

ICAO航空英語能力証明(実技)試験で、試験官から不可思議な4コマ絵カードを示されました。ChatGPT航空のルーキー機長Capt.GPTは、対気速度計の数字が刻々変わっていることと、乗務員が目をむいている様子を見て、"I guess that the flight crew suddenly encountered wind shear."と答えました。

試験官はなるほどと頷きながら、"Could you briefly explain the wind shear conditions?"と尋ねました。

Capt.GPTは"Wind shear is a sudden change in wind speed or direction over a short distance. It can occur near the ground, at mid-altitude, or high-altitude. For airplanes, wind shear can create hazardous conditions by causing sudden changes in airspeed and lift, which can lead to loss of control. It can also lead to increased drag, which can cause the plane to descend faster than expected. Additionally, wind shear can cause turbulence, which can cause the plane to experience sudden drops or rises in altitude."と卒なく答えました。

更に試験官は"To foresee windshear during the approach how should pilots observe weather conditions in general?"と訊いてきます。

Capt.GPTはサラリと"Pilots should observe weather conditions by monitoring the wind speed and direction at various altitudes. They should also be aware of any changes in the wind direction or speed at any given altitude, as this could indicate the presence of wind shear. They should also check for any turbulence or other weather phenomena that could indicate wind shear."と答えました。


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