
Methods, Functions vs Methods, Embedded fiels for Composition and Promotion | Go日記: 『Learning Go』


package main
import (
type Person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int
If your method modifies the receiver, you must use a pointer receiver.
If your method needs to handle nil instances, then it must use a pointer receiver.
If your method doesn’t modify the receiver, you can use a value receiver.
Bodner, Jon. Learning Go (p.196). O'Reilly Media. Kindle 版.
func (p Person) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("Name is %v, %d years old.", p.Name, p.Age)
func (p *Person) growUp(year int) {
	if p != nil {
		p.Age += year
func main() {
	p := Person{"John", 32}
	fmt.Println(p) // Name is John, 32 years old.
		Go automatically converts it to a pointer type.
		Bodner, Jon. Learning Go (p.197). O'Reilly Media. Kindle 版.
	fmt.Println(p) // Name is John, 34 years old.

レシーバの中身を変更するか、nil レシーバに対応する場合、ポインターレシーバを選択する必要(must)がある。


Functions vs Methods


The differentiator is whether or not your function depends on other data. As we’ve covered several times, package-level state should be effectively immutable. Any time your logic depends on values that are configured at startup or changed while your program is running, those values should be stored in a struct and that logic should be implemented as a method. If your logic only depends on the input parameters, then it should be a function.

Bodner, Jon. Learning Go (p.202). O'Reilly Media. Kindle 版.



package main
import (
type Score int
type HighScore Score // This is NOT inheritance.
func main() {
	var s Score = 1
	var hs HighScore = 1
	s == hs // invalid operation: s == hs (mismatched types Score and HighScore)

Embedded fiels for Composition and Promotion

package main
import (
type Human struct {
	Name string
	Age  int
func (h Human) SayHello() {
	fmt.Printf("Hello, my name is %v\n", h.Name)
type Staff struct {
	Human  // Embedded
	Skills []string
func (s Staff) ShowSkills() {
	fmt.Println(s.Name, s.Age, "has") // Promoted
	for _, skill := range s.Skills {
func main() {
	john := Human{"John", 32}
	john.SayHello() // Hello, my name is John
	jonny := Staff{
		Human:  john,
		Skills: []string{"Programming", "Painting"},
		John 32 has



