



The two parallel maps show a clear transformation in the layout and infrastructure of a certain town between the years of 1995 and the present day. A previously small, suburban seaside town has now flourished and been redeveloped into a thriving urban centre.
One obvious change is to the coastal area in the northern part of the city. The market has been replaced by several hotels, indicating an economic shift to a more tourism-based industry. The old fishing port where boats were previously docked no longer exists, and a brand-new shopping district has been built on the western part of the shore, within easy access for any hotel guests.
Staying on the theme of commercialising, the central area of the southern quarters, which used to be a public park, is now a golf course. The number of residential housing has increased, including some new apartments built along a newly created road. The west side of the river used to be just a sprawling farmland, but this has now been transformed into a separate park and a school.
There are significant signs that the layout of the town has been deliberately altered from a more isolated small community to a much bigger, diverse utilisation of space. This town has developed in many ways to accommodate and entertain the increasing numbers of people that are coming to live in or visit the area.





