
世界中で起こる医療現場の人手不足とその解決方法とは!?How should we tackle the problem with not enough workforce in medical community!?


①統率、管理の強化 → 医療分野の教育や雇用、国際間での医療交流などの自国の中での協力体制はもちろん他国との連携を図ることが大切です。
②新技術の開発 → 新しい医療テクノロジーを開発し、医療現場にどんどん取り込んでいくことにより、作業の効率化や遠隔地医療なども可能にすることができます。
➂業務内容の改善 → 79%の看護師や76%の医師が自分のスキルに見合わない作業もこなしているという結果があります。このようなことをなくし、業務内容や業務量のバランスを保つことで医療現場が強化し、逼迫も防げると思います。
④予防医療重視の医療モデル → これから少子高齢化などが進んでいく中で、予防医療にシフトしていかなければ救急診療や入院の需要が増えますます医師や看護師への負担が増加してしまいます。
⑤ジェンダーの平等化 → WHOの調査では世界の医師の半分以下、30%しか女性医師はいません。なぜなら賃金や女性が働く環境なども整っておらず、医療現場は女性には働きづらい現場といえると思います。ジェンダーの平等化を図ることにより、より一層女性医師の雇用を増やし、人手不足を解消することも可能であると考えています。
There is a staff shortage all around the world, because of COVID-19, the medical staffs are having a very difficult time treating people who are in need. Only half of the countries have enough healthcare workers to provide everyone with good quality medical treatments.
Is there any way to resolve this problem?
①Strengthening the governance → It is important to educate new doctors, work within the country and communicate with hospitals outside of the country.
②Developing new technologies → Developing new technologies and encouraging the implementation of those technologies will not only allow to improve work efficiency, but also allow remote medical treatment.
➂Improve the content of the work → According to WHO, 79% of the nurses and 76% of the doctors think they are not doing something appropriate for the skills they have. Balancing the workload is very important resolve the problem of staff shortage.
④Shift to preventive medicine → Since a lot of countries are experiencing ageing, it is important to consider shifting the medical model to preventive medicine as it can reduce the number of people requiring emergency treatments.
⑤Gender equality in medical community → Among all the doctors in the world, only 30% of them are women. The average wage is lower for women than men, and the environment for women to work is not effectively developed in a lot of the countries. By promoting gender equality and recruit female doctors, it will lead to a better outcome than what we are currently facing.
