[BLOG] The Definition of Happiness and Satisfaction

My personal goals are defined in the previous blog and now it's clear to me that how and when to achieve these things in the future. So now let's think about the definition of happiness and satisfaction. 

The Definition of Happiness

It was actually easy. There are only 2 types of happiness at macro. 

  1. Momentary Happiness 

  2. Long-term Happiness

Momentary Happiness is something that you feel daily. For example: 

  • Eat great food

  • Watch great movies

  • Read great books

…while the Long-term Happiness is something that you feel when you look back the hard times in the past. For example: 

  • A promotion that took 3 years

  • A project that took 2 years to complete

  • A super hard work that finally rewarded 

  • Raising kids for 20+ years

Apparently, you have to balance out these 2 things as a daily basis to be happy. People don't work on the long-term stuff will never grow and therefore, won't be able to experience the big happiness. At the same time, not eating great food is mentally killing so you need to feed the small happiness to yourself constantly. 

The Definition of Satisfaction 

As I was seriously obsessed with this though throughout the 2023, - "How can I be satisfied about my life?", - now I sort of reached a solid conclusion. It was also simple enough to make it concrete language as you can find below. 

First, I want to make the world a better place for kids. This is my ultimate goal and I believe that I can directly contribute on this mission by my own. But, unfortunately, my power and money is limited. Not working on this mission was killing my mental throughout the 2023, BUT, not anymore because I've found a logic. 

The logic is like a simple math. If A=B and B=C, then A=C.

A = World is made up by someone's job. 
B = A group of people will make the world a better place for kids. 
C = Work for and help others will support people's lives. 

World is made up by someone's job and I know that some of these people will work on the problems that I'm interested in. These great people will make impacts on the society and make the world a better place for kids. Then, I realized that, these great people also need supports from others in variety of ways. The most simple example is that, if farmers don't produce foods, then that's the end of the world. This means that "work for and help others" indirectly helps these people who make the world a better place. 

This logic was a shock for me as I was obsessed with the thoughts that I must achieve goals by my own. It's actually wrong! I don't necessarily need to directly work on the missions but I can helps others lives and let them work on the missions too! Indirectly but anyone's works eventually have impacts on the great achievements on earth. 

So this is the shape of the satisfaction that was unidentified (to me). Reality was simple, - I just live and work for other people. It's indirect and invisible but my work helps other people do the great stuff, which I can be satisfied with. Work for and help others, it's just that simple. 
