
💎Some ascension symptoms can be unpleasant and frightening, but know that you are not alone and there is nothing wrong with you ❤️💙💖💚

What exactly is going on with humankind!

Listen carefully to what I have to say we will discuss some of the physical manifestations that are associated with the ascension process .

It is vital for us to become comfortable with these frequently unsettling sensations as well as have knowledge of what triggers them and learn how to use techniques for healing when appropriate .

It is also crucial for us to become familiar with what causes them.

The journey of the soul from the lower realms of life up to The fifth Dimension the highest Dimension is what is meant by the term the Ascension process .

People often use the terms spiritual awakening and enlightenment to describe this process even through the two words mean the same thing .

The sensation of unhappiness with one's life in its current state is often the first step for many people who are beginning the ascension process.

There is a craving for deeper meaning and propose a need for something more than what is currently available.

This yearning may show itself in the emergence of a profound spiritual seeker.

The seeker will start to question all that they have been taught and will begin to explore inside themselves for the answers to their questions .

As the seeker begins their journey they will begin to encounter many different aspects of their existence that they were completely unaware existed prior to embarking on their adventure they will begin to recall previous lifetimes and establish a connection with their more evolved selves .

They will also start to develop their psychic powers and become more in tune with their intuitive understanding .

The Ascension Process is comprised of all of these different experiences.

Each of which contributes to bringing one closer to the Fifth Dimension.

When compared to any of the lesser Dimensions, the level of the consciousness that exists in the fifth dimension is on a whole other level.

In this location it it possible for souls to dwell in a condition is both Flawless and completely harmonious .

Everyone who resides in this realm is connected to one another in  a stunning web of unified awareness because this realm is place of unadulterated love and light.

The path to ascend can be arduous and twisting at times but it finally culminates in a location that is breathtakingly beautiful and serene .

It is a fascinating trip that every soul must make at some point in their existence.

The ascension symptoms that are experienced when ascending into the fifth dimension have been the subject of a great deal of interest and enthusiasm recently.

Symptoms of this condition include a heightened sense of awareness a deep connection to nature and a feeling of oneness with the cosmos .

However the exact symptoms can vary from person to person.

The good news is that as more and more individuals begin to become aware of their authentic and make the transition into the fifth dimension .

The world as a whole will reap the benefits of this development.

Together we will raise the earth's vibrational frequency bringing about a new time of peace and harmony.

At this very moment we are in the midst of a very transformative cycle of heightened light.

There is a new level of waking taking place right now for many of you and this is happening regardless of how long any of you have been on the road or awake.

You will progress through a series of stages in this process.

It's possible that some of the stages cycles and celestial phases will make it difficult for you to continue working at your typical pace.

Even if your ego or mind may have a lot of things for you to do on some days, the energy will beckon you to simply relax, reset , listen, rest , play , or just enjoy life when you are in nature.

On the days that you are unable to concentrate on your work of tasks you may discover that you are required to give up the greater calling that your body and soul have for you.

The light that we are getting from the cosmos is growing , stronger and as a result we are being prompted to raise our vibration in order to accommodate the arrival of a new level of illumination.

It is being requested of us to step up to the challenge and develop conscious creators that we have always had the potential to be .

We are living in a  period of enormous awakening, and everyone of us has a vital part to play in this process.

When we are willing to open our brains and hearts to a higher level of consciousness, all possibilities become available to us .

Within this realm of growth, synchronicity, and divine embodiment, there are a lot of different forces at play.

Take note of what drives you, what interests you, what makes you feel alive, and what gives you your unique intuitive skills, and pay attention to where these things meet.

As we raise our vibrational frequency and move into higher dimensions, many of the signs and symptoms of ascension will start to show up.

The following is a list of the most typical ascension symptoms that indicate we are going through the ascension process to the fifth dimension.

Alterations to your regular sleeping habits you may discover that you require less sleep or that you have greater energy during the day as a result of these shifts.

During the time when your body is adjusting to the new energies , you may also experience spell of sleeplessness.

Sensitivity increase you could become more sensitive to things like light, music and electromagnetic field radiation.

You could also find your psychic powers and your intuition are growing stronger.

Changes in eating habits you may discover that you crave healthier meals or that you want to cleanse your body by juicing and cleaning.

These are both signs that your body is responding well to the treatment.

During the time when your body is adjusting to the new energies, you may be required to go without food for some periods of time.

You may go through a range of emotions, including sadness, rage, grief, and joy ,as you let go of old feelings and that are no longer beneficial to you.

You may experience emotional ups and downs during this process.

As your body gets rid of toxics and adjusts to the new energies, you may feel a range of uncomfortable physical symptoms, such as headaches, tiredness, aches and pains in your muscles, digestive problems, skin rashes, or flu-like symptoms.

Your body is trying to tell you that there is another way, that you should allow yourself to simply "be" , and that there are many people who have been on the road of continually converting energy for a long time.

Shaking of the body from the inside.

There are waves of your light body vibrating, and you may feel your body shaking in some places.

You may experience feelings of lightheadedness or vertigo for short periods of time, as well as new experiences of being in the body ,such as uncertainty walking and connecting in the physical world.

Strange sensations may arise ,but you shouldn't be alarmed since they should just as quickly as they arrived, provided that you are letting go of , rather than cling to, anything that is no longer serving your best self.

Letting go of feelings of intense grief, sadness, and loss.

The discharge of this profound, underlying melancholy is being helped forward by celestial energy.

You are now able to discern that there has been a consistent topic and thread underlying many different time realities and lifetimes for some people.

There is a possibility that you will cry profound tears of release, which will result in a lighter feeling and heightened awareness of your divine essence.

There will be days when you feel so light that you will leave your body and you will also not want to be in time space or move in and out of space-time.

Foreseeing relationships are being rewired all you need to do is wait and let the the Alchemy take place, relationships and circumstances that evolve in One Direction than the other for example when you sense they are about to end but are saved or when you see them coming together but then abruptly fail .

There is a chance that the way you share and offer your spiritual abilities to other people and the world will get better change and have more features.

Days where anything seems out of the ordinary .

Moments of disorientation a lack of a sense of security the impression that something is shifting and not steady and an overall strange sensation.

Communication with those on the other side as well as with the nature spirits and light beings.

The veils have become more permeable and as a result.

Many people are now in a better position to interact more readily with Heaven as well as to interconnect and communicate with Nature's voice in many other contexts .

This is a wonderful opportunity to experience something that has never been done before achieving Divine completeness allows you to become more genuine and transparent about who you are .

Oneness with the source may be attained through the light and by taking on the role of an observer and bearing witness to who and where you are you can ascend beyond the conditions of feelings of suffering unwanted thoughts and traumatic experiences .

As individuals progress through the process of spiritual awakening they are susceptible to experiencing a wide range of symptoms associated with the ascension process .

Although some of these symptoms may unpleasant or even frightening rest assured that they are all perfectly normal and expected aspects of the process.

Know that you are not alone and that there is nothing wrong with you if you are feeling any of these ascension symptoms.

There is nothin wrong with you at all.

These symptoms are your body's method of adapting to the new energies that flowing through you and they should go away after a while.

Let go of any anxieties or concerns that you might have and have faith that you are precisely where you need to be on your path.

Last but not least of you keep turning in every day you will eventually become fully aware of the fifth dimension and live in a state of love wealth and endless riches.

