




def costs_get():
   c = {
   return c



import pyxel
import csv
from module import Fontlist, Text_list, Game_status



    #Costs set
    self.costs = Game_status.costs_get()


    #Craft window2
    elif self.window_ctr == 2:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            l = len(self.update_list)
            for i in range(l):
                if ((0 < x < 64)  and (55+i*10 < y < 65+i*10)):
                    self.update_tgt = self.update_list[i]
            if ((0 < x < 64)  and (100 < y < 114)):
                t = str(self.update_tgt)
                c = self.costs[t]
                if self.roryoku >= c:
                    self.craft.update_pos(self.update_tgt, c)
                    self.roryoku = self.roryoku - c
                    self.window_ctr = 0
                    self.window_ctr = 4
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (100 < y < 114)):
                self.window_ctr = 0



            if ((0 < x < 64)  and (100 < y < 114)):
                t = str(self.update_tgt)
                c = self.costs[t]
                if self.roryoku >= c:
                    self.craft.update_pos(self.update_tgt, c)
                    self.roryoku = self.roryoku - c
                    self.window_ctr = 0
                    self.window_ctr = 4

「t」には選択した建築物を示す数字が入っています。これを使いc = self.costs[t]でコストを取得し「c」に入れます。後は現在の労力が入っているself.roryokuと比較して、コストが足りているなら建築します。足りていなかったらelseに入り、建築できない旨をウィンドウで表示します。






 def Turn_change(self):
    for i in range(16):
        for i2 in range(16):
            m = pyxel.tilemap(0).data[i][i2]
            if m == 0:
                self.kome = self.kome + 100
            elif m == 1:
                self.sikin = self.sikin + 100
            elif m == 2:
                self.heisi = self.heisi + 100
    self.roryoku = self.roryoku + 100
    self.turn = self.turn + 1







※セーブ・ロードの時に前回はwith openでcsvを開いて最後にcloseしていたんですが、どうやらwith openは自動でファイルクローズもやってくれるようでcloseは不要でした。



import pyxel
import csv
from module import Fontlist, Text_list, Game_status

class App:
def __init__(self):
    #Font set
    self.font_list = Fontlist.text_j()
    #Text list set
    self.text_list = Text_list.text_get()
    #Costs set
    self.costs = Game_status.costs_get()
    #System status
    self.craft = Craft()
    self.window_ctr = 0
    self.txt_ctr = 0
    self.inf_ctr = 999
    self.update_list = []
    self.update_tgt = 0
    self.turn = 1
    #Player status
    self.sikin = 0
    self.roryoku = 100
    self.heisi = 0
    self.kome = 0
    #Base window create
    pyxel.init(128,128, caption="sengoku", scale=5)
    #Mouse visivle

    #Image read
    pyxel.run(self.update, self.draw)
def update(self):
    #Main window
    if self.window_ctr == 0:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            x2 = int(x/8)
            y2 = int(y/8)
            v = pyxel.tilemap(0).get(x2, y2)
            self.craft.get_pos(x2, y2, v)
            if v == 6:
                self.window_ctr = 99
                self.window_ctr = 1
            self.txt_ctr = v
    #Craft window
    elif self.window_ctr == 1:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            if ((0 < x < 64)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                if self.txt_ctr < 3 or self.txt_ctr == 5:
                   self.update_tgt = 0
                   self.window_ctr = 2
                elif self.txt_ctr == 3:
                    self.update_tgt = 5
                    self.window_ctr = 2
                    self.window_ctr = 3
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                self.window_ctr = 0
    #Craft window2
    elif self.window_ctr == 2:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            l = len(self.update_list)
            for i in range(l):
                if ((0 < x < 64)  and (55+i*10 < y < 65+i*10)):
                    self.update_tgt = self.update_list[i]
            if ((0 < x < 64)  and (100 < y < 114)):
                t = str(self.update_tgt)
                c = self.costs[t]
                if self.roryoku >= c:
                    self.craft.update_pos(self.update_tgt, c)
                    self.roryoku = self.roryoku - c
                    self.window_ctr = 0
                    self.window_ctr = 4
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (100 < y < 114)):
                self.window_ctr = 0
    #Cannot craft1
    elif self.window_ctr == 3:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                self.window_ctr = 0
    #Cannot craft2
    elif self.window_ctr == 4:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                self.window_ctr = 0
    #Turn change
    elif self.window_ctr == 98:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                self.window_ctr = 0
    elif self.window_ctr == 99:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                self.window_ctr = 0
            if ((0 < x < 64)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                self.window_ctr = 98
                #self.window_ctr = 0
            if ((0 < x < 64)  and (100 < y < 114)):
                self.window_ctr = 100
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (100 < y < 114)):
                self.window_ctr = 100
    #Information window
    elif self.window_ctr == 100:
        if pyxel.btnp(pyxel.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON):
            x = pyxel.mouse_x
            y = pyxel.mouse_y
            if ((64 < x < 128)  and (114 < y < 128)):
                self.window_ctr = 0
                self.inf_ctr = 999

def draw(self):
    #Draw tilemap
    #Status window
    if  0 < self.window_ctr < 90 :
        pyxel.rect(25, 0, 103, 60, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(25, 0, 103, 60, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["96"], 30, 5)
        pyxel.text(75, 5, str(self.sikin), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["97"], 30, 15)
        pyxel.text(75, 15, str(self.kome), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["95"], 30, 25)
        pyxel.text(75, 25, str(self.heisi), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["98"], 30, 35)
        pyxel.text(75, 35, str(self.roryoku), 7)
    #Status window2
    if  self.window_ctr == 99 :
        pyxel.rect(25, 0, 103, 70, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(25, 0, 103, 70, 7)
        pyxel.text(30, 5, str(self.turn), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["106"], 45, 5)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["96"], 30, 15)
        pyxel.text(75, 15, str(self.sikin), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["97"], 30, 25)
        pyxel.text(75, 25, str(self.kome), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["95"], 30, 35)
        pyxel.text(75, 35, str(self.heisi), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["98"], 30, 45)
        pyxel.text(75, 45, str(self.roryoku), 7)
    #Craft window
    if self.window_ctr == 1:
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 128, 26, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 128, 26, 7)
        key = str(self.txt_ctr)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list[key], 5, 105)
        pyxel.rect(0, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["100"], 5, 117)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["101"], 69, 117)
    #Craft window2  
    elif self.window_ctr == 2:
        pyxel.rect(0, 50, 128, 64, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 50, 128, 64, 7)
        if self.txt_ctr < 3 or self.txt_ctr == 5:
            self.update_list = [0,1,2]
            l = len(self.update_list)
            for i in range(l):
                                12, 56+10*i)
        #Target = KI
        elif self.txt_ctr == 3:
            self.update_list = [5]
            l = len(self.update_list)
            for i in range(l):
                                12, 56+10*i)
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 100, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 100, 64, 14, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["102"], 5, 103)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["101"], 69, 103)
        s = self.update_list.index(self.update_tgt)
        pyxel.circb(5, 59+10*s, 2, 7)
    #Cannot craft1
    elif self.window_ctr == 3:
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 128, 26, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 128, 26, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["99"], 5, 105)
        pyxel.rect(0, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["101"], 69, 117)
    #Cannot craft2
    elif self.window_ctr == 4:
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 128, 26, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 128, 26, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["108"], 5, 105)
        pyxel.rect(0, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["107"], 69, 117)
    #Turn change
    elif self.window_ctr == 98:
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 128, 26, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 128, 26, 7)
        pyxel.text(10, 105, str(self.turn), 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["106"], 25, 105)
        pyxel.rect(0, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["107"], 69, 117)
    elif self.window_ctr == 99:
        pyxel.rect(0, 86, 128, 26, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 86, 128, 26, 7)
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 128, 26, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 128, 26, 7)
        pyxel.rect(0, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 100, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 100, 64, 14, 7)
        key = str(self.txt_ctr)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list[key], 5, 91)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["101"], 69, 117)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["103"], 5, 103)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["104"], 69, 103)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["105"], 5, 117)
    #Information window
    elif self.window_ctr == 100:
        pyxel.rect(0, 100, 128, 26, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 100, 128, 26, 7)
        t = str(self.inf_ctr)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list[t], 5, 105)
        pyxel.rect(0, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(0, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        pyxel.rect(64, 114, 64, 14, 0)
        pyxel.rectb(64, 114, 64, 14, 7)
        self.Draw_fonts(self.text_list["107"], 69, 117)
def Draw_fonts(self,txt,x,y):  
    txt_count = len(txt)      
    for i in range(txt_count):
        #Key check
        font_xy = self.font_list[txt[i]]
        fontx = font_xy[0]
        fonty = font_xy[1]
        pyxel.blt(x + 8 * i,y,1,fontx,fonty,8,8,14)
def Turn_change(self):
    for i in range(16):
        for i2 in range(16):
            m = pyxel.tilemap(0).data[i][i2]
            if m == 0:
                self.kome = self.kome + 100
            elif m == 1:
                self.sikin = self.sikin + 100
            elif m == 2:
                self.heisi = self.heisi + 100
    self.roryoku = self.roryoku + 100
    self.turn = self.turn + 1
def Save_data(self):
    #Save data
    data2 = []
    for i in range(16):
        data = []
        for i2 in range(16):
        with open('DATA/data.csv', 'w', newline="") as f:
                writer = csv.writer(f)
                for i3 in range(16):
                data3 = []
                self.inf_ctr = 109
        self.inf_ctr = 112
def Load_data(self):
    #Load data
    data = []
    data2 = []
    data3 = []
        with open('DATA/data.csv') as f:
            reader = csv.reader(f)
            for row in reader:
        for i in range(16):
            data2 = []
            for i2 in range(16):
                a = format(int(data[i][i2]), 'x')
                data2.append(str(format(a, '0>3')))
        for i2 in range(16):
            d = ""
            d = "".join(data3[i2])
            pyxel.tilemap(0).set(0, 0+i2, [d]) 
        self.turn = data[16][0]
        self.sikin = data[16][1]
        self.roryoku = data[16][2]
        self.heisi = data[16][3]
        self.kome = data[16][4]
        self.inf_ctr = 110
       self.inf_ctr = 111

class Craft:
   def __init__(self):
       self.tgt_x = 0
       self.tgt_y = 0
       self.tgt_v = 0
   def get_pos(self, x, y, v):
       self.tgt_x = x
       self.tgt_y = y
       self.tgt_v = v
   def update_pos(self, v, c):
       #Taget point check
       tile = format(v, 'x')
       tile2 = str(format(tile, '0>3'))
       x = self.tgt_x
       y = self.tgt_y
       #Update tilemap
       pyxel.tilemap(0).set(x, y, [tile2]) 



