


2023年10月から大幅リニューアル!現在は学びの要素を最大化するために週1回10分の録画配信、音声スクリプト(重要表現に和訳)、内容理解のための確認テストを配信していますが、さらに今後のリンガライブは先日公開したLingua Baseというプラットフォームで視聴&スクリプト確認、確認クイズが受講できるようになりました!


LinguaLive Guestの出身国


そして10月からリニューアルしてスタートするリンガライブ、記念すべき1人目のゲストは、高校時代にタクトピアのイングリッシュキャンプに参加し、ロンドンの音楽大学に進学し、帰国後フリーランスを経て、タクトピアに新加入したKyoka Sekiguchiのリンガライブを特別に公開します!IELTS4.0からこのレベルのイギリス英語をどのように身につけたのか?5年間の英国生活はどんな感じだったのか?なぜタクトピアに加入したのか?スクリプトを掲載しますので7回くらいご視聴頂きたいです!

Hello, everyone. My name is Kyoka, and I was born and raised in Tokyo, Japan. And I– okay, I'm gonna talk about my thing. So I love music, so I was studying music a lot. So in junior high school and senior high school, I was studying piano, classical music, piano. I was studying that for six years in Japan. And after I graduated from high school, I went to England, London, and I studied piano performance. And do you know piano pedagogy? So it's piano kyouikugaku in Japanese. I studied that, and also I studied Alexander Technique, everything related to piano and music for five years in London. And after that, I came back to Japan and I was kind of doing freelancing. So I was teaching piano, English, drawing, crafting quite a lot. And now I joined Taktopia after all of that. 

- pedagogy / 教育学 - freelancing / フリーランサー

Life in Japan  
Q. ピアノを始めたのはいつ頃?
Kyoka: Umm… I started when I was four. I started the electronic piano, so it's erekuton in Japanese. I started that when I was four. <どれくらいの頻度で練習したの?>Every single day. <なんでピアノを始めたの?> I'm not sure, because I didn't like practicing, but I really liked listening to music, and there's (a) dancing as well with music. So I think that kind of brought me into playing the piano <最初は親がやって欲しかったんでしょ> Yes, at the very beginning, yes. <小学校はどこに行ったの?> It's just a public school. <それから音大に行ったの?> Yes, exactly. <その後に海外にいったんだね> Yes, exactly.

Q. なんで海外に行こうと思ったの?
Kyoka:  Umm… first thing I thought was like, music wasn’t fine enough for me. I just wanted different skills. Yes. Because I was like practicing it every single day. Music was all my life. So, I was wondering what I should do next, and you know, people say English is a universal language, and I believe that music [is], too. So, you know, music and English, if we combine that, I think that's going to be like, perfect. So that's why I wanted to study English, but as well as music in English. 

Q. 小さい時から英語を頑張ってたの?
Kyoka: Not really. Not really. None of my family speak English. <高校の時の成績は?> That wasn't really, really great, to be honest. <英検とか持ってた?> No, I wasn't a good student. I wasn't. But yeah <悪い子だったらしいね笑> No, no! Not really! <そこからピアノを頑張ったんだ> Exactly. <部活は?> Dancing and tea ceremony. <ピアノは部活でやってないの?>No, because it was all included in my programme.

Q. 国たち音大の付属ってどんな感じなの?
Kyoka: So you, of course, study like, English, maths, Japanese, all kind[s] of, those kinds of subjects. But as well as that, I was studying music history, music theory and so… do you know conducting? <指揮の仕方とか?> Composing.<composerは作曲家だね> So all all kinds of that. <クラスメイトはみんな楽器ができるの?> Yes, sometimes only classic music, but trumpeter,flutist and also vocalist as well like opera. <そういう人がクラスにいるんだね> Yes, exactly. <芸能人とかいるの?> Not really but one of my classmates was from Kabuki.

- universal / 世界共通の - tea ceremony / 茶道  - theory / 理論
- compose / 作曲する - composer / 作曲家   
- trumpeter / トランペット奏者  - flutist / フルート奏者 

Studying Music in London
Q. ずっと国立で急に海外に行くことになったの?
Kyoka: So the deadline for my university was like the end of September. Then I decided to take the exam around the beginning of September. So I had basically like two or three weeks. <そこからIELTSとかを受けたの?> No, that was actually after that, but I had to prepare all the documents in English and to prepare for interviews as well. <何大学に行ったの?> Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. <三番目の単語何?> Conservatoire.  I'm not sure if my pronunciation is okay, but like Conservatoire. <フランス語でどういう意味なの?> Music school. <ロンドンのどこら辺にあるの?> In Greenwich. <Greenwich Observatory (天文台) 上がるところね>Yes, exactly. 

Q. 何が受験に求められたの?
Kyoka: Piano skill or listening skill and the knowledge of music. All kind of related to music. <志望動機書とかrecommendation (推薦状) もだよね>Yes, yes. From my Japanese teachers. <面接は何回ぐらいあるの?> Just once for my school. <その時英語できなかったんでしょ?受かったの?>Yes. Passion! <ピアノの演奏もあるんだよね> Yes. I think I played three pieces from different eras.

Q. IELTSはいつ受けたの?
Kyoka: Probably, like, three months before my departure. <何点ぐらいとったの?> 4.0 <そこから今のレベルまで上げたストーリーは?> Yeah, so I'm going to talk about how I was studying in my first year. So I literally couldn't understand anything. Literally. So but obviously all other classmates were, like, writing down all the notes but I couldn't listen to anything. I couldn't hear anything. So what I could recognise was like this blah, blah, blah. That's why blah, blah. All kind of like words. <簡単な単語はわかるけど内容は分からないんだ>Yes. So I was just writing that down. Yes. I didn't want to just sit and just do nothing. So I just wanted to show that I'm doing something. <ピアノ弾いたら他の人よりも上手いんじゃないの?> Yeah, I guess because my junior and senior high school was quite professional –musicians–, so I had lots of knowledge about music. <いつ頃から分かり始めたの?> It probably took me around at least half year. <ロンドンに5年間だよね> Yes. Five years.

Q. その時の英語勉強法とかは?
Kyoka:  So in my case, I tried not to study. Because like, you know, sitting, writing, reading books, that's kind of same as when I'm in Japan. So what I tried is to just go out with friends and talk to lots of professors and yeah, just communicate as much as possible. And imitate. I was doing that all the time. So my friend was talking,. I was like, literally, imitating every single word. <日本にはどれくらい帰ってたの?>. Once a year. <何人兄妹?> I have a younger brother.

Q. ホームシックとか過酷じゃないの?
Kyoka: Yes. But I think because I wasn't really as I said, I wasn't really studying a lot, I could make lots of friends by communicating, so that kind of helped me from, like, [being] homesick. <勉強にはあまり苦労しなかった?> I mean like, it was really hard for me. Especially, I couldn't understand anything. But I think people in England were really, really kind. They didn't really judge me, even if I couldn't speak English. <イギリス英語が身についてるもんね> Yes. My English is very British. I know. <イギリス人が多かったんだね> Yes. All my flatmates were British as well. I had, like, five flatmates and they were all British. <本当にイギリス英語を身につけたいなら音楽大学がいいかもね> Yeah, I recommend it.

- interview / 面接 - document / 書類 - recommendation / 推薦状 
- era / 時代 - literally / 本当に - at least / 少なくとも 
- imitate / 真似をする - flatmate / アパート・寮で一緒に暮らす人 

Future Plan
Q. 高校の時にTaktopiaに出会ってるんだよね
Kyoka:  Yeah. Yes, actually that's actually before I entered my university. Probably like a year before. Yeah, I joined like, [a] three-days programme. <キャンプであったメンターとまだ繋がってるんだよね> Yes, we are best friends. <Taktopiaではどんなことをやりたいの?> Probably something related to music. <年代はなんでも大丈夫なんだよね> Yes. Yeah, I was teaching from like, two-year-old[s] to 60, up to 70-year-old[s].

Q. 今後10年のプランを教えて
Kyoka: My life plan– that's a very, very difficult question. But let me have a think. As I said, I kind of learned English from not studying, but I really, really like that idea of people experiencing lots of things rather than studying just like [with a] pencil and paper and stuff. So I want to kind of try to tell everyone that they could think about that.
