
英語を勉強してますが 万年おとぼけレベルです(笑) よろしくお願い致します


英語を勉強してますが 万年おとぼけレベルです(笑) よろしくお願い致します



政府は若者に選挙の投票を促すために何かするべきか? First of all, enhancing social responsibility among young people when they vote in elections is essential. To achieve this, the goverment should promote the importance of voting through education in schools and

    • 英検準1級 要約問題に挑戦してみた。

      Early 2000s, the British goverment had introduced the policy that many national museums should be free admission. As a result, this plan leaded people to visit there easily and encouraged them to learn artworks and national cultural histo

      • なんだか最近のラジオ英会話 簡単過ぎるんだけど?

        • 英検準1級ライティング問題に挑戦してみた!

          問題agree or disagree: Teenagers should avoid using social media. Recently, many people have been using social networking services. However, I believe teenagers should avoid using social media. There are two reasons to support my opinion.


          Finland 最も幸せな国

          Finland is said to be the happiest country in the world. This country provides a greater level of equality to citizens. A lot of significant social services and outside activities in a rich natural environment are well−developed. Howev

          Finland 最も幸せな国

          なんだか 最近英語の勉強に疲れてきちゃった😉

          なんだか 最近英語の勉強に疲れてきちゃった😉

          Seiza:The Evolution of a Cultural Norm

          Summary of the native camp daily news. Seiza, Japanese formed seated position has its origins as a form of torture because of cutting off the blood supplied to legs and making legs paralysis. Gradually, this posture had been changed to ex

          Seiza:The Evolution of a Cultural Norm

          The controversial practice of tipping in America

          Summary from Native camp daily news Americans adopted the tipping system from Europe after the domestic war. Tipping supplemented lower wages and affected racism for Black porters. The opposition to gratuity was prevailed, however, it

          The controversial practice of tipping in America

          英語日記: キャサリン妃

          BBC news のキャサリン妃の病状より 治療がうまくいき、健康を取り戻されることを祈ります

          英語日記: キャサリン妃

          英語日記 水原一平

          英語日記 水原一平

          Hope forRheumatoid Arthritis prevention

          Summary of Native Camp Daily News The medicine for curing rheumatoid arthritis has another possibility of slowing the progression of the disease. Over two-year trial, only 25 percent of high risk patients who took the drug had developed

          Hope forRheumatoid Arthritis prevention

          Dangers of animal feces/ health hazards

          Native camp daily news からのsummary Canines and felines can transmit contagious diseases to humans and other animals, therefore, their waste should need to be properly disposed of. Dogs and cats carry parasites and contaminate the environme

          Dangers of animal feces/ health hazards

          Lithium Batteries: Balancing Benefits and drawbacks

          Many governments are encouraging people to purchase electric vehicles instead of gas-fueled models. Some scientists said that, however, lithium batteries could be harmful to the environment. Mining the metal for this battery and its extra

          Lithium Batteries: Balancing Benefits and drawbacks

          Doomsday Clock 終末時計

          ニュースで学ぶ’現代英語´を読んで サマリーと感想 “人類最後の日まで1分30秒” This year, scientists have kept the Doomsday clock at 90 seconds to midnight. They signaled the world was the closest it's ever been to catastrophe-just 90 seconds away. Atomic scientists includi

          Doomsday Clock 終末時計

          Easing Stress for Busy Hospitality Workers

          The restaurant industry has been in more difficult situation because of high energy cost, staff shortages and customer's behavior. Also, long working hours make staffs discouraged. Restaurant owners recommend that customers treat workers

          Easing Stress for Busy Hospitality Workers

          Chinese Turists Drive Japan's Medical Wave

          Chinese wealthy tourists rush to Japan and get medical treatments. Many medical facilities are offering individuals healthcare services and spending more time listening with patients. Moreover, the Japanese government eased a medical vis

          Chinese Turists Drive Japan's Medical Wave