
Profile of 『Kotoha Siro』

I'm Kotoha Siro! I post daily under #ことはしろの手記 on note. My articles cover my daily life and experiences in VRChat, Resonate, and cluster, sharing what I feel about these worlds. I also provide information on VR equipment and related topics!

※This site is a machine-translated version of a website about "『ことはしろ』のプロフィール" The translation may not always be accurate.

『ことはしろ』のプロフィール https://note.com/kotoha_siro_page/n/ncfb11948059d


◼︎ Kotoha Siro

I'm active in the metaverse centered around VRChat, Resonate, and cluster, aiming to convey events and people's thoughts and wishes to the future decades later through my daily diary entries under #ことはしろの手記

Every day in this world full of various changes, I'll record what I've felt, thought, and experienced in my own heartfelt words!!! Let it reach the future—my thoughts and everyone's! ✨


My main activities include posting articles on note and uploading videos on YouTube! Of course, at the core is my daily life in the metaverse such as VRChat and cluster!

◼︎ Articles on Note

I write about my daily experiences and thoughts in virtual worlds such as VRChat, cluster, and Resonate. Additionally, I provide reviews of VR equipment from the perspective of a resident of these virtual worlds!

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◼︎ YouTube Videos

  • Kotoha Siro's Footprints 🐾 (ことはしろの足跡🐾)

On my personal channel, I casually talk about events in VRChat and explore various worlds! Think of it as the video version of my Note articles!

  • Kotosnow Radio Station (ことすの放送局)

At Kotosnow Radio Station, Kotoha Siro and Snowstorm2323 post videos in a chat or radio format discussing VRChat and daily events! Feel free to use them as background music for your work too!

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◼︎ BOOTH Sales

I sell tools and items for VRChat on Booth!!

Portfolio (Activity Records)

Here is a brief summary of my past activities!

◼︎ Note Articles

Since April 1, 2023, I have been posting daily articles mainly about events in VRChat under the title of "#ことはしろの手記". The main themes are "daily events," "my thoughts (emotional articles)," and "reviews of VR equipment." (As of June 8, 2024, 434 articles have been published)

  • March 20, 2024 - Achieved 100,000 total page views!

  • April 1, 2024 - 1st anniversary of Note publication!

◼︎ Media Coverage

Here is a summary of my media coverage history.

  • Featured in the September 2023 issue of 'Nikkei Business'

An article titled "New Series: The Happiness Theory in the AI Era - Middle-aged Reporter Becomes a Beautiful Girl to Dive into the 24 Trillion Yen Market" in the September 2023 issue of 'Nikkei Business' featured 'Kotoha Siro'.

Source: Nikkei Business September 2023 issue

I met with Nikkei Business reporter "Yuri826 (Jiro Yoshino)" in VRChat and was interviewed about what VRChat is like!

Affiliated Organizations

I belong to groups and circles where I can meet people, realize various things together, and create new things in this world!

◼︎ Studio Bagus

"Studio Bagus" is a film production group that uses VRChat to create movies. They have released a feature film "SOS from the Spaceship!" (nominated for the Sound and Music Award at the 2nd VRC Movie Awards) and short films "Lies Dedicated to a Past Someday" and "No Key!". I participate as a staff member mainly working behind the scenes.

◼︎ Metaverse Photo Travel Magazine 'Platform'

'Platform' is a metaverse photo travel magazine that crosses four metaverses: VRChat, cluster, NeosVR, and the real world, introducing wonderful worlds with powerful photos and travelogues. I officially joined as a web writer in April 2024. Currently, "Vol.10 Beyond the Virtual Railroad" is being distributed. My articles are scheduled to be published from Vol.12 onwards.

Event Participation

Here are some events I frequently participate in! Although I'm not directly involved in organizing these events, I often join and enjoy them, and I am grateful for their hospitality!

◼︎ Sign Language Classes, Sign Language Cafes, and Sign Language Exchange Meetings


These are VR sign language events organized by a group called We Are The Vest Team! They hold sign language classes and exchange events in VRChat, and I also attend these classes to study VR sign language!

◼︎ Bikitan Avatar Meetings

This is a gathering for avatars created by "Bikitan," who made my beloved 'Izul'! The event is held on the last Friday of every month, where everyone showcases their wonderful customizations, takes photos, chats, and interacts.

◼︎ Other Events

In addition to the ones mentioned here, I participate in various other events and enjoy visiting them!

Avatars Used

■ Avatars

I mainly use 'Izul', 'Hakka', and 'Inaba Kaya'!

■ Credits

薄荷 ©mio3io
イズール ©びきたん

VR/PC Environment

■ VR Equipment & Accessories

When I do VR, I connect a self-built desktop PC to either Meta Quest 3 or PICO 4! For more details, check out my articles on Meta Quest 3 and PICO 4!

■ PC Environment

I use a self-built desktop PC and update parts occasionally. (Updated June 8, 2024)

  • Intel Core i5 13500

  • DDR4 3200MHz 32GB

  • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070Ti Super (16GB) (Main/Recording)

  • SATA SSD KINGSTON SQ500S37480G 480GB (For OS)

  • SATA SSD SanDisk 240GB (For Recording)

  • M.2 SSD WD_BLACK SN770 2TB (For Software)

  • M.2 SSD WD 1TB (For Temporary Storage of Recording Data and Avatar Data)

  • HDD ST6000DM003-2CY186 6TB (For Data and Backup)

Privacy Policy

■ About Amazon Associates

'Kotoha Siro' participates in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.co.jp.

Amazon Associates is used in some articles. However, this program is not used in articles that feature avatars that cannot be used for commercial purposes.


If you have any inquiries, please contact me via email or Twitter (X) DM!

Email: kotohashiro.info(at)gmail.com
Twitter (DM): https://twitter.com/kotohasiro


X (Twitter):https://twitter.com/kotohasiro
