


私たちが父なる神から来るすべての良い贈り物を楽しむことができるよう、神は私たちと新しい契約を結んでくださいました (マタイ7:11)。



1.神は私たちの思いの中に ご自身の律法を置いてくださいます(エレミヤ31:33)。

2.神は私たちの心に ご自身の律法を書き記してくださいます(エレミヤ31:33)。



5.神は 私たちの罪をみな赦されます(エレミヤ31:34)。

6.神はもはや 私たちの罪を思い起こされません(エレミヤ31:34)。


8.神は 石の心を取り除いてくださいます(エゼキエル36:26)。

9.神は ご自身の御霊を私たちのうちに授けてくださいます(エゼキエル36:27)。

10.神は 私たちをご自身の掟に従って歩ませ、またご自身の定めを守り行わせます(エゼキエル36:27)。


1.神は私たちのうちに みことばを置きたいと願っておられます。


-みことばは私たちに、どのように生きるかを示します。私たちは聖霊に その聖さと、その純粋な愛を私たちに明らかにされるよう許さなければなりません。





-神は私たちに、神の定めを守り行わせます! 私たちはそれを、聖霊の臨在なしでは出来ません。神は定めを持っておられるのです!



使徒 ゲヤス・ローレンス

Apostolic Prophetic Revelation-10 things God will do in the New Covenant!

Dear victorious saints!

We are now in the season of counting down to the Feast of Pentecost. Pentecost is where we receive the presence of God so that we can obey the New Covenant rules. God has made a New Covenant with us so that we can enjoy all the good gifts that come from our Father God (Mt.7:11).

God has made a new covenant with those who receive Jesus Christ as Lord. So what is this New Covenant?

Here are 10 things mentioned in the New Covenant:

1.God will put His Law in our minds (Jer.31:33)

2.God will write His Law in our hearts (Jer.31:33)

3.We will be the people of God (Jer.31:33)

4.Every New Covenant believer will know God (Jer.31:34).

5.God will forgive all of our sins (Jer.31:34).

6.God will not remember our sins anymore (Jer.31:34)

7.God will give us a new heart and a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:26)

8.God will remove a heart of stone (Ez.36:26)

9.God will put His Spirit in us (Ez.36:27).

10.God will cause us to walk in His statues and to obey His rules (Ez.36:27)

So what does God want to do in us?

1.God wants to put the Word of God in us
- God by His Spirit wants to bring the Bible in our hearts. God writes His Word in us.

-The Word of God shows us how to live. We must allow the Holy Spirit to show us His holiness and His pure love.

2.God will cause us to know Him
-By the Spirit of God, we can actually know who God is and know His voice.

-Every human being was created to know God from the beginning. Knowing God personally everyday is possible.

3.God gives us a new heart so that we can obey the rules of God.
-God causes us to obey the rules of God! We can not do it without the presence of the Holy Spirit. God has rules!

-Our heart needs to be full of the Holy Spirit and the Word so that we stay obedient to the rules of God.

Let us in this season surrender to the purifying work of the Holy Spirit.

All for the King of Glory!
apostle Gaius Lawrence
