
It's just an idea, but I'll mention the theme and make a note of it.

1: "Temporarily freeze Russia's permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council!" What about the proposed motion of

 We do not want to take away your honorable position, nor do we want to withdraw you from the United Nations. We are considering a temporary freeze. It should not be a position that can be dealt with by a resolution, which is impossible in the first place. However, the current act has thoroughly violated the purpose of the United Nations when it was established, and has escalated the violence that neither God nor anyone else can forgive.

2: Shouldn't we start preparing and discuss now to bring war crimes acts to justice?

As a Japanese, I am aware of the Tokyo Trial, but I have in mind The International Military Tribunal for the Far East. I would like to see the scope of guilt for "crimes against peace," "conventional war crimes," and "crimes against humanity" determined and explained in a way that even the uninitiated can understand. This is because knowledge of the law, crime, and punishment will motivate people not to commit criminal acts.

3: How about giving the invading country, Russia, a "golden bridge" to turn back immediately?

 If you embark on a crime, and yet regret it and stop in the middle of the crime, it is essentially an attempted crime, and will be punished accordingly as if it were an attempted crime. However, if the offender voluntarily stops committing the crime midway through, the punishment may be reduced as a "cease and desist" offense.
I urge you to consider this while considering the war crimes listed in 2.
If postwar war crimes trials are not about the victorious nation judging the defeated nation, then it should be considered now to prevent criminal acts from escalating.

4: Of the above, no.3 may be the most important.

Russia, Ukraine, NATO members, and countries on the other side should now recall the founding principles of the United Nations, not just their own interests.

And every human being should take to heart the old adage "gnōthi seauton" ("know thyself"), one of the proverbs inscribed in the Greek temple of Delphi, which impressed Socrates.
Man is a social creature who cannot live alone.
To live peacefully with others in society, the most important first step is to recognize one's self correctly.

ここにいらしてくれて、ありがとうございます。 『誰かの心に届くような言葉や記事が書けますように』 それが願いです。 まだまだ模索中です。 色々とやりたいのですが、時間もお金も足りません。 仕事に追われていますが、たまに書きにきます。 正直だけが取り柄です。頑張ります!