

ICAO航空英語能力証明(実技)で、試験官から4コマ絵カードを手渡されました。ChatGPT航空のCapt.GPTは1コマずつ状況を説明しました。”Captain and colleagues are approaching a snowy runway. It appears that the runway has been cleared of snow, but the surface is icy. They attempted a normal landing, but the first officer notes that the braking action is poor. The captain applies the emergency brakes, but the aircraft begins to skid on the runway... The airplane is getting dangerously close to the runway threshold.”

そして試験官からこう尋ねられました。"When an airplane attempts to land in snowy weather, what hazards should pilots be aware of?"

Capt.GPTはまず答えます。"The pilots should be aware of potential hazards such as snow, ice, and high winds over the runway, which can affect visibility and the ability to maneuver the plane."
次にCapt.GPTは"Additionally, the pilots should take extra caution to avoid any obstacles or terrain during landing."


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