
Message from King Company JP


Thanks a lot for your support to KING COMPANY and our fan page.
This September we have the 6th anniversary of our fan page.
In this season every year we look back things ever, due to COVID-19 KING COMPANY has difficult times and can't do what they want. Last year they released the 3rd album "TRAPPED", I imagined what the track list would be like on their tour after the release. Unfortunately they've not done gigs after January 2020 though.
Their recent activities as KING COMPANY have not been confirmed though, each member keeps working as a musician. We respect them as musicians and always would like to support. We'll keep posting their activities and updates on them, and thanks for understanding when we don't post often.
In the end of this message, we'd like to say this: Thanks a lot to Ilkka, Antti, Time, Jari and Mirka!

King Company JP admin, Rumi.

いつもKing Companyと私たちのファンページを応援して下さってありがとうございます。
最後になりましたが、Ilkka, Antti, Time, Jariそして Mirka, いつもありがとう!

King Company JP admin, Rumi.

Pic by Media Piipari.


Translated by S-ROCK.
