
3Dセルフインタビュー 3D-Self Interview with LSP. 14th May 2024


I am working on using LEGO bricks to express and reflect on our own situation once a month. This time it is a fixed point observation about my situation that I made on 14th May 2024.


 Click here for a 3D capture of the LEGO model.

状況モデルの説明 Description of the situation model on 14th May 2024

Situation model on May 14th, 2024

I am the one in the center. I am walking through the darkness. My face is a gray brick. It means that my thoughts are frozen, halting,  lacking ideas and flexibility. I hold a brack stick in my hand which means a pen and a conductor's stick. I am writing a Note, and I have done the Lego🄬Serious Play🄬 Method workshops four times in April, so I have left a trail of activity (yellow-green bricks).

There is another me in front of me walking in the dark, looking at me from a higher position. The reason why the other me is gray and spiky is that I want to help me but don't know what to do. Beside another me, there are materials to read (transparent parts), interesting themes (yellow transparent parts), and new plan ideas (green flags) beside me, but I have not reached them.

To my left, walking in the dark, is a representation of the ongoing activity. The green brick in the foreground is a workshop for creating a positive spiral. That workshop for students has been done, but has not yet been analyzed or reflected upon. The pink parts are being prepared with a highly motivated partner (pink flowers) in a jointly developed program with a training company. The thick yellow part is a study session with facilitators of the LEGO🄬 Serious Play🄬 method. The study group is scheduled but the aim is somewhat obscured. The blue part at the far end is the Asia Regional Meeting to be held in Tokyo at the end of June. The date is approaching, but my own preparations are not nearly complete. The yellow parts above the blue parts are other participants who seem to me to be making good progress in their preparations.

My right hand, walking in the dark, expresses the situation of my family. My eldest son's mental situation is improving, albeit slowly. My wife is warm and encouraging to my eldest son. I am deeply grateful for that.

前月(4月)との比較 Comparison with previous month (April)

Here is a comparison with the previous month's models.

April 2024 (left) and May 2024 (right)

In both April and May my face is gray and my thoughts are frozen in anxiety.

In April I am busy moving about, but in May I am wandering in the dark.

In April I was involved in family issues. In May I am aware of the issues but no longer expressing involvement in them.

In April I was active in a variety of projects, but May is an expression that is far from me.

In April, the buds of possibility were represented behind the darkness behind the project; in May, the buds were gone. Instead, books and ideas were represented in the May model.

In April, there was a big void in the direction of the time ahead, but in May, another self that sees itself emerged.

昨年(2023年5月)との比較 Comparison with last year (May 2023)

May 2023 (left) and May 2024 (right)

A year ago and now my head is gray and anxious.

A year ago there were no family issues, but now family issues are being expressed.

A year ago, there was job insecurity, but now there is less job insecurity.

A year ago, I had a goal for the challenge, but now I has lost sight of the goal.

A year ago I was feeling the gaze of foreign facilitators; now I am feeling my own gaze.

出来事のプレイ Playing Emergence

 In this section, three or so future events are envisaged with regard to the model, and the possible personal reactions to these events are used to explore the behavioural guidelines for adaptation.


Event 1: Significant deterioration in the family's mental health
If left unchecked, my anxiety will increase more and more.
Share stress by working more cooperatively with my wife.
<Is the decision correct? Why?>
Correct. My wife's stress would add to my stress because I might become stuck myself. If I were stuck, my family would have a real hard time making ends meet.


Event 2: A large workshop project is coming
I can have a path ahead of me.
I am open to fairly large deals.
<Is the decision correct? Why?>
Correct. There will be no sense of me wandering in the dark. And I can motivate myself by making sense of it so that it also becomes a goal I sincerely want to achieve.


Event 3: Asian Regional Meeting Cancelled
Opportunities for interaction with other facilitators are lost.
We do not have any particular alternative plans.
<Is the decision correct? Why?>
Correct. The reason is that this will allow us to focus our efforts on participation in the Global Meeting in the fall.

Move in the direction of creating a goal that brings a rush of power.

気づきと今後のステップ Insights and next steps

Even though the realization that I need to formulate a challenging agenda was indicated even last month, I have been unable to formulate "this" for a month. I will continue to work on it without haste.

It would be nice if challenges were brought to me from the outside, but if there were no such opportunities, I would not be able to overcome the current situation, so I will deepen my introspection at the same time.
