

Hello, everyone! How are you today?
It's Teacher Asuka.

Time flies! Half a year has gone already!

Today, I would like to talk about Time Management. The meaning of Time Management is to plan how to use the time in a day and to implement it efficiently. Why do you think we need such time management?

Every creature has only 24 hours a day equally, as you know. And, how short the time we can use in a day is because about 7 hours a day are sleeping. Well, what do you think how we should manage our time to make the most of a day?

Time management

First, I always thank God for being alive every time I wake up in the morning. The reason is that being alive in peace is not taken for granted in recent years as you see there are a lot of having troubles, disasters, sickness, and war around the world. Moreover, I think that waking up itself in every morning is a precious gift from God.

Second, I try to do from the things in urgent or important. I do not try to do the things that is not urgent, not important and not routine because of doing such things are waste of time.

Third, I usually make it a rule to think positive in all circumstances. Albert Einstein told us “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

I believe the effect of time management is keeping a good balance between work and rest to control our time a day and makes me satisfaction.

My ideal life is to enjoy everything in life, appreciating all I have at present. To enjoy the life fully, I need time management to reduce just a waste of time. I think it's all that matters for living substantially.

Thank you for joining. See you next time!

Teacher Asuka

