









united states of America「アメリカ合衆国」様々なstates「州」が1つにunited「合体された」国のことです。アメリカ出身の人はI am from the U.S.A.とは言わず、the Statesやthe U.S.と言います。




unit n. 単位

A gene is a unit of heredity used to identify living organism.

unity n. 統一、結束

make a show of unity(団結を誇示する)

union n. 連合、結合

The Euro is the official currency of the European Union.

united adj.合併した

the president of the United States of America(アメリカ合衆国の大統領)
*総理大臣は prime minister
trade accord between Europe and the United States(ヨーロッパとアメリカ間の貿易協定)
The United Nations has exercised its authority.
The United Nations plays a pivotal role in international relations.
The United Nations try to prevent climate change in the world.

unicorn n. 一角獣

Unicorns are mythical creatures.

university n. 大学

prestigious university(一流大学)
allocate funds to universities(大学に資金を割り当てる)
a graduate of a prestigious university(一流大学の卒業生)
go through hardship during university(大学時代に苦難を体験する)
send an admission application to the university(大学に入学願書を送る)
a dramatic decrease in admission rates to the university
take the entrance exams at three private universities as insurance
(滑り止めとして 3 つの私立大学の入学試験を受ける)
I got accepted into Harvard University.
I specialised in English Literature in university.
The university raised its annual tuition fees.

Hopefully, I will get accepted into the university.
My father specialised in medicine at university.
The university implemented a new teaching approach.
Mathematics is a compulsory subject at our university.
I am reading chemistry at the University of Cambridge.
It is difficult to navigate the university’s interview process.
The university does not approve of smoking on campus at all.
Ryota is a second year student at the University of Tokyo.
The university acquired a good reputation for their convenient location.
My students satisfied all of the requirements for the university.

universe n. 宇宙

the secrets of universe(宇宙の不思議)
magnitude of the universe(宇宙の壮大さ)
examine the fabric of the universe(宇宙の構造を調査する)
describe the components of the universe(宇宙の構成要素を説明する)
The universe is larger than previously thought.
Terrestrial life forms can be found in the universe.
Scientists argue that there is no gravity in the universe.
The origins of the universe are still a mystery.

universal adj. 一般的な、普遍的な、万人の、万有の

universal grammar(普遍文法)

unique adj. 独特な

Japanese culture is unique in many respects.
The most unique feature of my house is the balcony.
