
中国の廊坊(ランファン)に咲いた希望の刺青 -CHINA TATTOO CONVENTION 2024-

2024年5月25日から27日まで、中国の廊坊(ランファン)市にて開催されたCHINA TATTOO CONVENTION 2024を取材してきました。



From May 25th to 27th, 2024, I covered the CHINA TATTOO CONVENTION 2024 held in Langfang, China.

Currently, Japanese people need a visa (proof that they can enter China) to go to China, so after gathering information, I found out that there is a transit visa that allows you to stop over in China for less than 144 hours and then go to the next country, so I decided to stay in China for 6 days with Thailand, where I lived in my 20s, as my final destination. (You can also stay for one month if you apply for a tourist visa at the Chinese Embassy)

When I sent a message to the organizer, Wenyang, he asked me, "Have you booked a hotel?" When I told him that I had already booked, he replied, "An assistant will take you from the airport to the hotel." Langfang is about 50 kilometers from Beijing, where the international airport is located. It is about the same distance as Tokyo to Yokohama and Osaka to Kyoto, but I was relieved by the friendly support.

大阪から北京へ -Osaka to Beijing-


It was my first time in China, and I was nervously standing at the boarding gate at Kansai International Airport because I was entering the country on a transit visa, when my name was called over the intercom. When I went to the counter, they wanted to confirm the flight number of the plane I was leaving China on. They showed me the itinerary I had printed out, and I was able to board the plane without any problems. It was only a three-hour flight from Osaka to Beijing. I arrived while I was drinking a Tsingtao beer.


As I was filling out the immigration card before the passport check, I was approached by two 20-year-old Japanese guys who said they were going to Australia via Beijing. From what I heard, their smartphones were not connected to Wi-Fi and they were unable to fill out the paperwork as they did not know the details of their upcoming trip. They were able to use my smartphone, which had a 4G connection, and we were both relieved. In confusing situations at airports where Japanese is not spoken, printed documents are still often useful, and I headed to the exit with my thoughts on Generation Z. I met up with my driver, who was waiting for me with a sign that read "Langfang TATTOO," and we drove from Beijing to Langfang.

廊坊という町 -A town called Langfang-

小雨の降る夕方の景色を見ながら驚いたのは、アジアの雑然としたイメージとは対極の整然とデザインされた町です。まっすぐな道路を走る車は30分間ほとんど方向を変えることなくArcadia International Hotelに着いてしまいました。これから自動運転が一般化するならこのような国から導入されていきそうです。ホテルは高層階の高級なお部屋ながら日本の半額以下で宿泊でき、先月のドイツのホテルに比べるとお得感がありますね。


As I watched the evening scenery with a light rain falling, I was surprised to see the neatly designed town, the polar opposite of the image of chaos in Asia. The car driving on the straight road barely changed direction for 30 minutes and arrived at the Arcadia International Hotel. If self-driving cars become commonplace in the future, they will likely be introduced in countries like this. The hotel has high-class rooms on high floors, but the price is less than half the price in Japan, which is a better deal than the hotel in Germany last month.

I was worried about the local payment methods in China, so I tried using my credit card at a nearby food court-style restaurant and a 7-Eleven, but neither store accepted it. I had to do something about it, and had ramen and a bottle of red wine for dinner at a restaurant on the first floor of the hotel that accepted cards, for 2,900 yen. This also seemed about half the price compared to Europe. If you have any questions, the Chinese store clerks will immediately communicate with you using the translation function on their smartphones.

翌日は決済サービス、We Chat Payの登録をするもうまくいかず、ホテル周辺を散歩してみました。いたるところに素敵な薔薇の花が咲いています。キャッシュレス化が進んだこの国ではもはや現金のやりとりは消滅しているという噂もありますが、学校のお昼休みに商店で紙幣を渡して買い物をする子どもたちを見ると、まだまだ現金は使えると感じます。日本円から人民元に両替することにして銀行へ行くと、ものすごく長い手続きを経てなんとか両替できましたよ。

The next day, I tried to register for the payment service, We Chat Pay, but it didn't work, so I went for a walk around the hotel. There were beautiful roses blooming everywhere. There are rumors that cash transactions have disappeared in this country where cashless transactions have progressed, but when I see children buying things at stores during their lunch break at school by handing over paper money, I feel that cash is still usable. I decided to exchange Japanese yen for Chinese yuan, and when I went to the bank, I was able to exchange the money after a very long procedure.

路上では3月にベトナムのサイゴンタトゥーエキスポでお世話になったデニスさんのファミリーに再会し、開催前日の会場へ行ってみることにしました。明日から3日間のコンベンションが行われるLangfang Conference and Exhibition Centerにはタトゥーアーティスト達がブースの準備をしています。

うまく言葉にできないのですが、巨大な会場に入った瞬間に旅行者としての感覚は消えて、ここで行われることを記録し発信する段階へと視界は変わります。主催者のWenyangにも会うことができ、もらったパスには「TATTOO MEDIA」の文字。写真と映像ばかり撮影してきた自分の仕事はもっと広げられるかもしれない、という可能性のヒントを得られました。

On the street, I met up with Dannis' family, who had helped me out at the Saigon Tattoo Expo in Vietnam in March, and decided to go to the venue the day before it opened. Tattoo artists were setting up their booths at the Langfang Conference and Exhibition Center, where the three-day convention will be held starting tomorrow.

It's hard to put into words, but the moment I entered the huge venue, my sense of being a tourist disappeared, and my perspective changed to the stage of recording and disseminating what was going on there. I also met the organizer, Wenyang, and the pass I received had the words "TATTOO MEDIA" written on it. It gave me a hint that my work, which has mainly been photography and videography, could be expanded even further.


That night, while I was having dinner at the hotel restaurant, the chef came out and took a photo for me. When I pointed my camera at him, he and the female staff responded with a unique pose. I ate the pasta-style fried noodles, trembling with joy at having come into contact with the cutting edge of China's 4,000-year history.


そしていよいよCHINA TATTOO CONVENTION 2024の初日が訪れました。雨のため傘を借りようとすると車を出してもらえることになり、乗り合わせたタイの彫師さんとともに会場へ向かいます。細やかな配慮のArcadia International Hotelに感謝。


And finally the first day of CHINA TATTOO CONVENTION 2024 arrived. When I tried to borrow an umbrella because it was raining, they lent me a car and I headed to the venue with the Thai tattooist who was with me. I am grateful to the Arcadia International Hotel for their thoughtful consideration.

The venue was overflowing with visitors, as China has a population of 1.4 billion, but the space is also enormous, so you can walk through the aisles comfortably. And what caught my eye were young people with Japanese-style full-body tattoos. At the sites I had visited so far, Japanese tattoos were one of the many tattoo genres. Here, the situation has been reversed and Japanese tattoos may be the standard. The convention began with a greeting from Filip Leu, who is said to be the world's best tattooist and learned his skills in Japan.

3人の日本人 -Three Japanese-



There were two tattooists participating from Japan, Yugo, who I also worked with in Vietnam and Germany, and Horiyoshi 4. Yugo has plenty of overseas experience, and Horiyoshi 4, who continues the traditions of the Horiyoshi 3, frequently attends conventions overseas, and there is a strong sense of trust between the two. As Japanese of the same generation, there is a lot to learn from him, including his way of thinking, his wealth of knowledge, and his attitude toward work.

Horiyoshi 4's booth was always crowded with people, and he was incredibly popular, tattooing 14 people over the three days while providing photos, autographs, and handshakes.

ゆう悟さん -Yugo-
四代目彫よしさん -Horiyoshi 4-



Among the many people with Japanese-style tattoos, there were only three Japanese people, including me. As always, I felt the difference in the evaluation of tattoos in Japan and overseas, and realized the importance of "looking at things from a different angle than others."

Japanese tattoo enthusiasts often get tattoos in various styles, but eventually settle on Japanese tattoos. In China, the high affinity with Japanese tattoos, such as dragons, historical figures, and Buddhist patterns, seems to be the background to their explosive popularity. It is also interesting to see realistic and black and gray works stand out in comparison.

生きている作品 -Living Works-


On the second day, a group photo shoot was held with an unprecedented number of people, and on the third day, a competition for the Japanese tattoo category was held. On the adjacent floor, suppliers were selling tattoo machines and inks, there were lectures on artificial intelligence and tattoos, and on the upper floor, a large-scale painting exhibition was held, so everything related to tattoos was happening at the same time.


A picture drawn on paper becomes a painting, and a picture carved into the skin becomes a tattoo. It's obvious, but it's fantastic. A good artist can do good work in both fields. Someone who takes good photos may be able to take good videos. Someone who is good at guitar may also be good at playing the bass. Someone who likes growing plants may become a good chef. It's fun to think across skills like this. With tattoos, the person himself is the work of art, so it's interesting to see a living work of art move around the world.

旅をすること、刺青を撮影すること -Traveling and photographing tattoos-


As I wrote in my previous article about Germany, I have lived in Japan with doubts about the environment, which seems to be solely about consuming entertainment. However, traveling and photographing tattoos are the only things I have been able to continue doing naturally. Traveling and photographing tattoos. Photographing tattoo conventions overseas is the perfect fusion of these two things. I would be happy if my articles inspire those who read them to take action, thinking, "I want to see a world like this," or "I want to go there too."


In the long history of tattooing, individual styles, races, and borders may be meaningless concepts. In the broader world, the controversy in Japan seems like a really small event. Here, tattoos were not a symbol of division, but a symbol of hope to connect the world. I am grateful for this wonderful convention and for the new encounters.

写真・映像・文 藤崎健太郎
Photo, Videos and Text Kentaro Fujisaki
