
11/22 CIubhouse blog update/ブログ更新(英語版&日本語)9 Clubhouse Rooms to Catch Up On This Week

9 Clubhouse Rooms to Catch Up On This Week

Not gonna bore you with intro text — keep scrolling to replay some of the week's most exciting moments on Clubhouse.

Hanging out with Oprah

The queen herself came on Clubhouse right after airing her much-anticipated interview with Adele, and their friendship is everything you hoped for and then some. This one happens to be split into two parts due to a slight Oprah-induced app-crashing incident. Listen to the replay (part one & part two) for lots of behind-the-scenes stories, from borrowing J.Lo's pantsuit to making Adele lunch at home.

Adele's impact runs deep

Jon Pierre's newly launched club The Popular Opinion is already a favorite, and his thoughtful dive into the ways in which Adele has shaped the hearts of millions over the past decade was no exception. Listen here.

NYU girls roasting everyone

The girls are back with their admirers in tow, and the whole situation is starting to give Roman and Gerri a run for their money. Come listen for the roast, stay for Diplo explaining why he changes pants multiple times a day.

Why is the supply chain so f*&%ed?

Good Time Show does what they do best and brings in a deep subject matter expert on a tricky but timely topic. If you're (understandably) struggling to wrap your head around the global mess that's making IKEA more hellish than usual, listen to this conversation.

Huma Abedin gets a big surprise

Huma Abedin, longtime aid and friend of Hillary Clinton, came on Clubhouse to discuss her new book. Listen here for the lovely moment when mods broke the news in real time that Abedin landed a spot on the New York Times bestseller list.

Getting meta with Neal Stephenson

If you are reading this and you are Neal Stephenson, sorry for gushing. If you’re a fellow super fan of the Snow Crash author, definitely listen to the replay from Science Fiction Talk to hear all about his new book, his favorite board games, and yes, the you-know-what-verse.

Discussing the Kyle Rittenhouse verdict

The hallway was filled with intense, emotional, and meaningful discussions about the verdict on Friday. Replays from Cocoa Connection, Sleepless in LA, and Aayan Fix My Life are all excellent listening if you need to process the implications of this and so many other trials over the past year — as well as hear from legal and racial justice experts.

Queen Sugar finale

Sit Black and Watch has become the go-to club for Queen Sugar discussion every week. Watch the final episode before you tune into this chat with Marla Campbell Harris and Tuesha Campball — even Ava DuVernay stops by!

ConstitutionDAO live after the auction

Josh Constine brought the ConstitutionDAO crew on right after the Sotheby's auction on a rare copy of the U.S. Constitution. The movement raised $42.3 million, and while they didn’t win, the conversation offers a fascinating look at the future of crypto and decentralized fundraising.








ジョン・ピエールが新たに立ち上げたクラブ「The Popular Opinion」はすでに人気を博していますが、彼が過去10年間にアデルが何百万人もの人々の心を動かした方法について考えを巡らせたのも例外ではありません。こちらでお聞きください。




Good Time Showが得意とするところは、難しいがタイムリーなテーマについて、深い専門家を連れてくることです。もしあなたが(当然のことながら)、IKEAをいつもより地獄にしている世界的な混乱について頭を悩ませているのなら、この会話を聞いてみてください。

Huma Abedin氏に大きなサプライズ



もしこれを読んでいるあなたがNeal Stephensonだったら、興奮してごめんなさい。もしあなたが「スノウ・クラッシュ」の著者のスーパーファンであれば、Science Fiction Talkのリプレイを聞いて、彼の新刊やお気に入りのボードゲーム、そしてそう、「you-know-what-verse」についてすべて聞いてみてください。


廊下では、金曜日の判決について、激しく、感情的で、有意義な議論が交わされました。Cocoa Connection」、「Sleepless in LA」、「Aayan Fix My Life」のリプレイは、この判決や過去1年間に起きた多くの裁判の意味を理解するのに適しており、法律や人種的正義の専門家の話も聞くことができます。


Sit Black and Watch」は、毎週「クイーン・シュガー」の話題で盛り上がるクラブになっています。最終回を見てから、マーラ・キャンベル・ハリスとテューシャ・キャンボールとのチャットに参加してください!エヴァ・デュヴァーネイも参加します。


